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Paul Dunn

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Everything posted by Paul Dunn

  1. The Volumes - My Kind Of Girl - Decca (Turkey) What the hell was it issued in Turkey for?
  2. The Esquires - Why Can't I Stop - Bunky
  3. Here is a classic Silky Hargraves - Dearborn
  4. I would love to see some of them. Regards Paul
  5. Jimmie Ellis - Happy To Be - Century City 511 Nice Crossover Soul from around 1970
  6. Here is Little Joe
  7. Here is Tom Storm
  8. Dave, I have all the Fab Peps 45's and the Little Joe on Bumble Bee at home, I am at work untill 7.00pm so will scan you anything you do not have then. Regards Paul
  9. A better day is coming - chances - finch 13817 refosoul
  10. Sugar Mountain / Why Oh Why - Issue Regards Paul
  11. Your a brave man if you do. The only problem I have ever experienced with ebay is with a Belgium chap. so I am very carefull not to deal with anyone in Belgium now. I have no doubt that not all the people of Belgium are bad, but be carefull. How about asking him to send the record first and you send payment on recieving it. Kind regards Paul
  12. Any one got a copy of Lee rogers - Love And Life - Platinum Sound (1980's) or even a sound clip Kind regards Paul
  13. I have - Emanuel Laskey - I'd rather leave on my feet - DT 100 (Green) I think it also came out on another colour Emanuel Laskey - Remember me always - DT 100009 Fourth Day - You turn me on - DT 104 Executive Suite - I must move on - DT 108 Lee Edwards - I found love - DT - 5800 Regards Paul
  14. Merry Christmas and a very Soulfull New Year to you Mark and everyone on Soul Source. Much Love Paul
  15. Great tune. I think it is Ruby's hardest 45 to locate and one of her best dancers, took me years to find my copy, sorry it is not for sale. Regards Paul
  16. Same Label
  17. Apart from the two releases on Kama by Target - Your so beautiful/Look at me & Give me one more chance I have Sonja Bonness- I'm the only woman/Black satin Are there any other releases on the label. Regards Paul
  18. I will be listening as usual, already have the bottle of red wine on the side coming up to room temprature. Looking forward to another great show. Regards Paul
  19. It is another version of the same song, I have never been able to decide which one I like best as both are brilliant Regards Paul
  20. I was told it was Carol King & Gerri Goffin Regards Paul
  21. Re Soul Joe Clements Swaped my copy over 15 years ago to Mick Smith (He reconed it was the last thing he needed to complete his British collection) got back 7th' Avenue Aviators and Four Perfections if my memory serves me right. Looks like a very good deal today, but in those days it was only a fair deal. Regards Paul
  22. Cody Black told me that the red ones were the original issue, and blue ones were counterfeit, he could well have only ever seen local Detroit issues and as you say the blue ones were pressed outside of Detroit. All the other releases by cody in my collection are red, the only blue one is by the Magictones. Regards Paul
  23. Home now, have checked my copies. 1003 - Action Speaks Louder Than Words / You Can Get What I Got 1010 - Mr Bus Driver Hurry / Knock You Out (With Love) If I remember right the bootleg has a beveled edge (Looks like an 80's pressing) probably aimed at the Beach Scene in the States Regards Paul
  24. Marcus, It was booted on a white demo, I will check the details when I get home. Regards Paul

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