Theres numerous reasons some of which we have touched on -for myself its brillaint because trophy records simply dont mean a thing to me-recently ive been filling the likes of ms/d town/thelma/many chi city logos-philly stuff you name it simply because i can get them now much more competitively.Xover wise its seventh heaven -but in many respects it always has been,lots to be had on the funk side also -which to be honest many northern dealers and collectors are discreetly beavering away!
Alot of returnees who wanted say a Ruby Andrews have buggered off -example been that when the accessible tracks go down in price alot of panic sets in etc,its like an inbuild inertia lol.Joes right simple supply and demand is a big issue and yes recession big factors,my overall feeling is that since i started collecting in 78 ive seen this 3 times and it levels out,however the deepest recession perhaps means that say a kings ofsoul that 2 years ago fetched 2300+ now struggles to find 1600[its had its arse spinned out anyway-but still a lovley track],i really dont think we will ever get back to the harry enfield loads of money ebay mentallity of say 567 years ago,credit is harder and it is to be paid for,ie is my job save now?