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Everything posted by Modernsoulsucks

  1. https://cgi.ebay.com/This-is-a-must-have-fo...1QQcmdZViewItem A bargain!!
  2. Anybody got a copy of "Jive Talk" in Mintish nick and how much. Also still looking for :- Temps The way you.... Gordy orig label design 4Tops Baby I need ... Motown US Both need to be Mintish. I now have Darlings [thanks Keith] and Topics [thanks Ritchie] Ta ROD
  3. Chris Hamilton "I've got to have your love" on Bell 663 ? First line is "Smile at me as you walk by" Just a guess. ROD
  4. Isn't that the one with the lilac cover? Dop you have that,Dave. ROD
  5. The thing is Ady that I didn't want to enter into an argument about the relative merits of Dave's contribution to soul music in the UK. We are all well aware of the pioneering work he did with the Tamla Motown Appreciation Society and his Soul City label. I was merely questioning his involvement with the Northern Scene and the impact his B&S articles had on me at the time. In my own clumsy way I was attempting to forestall any disagreement by mixing Nietzsche with Jack Nitzche's work as arranger with Phil Spector to add a little levity. Obviously the £24.99 I spent on the hardback edition of " The Use of Humour to Relieve Political and Social Stress" by Stan Boardman was money down the drain. By even referring to Nietzsche I was trying to make the point that at the time his columns came across as rather Reithian in attitude with erudition for the sake of it rather than to explain and inform. We did have schools up here in the North, albeit attached to t'local cotton mill where we were taught basics of reading,rithmetic, and Media Studies so we were quite capable of independent thinking. By the time I remember reading those columns the scene here had already developed beyond a predominantly Motown base and was fully fledged. Dave didn't put us on the map, he merely pointed out where we were for those who might be interested. Reading back through the thread I think Dundee Davie and Consdad have both overestimated the contribution Dave Godin made to the scene. If we are handing out plaudits to to our continuing involvement and the scene's longevity then IMO look no further than John Anderson. The term "Northern Soul" is a classic invention but let's not confuse the term with the actual scene. As Sean said earlier I thought it was merely a geographical reference to where it was mainly taking place. In Town Mikey's evocative piece could still be written if Dave had not coined that phrase and we all have contributed to those memories. Dave was a sometime peripheral observer. Im no way denigrating Dave the guy as I never met him. I like animals. Some of them are very tasty. Im interested in film and as a part-time screen writer I did contribute the line "Im feeling very wet" to "Singing in the Rain". By coincidence they used my exact same line in "Debbie does Dallas" but in an entirely different context. ROD
  6. Great fun this morning whistling loudly and banging kitchen cupbord doors whilst making her sign a cheque for £22.50 to cover the cost of 7th Wonder. She had a fantastic headache and skipped work. I really tried hard not to be smug but with the horrors of Saturday night still in my mind I couldn't help it. Kisty, it was smacking bottoms etc that got me into this mess in the first place!! I wouldn't trade her for the world really. Al Williams on a demo, take her away. Thanks to kind thoughts of all fellow sufferers. Maybe we should form a support group or at least have a whip round to hire a stunt double when required. ROD
  7. Im still shaking!!! She is now passed out on the couch. I'd like to say it's cos Im an animal but too much wine. ROD
  8. Advice arrived too late but at least it's over for another year. ROD
  9. Hammie be in touch tomorrow. Mates round. Busy weekend. John, and that helps exactly how??!! I would like the demo but regular will do. ROD
  10. Tonight at 20.03:44 BST against my better judgement I won a Mint copy of 7th Wonder's "Captain of my ship" on GW. I bought this under duress at the behest of my darling wife ,Clare. It cost me £21 which could have gone towards a decent 45. Yes I could have bought her a knackered Grapevine 45 with no centre but she does do the ironing. I am now on a promise for later tonight, although those of you who have met Clare could consider it more of a threat. Im going outside now. I could be some time. ROD
  11. Now at $9.95!! Who are these numpties who bid on it in the first place. Next time you could be bidding for something you want and in come Messrs "I have no idea but it must be worth a lot" to screw you up. ROD
  12. A bit hasty there Rich. I kinda remember this seller and his stuff is usually fine. I think what's happening here is that we are assuming a knowledge on the part of these American soul dealers on Ebay that in a lot of cases they just don't have. They have the price guides and off they go. Any deviation from that and you end up in uncharted territory. Im sure we've all seen ads for Shalamar WOW Rare Northern Soul!! ROD PS By the way my copy does not have ink writing on so you can DIY ROD
  13. I have a copy now in Mintish nick if anyone wants it at £10. ROD
  14. I can assure you that Dave Godin never rubbed off on me!! I was quite aware of Nietzsche's work long before Mr. Godin appeared and could only marvel at how he found the time to write all those incomprehensible books whilst working with Phil Spector. I no longer have his articles. All I remember are some pictures of punters outside the Wheel, a roll-call of attendees and the bloody Ad-Libs. Does this spat mean that any chances of free weekend passes to your excellent promotions are now receding into the far distance? ROD Ok Col. Im a little tied up at the moment anyway. ROD
  15. You're confusing lapdancing with S&M!! ROD
  16. Label looks somewhat worn. WOL. No one think to ask condition of vinyl. Are we on Ebay? ROD
  17. Is this a case of rose-tinted spectacles? I remember eagerly purchasing my copy of Blues&Soul and opening it at Dave's column and beginning to read and then having to flip back to the front cover to make sure I'd not picked up Nietzsche's "Towards a Genealogy of Morals" by mistake. Sometimes he could go a whole sentence without mentioning Alf Billingham or "Nothing's bloody worse than being alone". Living in London at the end of '72 Im surprised he neglected to cover what was going on there too. At the "Wheatsheaf" pub run by Terry from Record Corner the music ethos was just as pronounced and maybe more so in that "across the board" was the policy long before advent of 70's Northern and crossover. Ady would know more than me about the "Bird's Nest" in West Hampstead [was it?] but those bloody cockneys like Mick Smith were just as dedicated as those up North. Whatever happened to him then? Bloody flash in the pan!! Too facking right!! On a lighter note I would like to point out that despite Soulful Saint's libel I have only attented a Lapdancing club the once. My "hostess" smelt of reindeer and suffered from severe frostbite. I much preferred the Eskimoleaping Parlour next door although the beer was watered down and I spent much of my time in the ig Loo. ROD PS If Dave Godin had written an article argueing the case for Santa Claus, would he have been a North Pole-micist?
  18. Back in the '70's I picked up a scratched acetate of a vocal to "Soul Step" in a junk shop in Barking but it played a bit woof so I sold it to a Yapanese collector. ROD
  19. Ta for that Sid. Do you or anyone else reading this have a contact email or phone # ROD
  20. Would that be Lech Walenza? Was Dave Godin a true polemicist or is Soulsmith with his cunning throwawy line "Although I do have a long list of other things I blame him for....." "Nothing worse than being alone" . does not a scene make. ROD
  21. "He was a polemicist" Is that something like a lapdancer. I didn't know that"" ROD
  22. We got quantity on Danny Moore by simply looking thru the Detroit phone book for the writer's name which was J. Massingille. He was dead I think [i wasn't actually there with Dave] but we got his cousin and after a couple of days he came up with the 45s. 100% original and not to be confused with the bootlegs. We weren't the first to get to the guy as Tim Ashibene/Greg Tormo had got copies a lot earlier but hadn't taken them all. Maybe they didn't know he had more. In same way I got a few copies of Dynamics "Whenever..." by looking up Merlino in Detroit phone book. Got his son who put me in touch with his dad now residing in East Texas. Interesting guy. War hero, connected to Italian businessmen, built Terra Shirma studios and not least bit interested in soul music, more Italian crooners. I think he said Chico Holiday was recorded in 63 and I said that the backing sounds a lot later which was when he mentioned Terra Shirma and the way he'd constructed the studio, which being a technical ignoramous just went over my head. Next time you're in LA why not try Fred Smith in the phone book!!! ROD
  23. Enough about you and Luke. How are the cats doing?
  24. Steve I may be obssessive and compulsive but I wouldn't necessarily say that was a disorder cos if I did I'd have to count up to 100 three times backwards. Mace, I have tried lighter fuel for price stickers on LPs now and again but it all depends on the sticker and the records all stank of petrol. I thought I'd got into "garage". On holiday in Cornwall with Mark Bicknell I cut my nose on a piece of kitchen foil whilst eating a sandwich as my wife drove down this bumpy country lane. Usually you can't see anything in her handbag but tissues but on that day she had none, the b*****d. After 45 minutes it hadn't stopped and we pulled up in a car park in Hayle. I got some toilet paper from local loo whilst wife went off to buy tissues. She came back with some cotton wool and I tried to stop the bleeding. By this time Im gasping for a fag so I lit up forgetting that the cotton wool had stuck to me and my nose went up in flames!! Bicknell found it very funny as did everybody else and the bleeding did stop soon after. So nail varnish, lighter fuel and me don't really mix as I'd probably burn the house down. ROD

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