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Everything posted by Modernsoulsucks

  1. --> QUOTE(mark.b @ Jan 17 2006, 03:54 PM) link hi rod yes indeed i am the younger more handsome and of higher intelligence brother of paul, i now live in cheshire have never lived in social housing, so could afford to move to the leafy suburbs of hale. is that mr rod shard mark Hello Mark, I tend to think Paul would agree with me. I hadn't realised that the Manchester overspill had reached Hale. I now live in Clitheroe which by coincidence is right next to Yorkshire so we keep the sheep locked up at night. I figured it was you from the ad for the Greatstone. I see you're dj-ing there now. I saw Budgie a few weeks back at Billington Brass Band Club. I must try and get down to the Greatstone one day. Worst dance floor in the UK unless it's been re-done but at least the food was OK. Dj's sound a bit dodgy though. Regards to your brother and thanks for that info, which I was aware of, but would like it on Kay-ko label.
  2. that a lot of PIR discs have been spun in the past and that successive generations of the northern soul scene have seen a place for them. I firmly believe there should continue to be a place for them
  3. Cover ups are brill!! Searling's c/u's took longer to announce than actually play. "This is Alvera Washington and the Soul Senders featuring Lalome Jackson" The record itself was always a bit of a disappointment after such a build-up. ROD
  4. --> QUOTE(mark.b @ Jan 16 2006, 11:09 PM) link hi rod you obviously dont know me because if you did you would have know that those four words dont work on me, buy me or send money something to do with my upbringing ancestry from yorkshire mark Yorkshire, I have heard of. Im from Cheshire myself, where Yorkshire people would like to move once they've sold that council house they bought under Margaret Thatcher but fortunately for us cannot afford to. Are you not Mark Baildon, the less attractive and intelligent brother of Paul. If not, my apologies. If so, my deepest sympathies. ROD
  5. --> QUOTE(mark.b @ Jan 16 2006, 08:38 PM) link you may get it cheaper on its national release mercury i think. mark That may be true but I've decided to collect the Kay-Ko label, as I think there may be only 2 releases, so I can have the complete set by next Friday, when I can then start collecting some other label and finish that off by a week on Monday.In this way I should have every Northern 45 by 14th April. I cannot imagine why you didn't realise this before forcing me to reply to your email and wasting my valuable Kay-Ko collecting time. I may have to put back my original estimate to dinnertime on the Saturday after. Thank you anyway Mark for your kind consideration and next time I see you, you must buy me a drink or better still send me the money now. Cheers ROD
  6. Anybody got a Mintish copy of "Two time loser". Will pay £50. Thanks ROD
  7. Arthur Scargill but he was only a miner celebrity. I did have that guy outta the B52's at my stall one day buying cheap end Northern. No idea who he was at the time but I saw him on TV a couple of days later. Said he was a member of the N.Y.Soul Club. Shoulda realised really as he was accompanied by a bit of an entourage but then I never paid much attention to my customers as they got in the way of the crossword!!
  8. Both £50 in Tim's guide. Don't think I've heard Matta Baby since it was "big" , so cheaper I'd guess.
  9. Im not sticking up for the guy BUT I don't really see that much difference between this and the hundreds of boots that fetch "big" money on Ebay such as Mel Britt,Rose Battiste etc. OK, they're now harder to get hold of but a boot is a boot and unless it is misrepresented it is the buyer's choice whether to bid and how much. There's a picture of the 45 whereby it's obvious it's a re-issue. The only difference in my mind is that say Mel Britt was done years ago and this relatively recently. Whether it is taking advantage of the "uninformed and stupid" we have no idea of Fosland's thinking. It is sensible though to have some idea of what you're doing in any activity.I just had a bill for £500 from the garage cos the dilithium crystals had clogged the gear box and I couldn't get warp drive!!
  10. https://cgi.ebay.com/RARE-NORTHERN-SOUL-THE...1QQcmdZViewItem Hope I've done that link correctly You can't really blame the seller can you? It's up there for all to see. I bought a Poets "Two hearts" offa the guy and it was Mint and fast delivery so Im not gonna knock him. ROD
  11. I was just thinking what an impossible task and then I saw this post and it is an incredible Northern 45 but if I had it, then it would have to be something else. Am I alone in thinking that the 45s I do have are nowhere near as good as those I don't. Is there a way out of that mind-set. ROD
  12. And I'll join you there. Obviously they shoulda played Archie Bell and Gayle Adams instead. Two all time classic.......er......non-descript disco records ROD
  13. Just been watching BBC2, the word 'naff' may not mean what you thought it did
  14. I guess Franki Valli would be considered naff but then there's "Opus 17"."You're ready now", "Im gonna change" and "You're gonna [hurt yourself]. "The night" is a step too far!! ROD
  15. https://cgi.ebay.com/NORTHERN-SOUL-THE-FI-D...1QQcmdZViewItem looking cheaper by the minute!! ROD
  16. Completely agree. There are how many copies of Clara Hardy over here? How many copies of Ringleaders,Constellations,Wade Flemons,Dena Barnes etc etc. Demand will provide the going rate and right now $400 is not much by Northern standards pricewise. If you hang on you may get a copy for $50 but then you may not. ROD
  17. I think you're all being rather hard on old Fosland. Without those American dealers on Ebay how would we all ever know what was Northern Soul and which were "Mega-rare" and which were just "awesome". I've learnt a lot from those guys like for instance how to play a warped, cracked 45 with an 18gm cartridge rigged to a nuclear reactor core so that it plays like Mint. ROD
  18. https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=4808110169 It is a boot isn't it. Someone on here bidding it up I assume.
  19. Anyone interested in these for sale or swap before I try Ebay. All Mintish Virgil Henry "You ain't saying....." Colossus The Joys of Life "Good times are over" Columbia WDJ Fads "The problem is" Mercury WDJ Re. swaps, Im not into modern or R&B, sorry. Thanks ROD
  20. Al Williams "Does your chewing gum lose it's flavour on the bed post overnight" [unissued acetate]
  21. I bought the Millionaires "Never for me" on a nice WDJ from Mr. Nemo. Now I know he only finds things in massive quantities Im sending it straight back!! If anyone is interested we [Dave and I] found the Danny Moore 45 by checking the phone book for the writer. J.Massingille. He was inconveniently dead so couldn't come to the phone but it was his brother/cousin [can't remember now] we spoke to and he'd kept copies. Didn't have much luck with Buddy Smith though. ROD
  22. Anybody got for sale in Mintish condition[no scratches,no scuffs] on original design labels 4 Tops Baby I need your lovin [ Not that faded label "boot"] Motown Temptations The way you do the things you do Gordy [first label issue] Demos would be really nice but not bothered. Thanks a lot ROD
  23. .........to spread the Good News about our Saviour,the Lord Jesus Christ. You know Jesus was the first rare soul man. He left Nazareth and despite Peter,Paul and Mary, he ended his career with the Thieves. So why not stop to talk next time you bump into me at wherever..... "What pofiteth a man if he gaineth a Joey Delorenzo and loses his soul"

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