oh yes indeed Johnny Adams did some great deep stuff -put a few in refosoul-ill have a scratch about in the vaults-Paul me and Gaz Simon are off to new orleans after the austen record fair -any contacts re artistes -records would be appreciated-know your well networked mate,already had help from Sean and Tats !!
Hello Baz,
I hope you're well.
Yes, Raymond Jones did arrangements on a lot of Senator's stuff, Johnny Adams, Charles Brimmer etc. I always assumed he might be 'Guitar Ray' but I can't be certain, and I also thought he was related to Senator. I'm just going off memory here.
I'll ask Garry Cape, he knew Senator quite well, or I could email Isaac or Cynthia or someone else who worked with him.
By the way, I loved the Charles Brimmer LPs and the Johny Adams stuff, even though some of it was a bit low-budget and dated at the time. It's almost as if the indie labels in New Orleans were living in the past to some degree.
Best wishes,