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Everything posted by Modernsoulsucks

  1. Thanks for taking the time to point that out to me Mace. Very kind. I know what you mean about the condition but I know those stickers would bug me and I'd try and get them off and rip the label and bugger it up. I did it once with Earl Jackson. Tore the sticker which tore the label so I took the whole label off!! I was very young and stupid. Im older but still stupid!! For anyone looking at my ad, thanks to Keith from Crewe I now have Darlings on Kay-Ko. ROD
  2. Nat Adderly I hate pets. When my stepdaughter was getting herself a flat she came up with some cock'n'bull story about her friend buying her a cat as a house-warming present but she had to pick one from the cat-rescue lady and her friend would pay later. I of course asked if the landlord allowed pets and she assured me he did. So off goes the wife and her to choose one and a couple of hours later they're back and she's got to pick it up a few days later. Then the wife starts on me that she's seen a cat too. I tell her I don't want a cat cos it will be me who ends up looking after it and it will ruin the furniture and carpets. For 4 or 5 days she kept on and eventually just to shut her up I agreed. Come the day off they both go again and 2 hours later they're back with a cat for the daughter and two bloody cats for us!! "He needs a friend" my wife said. Daughter goes off to her flat and I spend a couple of days forcefeeding the cats and cleaning up s**t everywhere. Take them to the vets and they've not been properly weaned. I called him Tamla and her Thelma but now the sad part. We came down one morning and Thelma had died of a twisted bowel according to the vet. Then in the afternoon daughter comes around with her cat. Landlord does not allow cats so we're back to two. I feed them and empty the litter. They've clawed the leather suite. They moan until you let them in the bedroom and then jump around playing with the light switch cord at 3 am in the morning. Everything I feared would happen,did. My only consolation is that we had their boll**ks cut off although the wife said if she could have got a 3 for 2 deal she would have had me done at the same time. If I play records they sit in front of the turntable and watch it go round and at first they'd make a grab for it until I pointed out to them that they'd already lost their boll**ks and they wouldn't want to lose any other bits, which has done the trick. Im now quite used to them but can you get cat-paint. I want to paint Tamla white with a big red A but the wife thinks he'll be a laughing stock with his cat mates. ROD
  3. Sent you a PM ROD
  4. Gotta be worth a visit and if you see a DJ called Gene Petty, well you can't miss him ,he's about 20+ stone, say hello from me. Stay away from those grits!! ROD
  5. Why do I get the impression that you two don't take me seriously!! ROD
  6. I say!! This is a scurrilous slur on my open-mindedness and objectivity!! I hate nothing with the exception of Graham Norton's "Dance Fever". I might not be that interested,that is true,as Im not the #1 fan of 70's "lollopers" but I wanted to hear it in the context of the Beach Music thread. I saw your bro just before Xmas. Lucky I was there. He tripped and fell into his pint. I had a packet of polo mints handy and was able to throw him one which he scrambled into and was able to keep afloat whilst I hauled him out. Now, if you don't have any copies of my wants, I think you've wasted enough of my valuable time and I must get back to the ironing before the wife gets home. I have just bought that Roe-O-Tation on Gerim so I trust Im redeemed somewhat in your low but deserved opinion of me. All the best ROD
  7. Andy, I still think you're confusing the Beach Music scene with local Carolina acts. I agree we do share "same DNA" but that's because they're both soul music based. Nomads and Soul Set were more likely "garage bands" influenced by Black music because in the 60's a lot of white kids in the Carolinas were into it. I guess biggest Embers 45 on Northern scene would be "Watch out girl" but side played in beach clubs up to late 70's was "Far away places". I'd also agree that there has been a crossover of both records played in the 60's there and local acts but Im sure you can put that down to various UK dealers hooking up with John Swain from Raleigh or the Wax Museum back in the '70's. Andy BB is right to list those tunes under the umbrella of Beach and you do hear them on Beach radio but in my experience not in the clubs now. The soul content was no longer that important last time I was there in '96. It just had to have the right rhythm for dancing, which is the consuming passion over there, not the music. Tracks by Anne Murray, Inmates RADAR UK, Rockin Louie And Mamajammas, KWS, some rock chick with a version of "Meet me with your black draws on" [i liked that!!] and loads of current bluesy stuff from the likes of Malaco etc. CDs were also becoming the preferred format mainly because that was the medium that new stuff they now liked was released on. I obviously can't remember everything from 10 years ago but 60's content Nil and soul content decreasing. ROD
  8. Am I bothered? Do I look bothered? Whatever Raynoma did Im sure she had her reasons and Im not judging her at all. They just don't look the part if you know what I mean. Was it Raynoma. There was another rumour that Berry owed some influential "businessmen" money and it was some kinda payoff. I have seen I think "Baby Love" and "Where did our love go" too. The labels are kinda blurry and faded. I think at the time these were done they were already back catalogue. Im sure someone out there knows the full story. I think I've seen more copies of Jackie Day and Cautions on Ebay than I've seen Mintish copies of 4 Tops and Temptations especially. So what's that Mellow Madness like. I accessed link to Keb's playlist in Japan and got as far as Elipsis track [which was pleasant enough] but didn't have the time to sit down and listen. ROD
  9. To be honest I've not heard the two on Mega but with you describing them as "frantic" I can't imagine them being played in past 20 years. Would you say those two are very similar to "Party time man" and "Integrity" cos that's the Beach sound. Any variation is a no-no. I remember getting my DJ mate to play "Too late" Mandrill and that died a death. Im sure Oxford Nights wasn't a Beach 45 cos it's the wrong beat. Besides by middle of the 80's the 60's sound was dying out in the clubs. I've been to quite a few and all I heard was 70's and 50's blues/jump R&B. It was rather strange cos the first club I wandered into in '79 played a lot of 60's and by ' 88 I don't recall any really. "Wish you were here" by Billy Eckstine on Motown was one of the few and we'd class that as MOR. I don't actually think there's a beach vinyl collecting scene anymore if Ebay is anything to go by. Back in late 90's CDs were already taking over and DJs were getting rid of their 45s. As Stuart said they didn't seem very passionate about the music and were just going thru the motions. What I find a bit worrying is that I've been to a couple of do's around the NW where all I've heard is 70's and our R&B [not the same as what's played over there] with very few 60's 45s. There were some fantastic 45s from the Carolinas in the 60's and 70's and some guys who collected them like Lew Stanley but I think if you asked Lew he'd probably say he wouldn't be seen dead in a Beach club. ROD
  10. Are you two not mixing up what is Beach music and 45s that just happen to have been recorded and released in the Carolinas. ROD
  11. I tried a couple of these before but you never know. MUST be in MINTISH condition 4 Tops Baby I need your loving Motown US Not a blurry boot or whatever by Raynoma Temptations The way you do the things you do GORDY US Orig label design Darlings Two time loser KAY-KO Ray Barretto El Watusi COLUMBIA UK Topics Hey girl where are... CHADWICK Anybody help or point me in the right direction. Thanks ROD
  12. My pleasure, Slim. You scratch my back and I'll......er... um.... reel out some not very interesting facts but you gotta be impressed with that deal. ROD
  13. Yeah, I know that!! That's what last couple of posts were about. Why would I be bothered? I collect Northern and Motown not 70's pop-soul.There were a whole slew of Drifters soundalikes out at that time like the Majors MAGNET,True Expression EMI. No doubt to try and emulate the success of the Drifters in the UK Pop Charts with their Bell 45s, and they weren't Northern then and definitely not now. Apart from "You're more than..." Drifters didn't get hits with the later Arista or Epic stuff. Those two on Epic were hard to pick up and "Closely..." and "Looks like Im the clown again" on the plain blue Arista label were equally obscure. Hard to remember now what "Beach" 45s I traded over there cos not my cup of tea but I do remember getting Willie Tee NOLA, Reggie Sadler PANTHER and Arthur Willis [sold it to Butch as unknown] for 20 odd different Drifters 45s. Still got the Willie Tee but should have kept the other two with hindsight. Ta for pointing my mistake out again. I won't do it again. ROD
  14. I meant to write "Im not that kinda guy" and not "Closely..." but they're not exactly high on my list of 45s worth remembering. Did get a lot of good Northern 45s tho in trade over there for those titles and others. Does seem that some people are kinda plundering the 70's Beach sound and passing it off as Northern ROD
  15. Hello "Lucy in the sky with diamonds", what have I not read fully? I am trying to read this site,scan Ebay, and finish the crossword at the same time,altho now hooked on the Soduko as well but that's pretty easy. Not selling Martineques but mine is purple not orange. My mate in LA's is gold which was first copy I ever saw back in 1980's I can't tell from Pottsy's post whether he has the 45 or not and you know how helpful and affable I am!!!! ROD
  16. Pottsy, do u want details of Martineques or do u have 45. I have it if u need info. As far as I know they are the Detroit group and some of the members went on to become Royal Jokers of Wingate fame. Have a look at that Soulful Detroit forum for info https://www.soulfuldetroit.com/forum/
  17. I think that was a radio docu as I remember Tim's explanation for"divs" that opened the segment as previously being on Radio 2. Maybe that Stuart Marconie who piddles about on the fringes of the scene was the presenter for that. I didn't think that Laurie Taylor had a clue really. He began by saying that he'd "missed" the NS phenomena when even some minimal research would have shown that it's still going strong. The Media have a hard time understanding anything that they haven't packaged to sell. ROD
  18. I listened. Bit of a mish-mash as it was difficult to tell from the interview what salient points the presenter and Andy Wilson were trying to make and Stuart did kinda derail any notion that it was a drugs thing by bringing it back to the music whenever he could. Definitely not enough time allowed to do the subject justice. It would have been interesting to maybe explore our attitudes to recreational drugs as the media would have us believe that it's a "problem" with youth culture to a large extent. We ain't been part of that for a long time. I know when my wife and I found out that her daughter was smoking pot we were concerned but only because she was turning into a bloody hippie.!!
  19. Had A gnu as a pet once,It wrecked me house!! Very nervous creatures.
  20. Actually I should be grateful to Mr. M's. My wife spent her time at the Casino in there and If I'd had ever gone in there, I may have met her earlier!! Im from Hazel Grove and used to pop up to Macclesfield in late 60's/early 70's as there was a decent record stall on market and a couple of shops that used to get the new release demos in. Happy times!! Cheers ROD
  21. Bolton, Lancashire. ROD
  22. I still have my Club Ska 67 LP which is on W.I.R.L. with his "Ska-ing West" and I kept that Prince Buster LP on US RCA. I would like the Diamonds version of "Love me forever" but I think that's an early 80's 12" so maybe not your thing. Have you tried Alex Jones, he's got a lot of 60's ska etc and probably some for sale alex.allamerican@lineone.net ROD
  23. I still have a Gaylads 3002 in VG+ to Ex nick. No scratches. In '71 I threw 200 or so away when I started collecting Northern originals. Got 'em all from Stockport market for 10p each in late 60's and I thought no one would want them. Doctor Bird,Rio etc. If you wanna come round and give me a good kicking I fully deserve it. ROD
  24. First of all let me assure Gavin and Cunnie that my posts of last night were not malicious in any way and Im afraid I'd been at the Tesco cream soda which always makes me hyperactive owing to the high count of artificial additives. That's my excuse and Im sticking to it. I could just have easily wrtitten that "Gavin Page has a point" but there's something about the name Cunnie that just lingers in my mind. Stuart, that was below the belt. Do I come on this site and draw attention to things you prefer to keep hidden but now the gloves are off!! Mr Cosgrove is both Scottish and ginger but despite this he has been able to lead a normal life. Sympathy cards can be sent to Stuart c/o this website. Actually I began to get somewhat disillusioned with the modern soul sound after a few trips to USA. Think I'd picked up Mother Fox, Record Player and 7th Wonder[T-Town]. This was in late 80's/early 90's and aren't they kinda 120mph and not very soulful. Gavin, I think we can meet halfway. Mr.M's is better off as a car park. Was it Bob who came up here to Macclesfield. Sold cars I think. He often mentioned you and said that one day you'd be as good a DJ as him. Next time you see him please say hello for me. My memory is getting worse. Pretty sure it was Bob,chubby with glasses. Southerner, but then we all are as far as Stuart's concerned. Facking too right,mate. ROD

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