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Everything posted by Modernsoulsucks

  1. I think I may have split an infinitive earlier as in "led to". I'd like to apologise to my English teacher and anybody who noticed that apalling error. Oh fcuk!! I'd like to thank the academy for this award.... ROD
  2. . Sorry. No guessing. Dave reckons it's something to do with who is credited on label as distributor. Chess is GOOD cos that's what stamped DJ copies say. Red Lite is BAD cos that's the boot/repress due to Northern demand. That does ring a bell but Dave is also the guy who reckoned at Wigan that hec could tell what colour the label was just from the sound of the record!! In short,a nutter. Maybe somebody with less alcohol inside them could sort this out ROD
  3. Wasn't there 2 addresses or something similar about pink issues. I wouldn't normally mention this but Im exchanging emails with My mate Dave in USA right now and he's proving to be a bigger anorak than I ever imagined. ROD
  4. Check this site https://www.popsike.com/ Give you an idea and add a little on I'd say ROD
  5. That was it!! I wish I could remember some of the other stuff I took over there as it was all 70's boppy dancers. Some I only ever found single copies. Last time I heard the beach lot only played CDs so 45s must be for sale over there now. ROD
  6. I'd like to take issue with the above. Appalling has two "P"'s. Actually Pete I do have the white Sterling stamped dj but they made me do it and I don't play it. It's there solely as a warning as to the slippery slope that this 45 has led many people to. Before you know it you're wearing aftershave other than Brut and thinking Cunnie has a point. ROD
  7. I think #3 is Johnny Moore "Still can't shake your love" on Magnet. Sure I took this to Carolinas as well but not bouncy enough to shag to. If anyone out there does like that drifters then look out for a 45 by Spooky on UK Decca from 70's, Norma Lewis on some small label or other. The titles escape me but they're kinda bouncy Northern. ROD
  8. Oh dear,oh dear!! I can't really believe people are discussing this Drifters 45 as anything to do with the Northern scene in any way. It's an old beach music biggie as are things like the Futures "Party time man". I must have taken 25+ copies of that 45 to the Carolinas and traded them off over there. It is rarish though. Their other Epic 45 "Closely guarded secret" is a similar beat and was equally in demand then. No doubt some enterprising dj with no taste whatsoever will be giving that a spin too. ROD
  9. I had that, Billy, and Im pretty sure it was called "What is Soul". At same time I got "This is Sue". I think both were cut-price compilations around '68/'69. ROD
  10. If it's a female vocal then maybe Nancy Wilcox on RCA. Just a guess. ROD
  11. Details:- "I can't let him" Written, arr and produced by Stan Vincent. Jitter's Music Inc., BMI. Recorded at Allegro. Engineer: Bruce Staple Patty 052-A SK4M 3106. PATTY [div. of Holton] "Goodbye Baby". Written by Tina Leverett. SK4M 3107. Same info as above. Hope that's what you wanted,Pete. Could the Stan Vincent credited be songwriter of "Ooh child" by Stairsteps. ROD
  12. I don't know what all the fuss is about. Here's my "upfront" playlist. The Beckatonians- Waiting for Godot c/u Agatha & the Sensational Noveltones- The Mousetrap [instr] c/u The Raepsekahstations-Corialanus c/u Anne Summers and the Springers featuring Robert Winters-A man for all seasons [Autumn} The 4 Tops-Hedda Gabler c/u Charles Washington& the Immolations featuring Wanda Harrison-Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf. c/u If I were any more upfront I'd be Dolly Parton!! ROD
  13. I had no part in making the music I agree but I was the first person to discover plenty of good 45s such as Jackie Day. Phoenetics, Linda&Pretenders, True Image, Edddie Billups, Arthur Willis,Extremes, Combinations[Kimtone],Monique etc. I didn't do that by sitting in front of a computer and waiting for them to drop in my lap because the price of gas was prohibitive!! Dave, I think we'll have to disagree cos the collectors I speak to are not planning on selling their 45s any time soon. In fact like you they're hoping prices will come down. Im sure some people are selling up here and there but that was always the case as people come and go on the scene. I've no feelings either way about a US Northern Soul scene as it's irrelevant to what goes on over here. It's not grounded in the culture over there like say the Beach scene or the "Island" collectors and as such has no authenticity or deep roots to sustain it over the lean periods, which, luckily we in the UK were able to do. ROD
  14. "Who yer gonna sell all yer rekkids too in 5-10 years time" Why would we wanna sell our 45s? I don't use a financial adviser when I buy a 45. US scene is yet another imitation of the original so I guess we should be flattered but if it disappeared tomorrow it would make no difference. ROD
  15. https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...me=STRK:MEWA:IT Prices stabilising my arse!! ROD
  16. Hello John, Firstly it is on a red Pick-a-Hit and not yellow as Headsy suggests. There is a Sanders 45 on yellow Pick-a-Hit which [and you may have seen it ,John] I think is called "Is it true" or something similar. A doo-woppy ballad I think from maybe '62 or so. Not really sure. 100A Lover [Don't stop loving me"] written by B.sanders/Buck Ram pub. Symbol. Arr B.S. Soultown Corp. 100B the way I feel Written by B.S./Darlene Walton. same pub and arr. details We may have different interpretations of "fabulous" as Im not keen on "Lover" side. Other side is pretty good but it ain't got a break which is not a desirable thing in a Northern 45. I'd guess '65/'66 Bob Cattaneo. That took me back. Went there with Mark Edmund in late 70's. Before going down to basement we were sat having a coffee and two guys walked in who musta been the mob or similar. Think he owed them money. Mark and I adjourned to another room whilst Bob sweet-talked his way out of whatever mess he was in. I looked thru his 45s. Particularly remember all those Eddie Foster's on IN in different coloured vinyls. Mark and Bob then proceeded to snort Columbia's finest although I just assumed they both had really heavy colds. Didn't Bob kinda disappear later. Mark was always getting me into odd situations. Spent a night in LA with a load of low-riders before some record fair and I ended up one day talking to Wild Man Fisher just after he'd been released from a psychiatric unit for attacking some guy with an axe. Needless to say on that day I was a big fan of his music. If you can call it that!! Hope info is what you wanted. Best ROD
  17. I have that Intensions. I've played it out as Majestics c/u to empty dance floors around the Burnley area for at least 2 years. So not a one-off then. I also sold Tim the CODs for a lot of money so pricewise [apart from Frank Wilson] it's at the top of the range. It was Richard's old copy and as far as I know there is only one right now. I have a 45 by Bobby Sanders on Pick-a-Hit that I rate and haven't seen. It is in Tim's guide but only cos I told him about it I think. Anyone got that or heard it. ROD
  18. re. "Sweet Hot Lips" and "Along the Beach" can anybody supply further info on a mini- LP/12" that I have on NYC Street Sound label. It includes both above tracks plus "ATB" Part 2 and "All purpose love" which is of similar quality to other tracks. Also included is a good 60's[?] track by Belinda Patrick "Hung up on you" which is strikingly similar in parts to Mamie Galore "it ain't necessary" Anyone know anything more. ROD
  19. Did she record this song. Is it available on a CD. Ta ROD
  20. I've just seen this. Im really sad about it and I've emailed Dave W. in case he's unaware of the news. We had a f...ing good laugh back in the day. ROD
  21. Are you suggesting that it is possible to collect Northern 45s on a shoestring. I offered you a whole skipping rope for Jimmy Burns and you just laughed. ROD
  22. Im sorry. It's hysterical relief. My wife was abducted on her way to work on Tuesday but the kidnappers have just phoned to ask how much I want to take her back.Obviously I pretended to be the local Chinese take-away ROD
  23. I know!! I know!! Detroit has lots of people but Chicago has lots of er.... um....people but their knees don't work. "Clare,what did you put in that coke you gave me" ROD
  24. Chicago is spelt differently to Detroit although neither contain a "Z" Im djing Friday night, Check out the ad for Whalley& Billington Brass Band Club. Obviously I have my own large horn. ROD

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