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Everything posted by Modernsoulsucks

  1. I'm not keen either. Sounds like funk/rock to me and reminds me of Dianne Davidson.
  2. I know what you mean. When I'm fishing I don't know if I'm going to pull out the equivalent of a Magnetics on Bonnie or a Pye copy of Footsee, though usually the latter ! I have stock Appreciations so we can dismiss that from the list. I think for something on regular issue to be rare and worth noticing there has to be a lot of promo copies around. And vice versa. I reckon yellow demos of "I'm the one to do it" and "Hope we have" are instances of uncommon formats considering the vast amount of issues.
  3. Two of you ! There is help available. Crisis Action for Spotters Habits does sterling work. If you wish to make a donation a cheque made out to C.A.S.H. and sent to me will go a long way to removing this scourge from our society.
  4. Just like to point out here that contrary to the impression given that this get-together was a meeting of like-minded chinstrokers, it was in fact a meeting of the support group to help Geoff with his addiction to trainspotting. Lately it's got much worse culminating in his poor wife finding the 9.15 am train from Clitheroe to Blackburn hidden under Geoff's bed. He's gone off the rails and just trying to get him back on track.
  5. I'm not so sure you should be arranging a chinstrokers convention round my house. Last time you all buggered off and left me to wash and tidy up.
  6. Later cut with strings is other side of "If your mother only knew" Actually ignore that. I always assumed 54028 had no strings but clip here has strings. Bob Klein will know.
  7. I think there's two cuts of Miracles track that were issued.
  8. Had one for years off Anderson which I've mentioned on here before. I did notice on Popsike a copy sold for $400 back in May 2021. Up until that I thought I may have had the only copy. https://www.popsike.com/Northern-Soul-45-Tamiko-Jones-Im-Spellbound-Golden-World-Lbl-BONUS-PHOTO/353506049664.html
  9. There's three on Popsike in last 12 months at £702, 750 and 875. All poor shape [as is copy referred to by John A]. Nice copy in May 2020 at $2200 [£1608].
  10. Rings a faint bell.
  11. Got it sometime mid 70's from a guy in Carolinas. Probably swapped it for some UK Drifters on Arista. Obviously liked it [and still do] or wouldn't have kept it but to my ears it somehow sounded "draggy" as if backing should have been a jot faster to meld with the vocals.
  12. Hopefully selling as a job lot as no longer interested in selling or buying records. Estimated prices shown so will take £90 for the lot plus whatever postage comes to. Mostly all mintish. Superbs 45 is not great IMO but some moron on eBay sold it to me as M- which is part of the reason I can't be bothered anymore. Albums graded cover/vinyl Temptations 25th Anniversary MOTOWN SEALED £20 ["Tear from a womans eyes" "Truly yours"] Olympics Something old something new MIRWOOD VG++/M- £10 Jackie Lee The Duck SPARTON [Canada] SEALED £10 Little Anthony Payin' our dues VEEP VG++/ M- £18 ["Better use your head" "It's not the same" "Gonna fix...."] Jackie Wilson Whispers BRUNSWICK SEALED £20 ["My heart is calling" "Just be sincere" "I don't want to lose...."] Isley Brothers This old heart of mine TAMLA M-/VG++ £10 7" Singles Archie Bell I can't stop dancing R/W DJ ATLANTIC M- £5 Superbs I was born.... / It hurts so much DORE VG £5 Intentions My love she's gone DJ KENT VG+ £50 [few marks- plays fine] Betty Everett Unlucky girl UNI M- £10 Emile Griffith Goin goin gone WDJ TANGERINE M- £20 Jive Five I'm a happy man WDJ UA M- £5 ALL SOLD
  13. You are assuming the 45 was in the original box or boxes. Back in 79/80 I once came across 500 or so Sherlock Holmes all in one box. The other 45s were also in very large boxes. Just the way the seller stored them I guess. Around that same time Larry [Ray] Pietowski told me about Cadet warehouse in Detroit. Long time ago but pretty sure he mentioned Cecil being in there. Has he had not been able to get in and knowing he knew Koppell well, I wonder if that was where Koppell was talking about. Anyway phoned Cadet and got in ! We both went round. Hundreds of Gary Haines Loads on PANIK label. A row of Hyperions I think. However no Cecil but then only in there 30 minutes or so as the owner came in and berated the employee who had let us in and threw us out.
  14. Knowing you I'm undecided whether you were ahead of the curve or just round the bend. During lockdown and reaching 69 recently I came to the conclusion that in relation to the cost spending on 45s no longer makes sense. Took up fishing instead. A learning process. Had the hook in my own lip the other week !
  15. Very rare original in M- condition Delta #69165 £350 Taking offers on these left over from last list. VG ++ is still a very nice copy Albums graded cover/vinyl Olympics Something old something new MIRWOOD VG++/M- £10 Jackie Lee The Duck SPARTON [Canada] SEALED £10 Isley Brothers This old heart of mine TAMLA M-/VG++ £10 7" Singles Archie Bell I can't stop dancing R/W DJ ATLANTIC M- £5 Autographs Sad Sad Feeling JOKER M- £20 Superbs I was born.... / It hurts so much DORE VG+ £10 Intentions My love she's gone DJ KENT VG+ £75 [few marks- plays fine] Betty Everett Unlucky girl UNI M- £12 Emile Griffith Goin goin gone WDJ TANGERINE M- £30 Jive Five I'm a happy man WDJ UA M- £5 Please PM if interested
  16. All guaranteed refund if not happy VG ++ is still a very nice copy Albums graded cover/vinyl Olympics Something old something new MIRWOOD VG++/M- £10 Jackie Lee The Duck SPARTON [Canada] SEALED £10 Isley Brothers This old heart of mine TAMLA M-/VG++ £10 7" Singles Archie Bell I can't stop dancing R/W DJ ATLANTIC M- £5 Autographs Sad Sad Feeling JOKER M- £20 Intentions My love she's gone DJ KENT VG+ £75 [few marks- plays fine] Betty Everett Unlucky girl UNI M- £12 Jive Five I'm a happy man WDJ UA M- £5 Major Lance Investigate DJ OKEH M- [with nice condition pic sleeve] £70 SOLD Ronnie Savoy Pitfall WDJ TUFF M- £50 SOLD Emile Griffith Goin goin gone WDJ TANGERINE M- £30 Doris Willingham You cant do that UK JAY BOY M- £15 SOLD Ila Vann Can't help lovin that man WDJ M- £150 ["H" written on label - no big deal !] SOLD PayPal :- Modrod52@hotmail.co.uk Gift or add 4% please Postage £3.50 for 1st class recorded 45s £5 for 1st class recorded Albums Please PM me if interested
  17. Bobbi Lynn is crazy but that Contours is a thing of beauty. I only collect USA Motown so no idea what TMG value is. The track itself is probably one of the first "rare" soul items to be spun long before Northern was a thing.
  18. Bitty McClean Walk away from love SORTED Carlton & Shoes Never let go M- ish Please PM, thanks
  19. I think other side is a low-rider tune.
  20. I had a signed for go missing and PO site said delivered to my address, However thanks to modern technology it's somehow recorded using GPS[?] so PO were able to check postcode which turned out not to be mine and were able to retrieve it. If Ireland uses same system you may be able to prove you did not sign for it or receive it.
  21. My take on this is that yes it's kinda gratifying that you have some of the 45s that go for big bucks on various auction sites particularly when you've paid a lot less. However it's the 45s you haven't got that are rising at the same rate which means you can get priced out of collecting.
  22. I put Clare in an awkward situation with Lulu. Clare was interpreting [BSL] for Lulu's set at Manchester Pride. I told Clare that when she meets up with Lulu beforehand to go over the lyrics she can mention that her version of Patti Austin's original has had some plays on the scene. She did and Lulu wasn't amused. "I know Patti well and I didn't copy her song" kinda thing.

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