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Everything posted by Modernsoulsucks

  1. Save me that Billy Bass if it's Mintish please. Sort something out later Ta ROD
  2. Pete,I got the Puffs and "Dr.Love" off Dave last night. I'll check out the others on his list too. Thanks ROD
  3. Then, it's the Noose!! You fell Mr. Cosgove into my cunning trap. Wait while I stroke my pussy. That's better. But wait suppose you anticipated my fiendish ruse and really prefer the Noose. Well I anticipated that eventuality too. You will be ravished to death by a rampant elk. Messy but enjoyable in parts. It's the Moose for you. RODFINGER
  4. So Stuart you skulk back to the scene of the crime. Gingerhaired Scotsman. Lethal injection or the Noose. That's nothing personal. Just to get a debate going. I really have no axe to grind on the relative merits of 60's Northern and whatever eras encompassed by the term "modern". Like Baz I feel that there's gotta be a space for the 60's and particularly 60's new discoveries and right now that space is shrinking. IMO we've already had to fight two rearguard actions to keep the 60's alive [Mecca and Stafford] and Im sure there are enough like-minded people out there who will do just that. If it means that 60's gets it's own smaller room at venues then that's fine. If the majority of paying customers are happy with an across-the-board musical policy in the main room then as Roger says that's the future of the scene and I certainly don't want to dictate to other people what they ought to listen to. I think it would be a shame to lose a strong 60's identity and if it was good enough for Butch, Rob,Guy,Keb,Gary etc back in the 80's I can see nothing to suggest that it's the actions of dinosaurs now. ROD
  5. I feel kinda responsible for this thread but nowhere have I said that modern is rubbish. I explained earlier why I chose "Modernsoulsucks". As for modern fans being more open-minded it just strikes me that it's one way traffic. More modern in Northern room but no Northern in modern room. If Winnie thinks that DJ Genesis and Drizabone fit in a Northern room then I'd suggest that's down to his personal taste and to the fact that in my experience, round the NW, modern is pushing out the 60's so they're gonna fit because the music played is mainly 70's upwards. We had a similar thread re soulful house and mixing it with 60's Northern. I just can't see how it would work. Maybe it's time that 60's Northern was in the side room as we appear to be a dying breed ROD
  6. Thanks Pete for letting me know about the Kenard 45. I think it's the lyric that puts me off. I used to have Rita&Tiaras and sold it. I did keep Paul Anka though. Must try and get to evening classes on record collecting sometime. ROD
  7. Milton Parker!!! Where? When? If I hear Pete Warner, Drizabone etc again..... You were spot on re label collecting. I can't stand that Kenard 45. ROD
  8. COD and Steve I've PM'd you altho nothing's showing in my "Sent" box so I hope I didn't do something wrong. Looks like I have Puffs,Whispers "Dr. Love" and Melvin DJ now. Steve Z. No I don't have the bloody Milton James. Im a collector not the mastermind behind the Brinksmat robbery!! ROD
  9. As I am that well-respected, charismatic, babe-magnet of a 60's collector to whom Stuart refers I am pretty certain I did not throw a wobbler on hearing Ronnie Walker at the Mecca. To my recollection the only time I was really miffed was when Levine played Gloria Gaynor "Never can say goodbye" early doors and Francis T. skipped across the floor to let Levine know that he had plumbed new depths!! To further illustrate this monstrous calumny, John, are you aware that I actually discovered Curtis [Midwest Distributors, St. Louis] so I know a catchy Modern 45 when I hear it. Modesty only prevents me from mentioning that I also discovered True Image "Im not over you yet". Oh shit!! My fave modern tracks which I own in my modern box not far from where Im sitting now are Ty Karim Romark and Elvin Spencer Twinight, and Velvelettes "Needle in a haystack" My choice of "modernsoulsucks" is really a not very articulate frustrated cry as I feel that lately modern[anything from 70's oldies to current R&B] and earlyR&B are pushing 60's Northern to one side in this particular area. It's gotta stop!! So thank you Stuart for putting me in it and I can only put this down to jealousy on your part as I am neither ginger nor Scottish. ROD
  10. COD will PM later after work. Steve, as you know "collecting" is a euphemism for buying cheaper 45s when you can't actually afford the expensive ones. I still have some pride so at least Im not collecting "soulful house". I reckon that Ady guy down in London ought to play more "soulful house" to attract young people or that 100 Club will just be a flash in the pan. And Butch's spot would benefit greatly if he just "dropped" the odd track in that genre. Notice "dropped" which is a "yoofemism" proving Im down with the groovey young hipsters instead of still wearing hipsters [remember those?] ROD
  11. Melvin Davis "This love was meant to be" MALA DJ Puffs "I only cry once a day now" DORE Whispers "The Dip" DORE Must be Mint-ish condition. Still need:- 4 Tops "Baby I need your lovin" USA Motown Temps "The way you do...." USA Gordy Would be interested in any Dore 45s really, depending on price, as Im thinking of collecting label.Only have Fi-dels, LJH "Oh how I love you" and "Go for what you know". Thanks ROD
  12. Not with the way my luck's going on Ebay. I'd probably be outbid!!
  13. Yes, it was in reply to the threat of your impending spot. £20,000 prize although up against stiff competition in the form of a collection of size 13 shoes. Maybe £600 Million per year in Government Arts funding plus 2 Billion through lottery grants since that started. Then private sponsorship and awards like the Turner Prize. Of course it provides jobs. Bet ya that guy who sells the tickets at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool is on a good screw. How are the guys in Manchester selling the Big Issue. Still one every hundred yards? And that Save the Children are a nuisance always asking me to give more. I wonder where we could possibly get some extra cash to tackle some of these problems. Better ask the chattering classes really cos they know where the priorities lie. Here's one of the panel, Yinka Shonibare [?], who awarded the prize " a nostalgic recreation of a moment in the history of rave; an audience going dancing, the rituals involved in that, the group euphoria" Obviously not been to Whalley and Billington Brass Band Club on a wet Friday In March. Did you see those old films from beginning of 1900's shown on TV recently where the people were in awe of seeing themselves depicted on screen. I would have sworn they'd all be dead by now but maybe not. Some primitive cultures objected to being used and photographed. They said it took their souls. I think they were probably right. ROD
  14. Im breathless with anticipation although more likely to be emphysema. ROD
  15. Well you would say that wouldn't you as probably the only person here to appear with Bernard Levin. Read it in the Guardian yesterday and today.What on earth for!!?? Anyway next time at Whalley and Billington Brass Band Club we've got Melvyn Bragg spinning some of his favourite oldies and Damien Hirst is going to saw a copy of Al Williams in half and then auction it on Ebay as VG+. JumpingJoan Bakewell will not be appearing as she's promoting her new Northern Price Guide. ROD
  16. I went to one on Sunday. I left Johnny Dynamite boot for 30p and Gloria Lynne LP on Paul Winley label inc "Tower of Strength" for £1. Both in Mintish nick. Should I have left them or am I too fussy. ROD
  17. Ivor, I'll offer £175 so you have now a base figure. Maybe this forum ain't the place to sell it and you'd be better off giving Ebay a go at Set Sale cos you'd reach more buyers. ROD
  18. Baz Im afraid Soulfulsaint is Scottish and ripe for the picking by a Manchester wideboy like myself. As I've only ever seen a Baby Luv copy on Ebay once I think and my mate's in LA maybe £400 isn't that dear. I know Stu's had his since mid-70's at least. Was it broken then ,Stu. Im just trying to help an old mate but if you can come up with a couple of Mint copies on Baby Luv you can work out a deal with Stu and you can have my Era copy plus £300.
  19. He won't get rid without an Era replacement. Was on Ebay a lot until recently but appears to have dried up now. I can only suggest that if you have a chance of Era copy let me know before you buy it and I'll get in touch with him to see if he'd do a deal. I reckon Era copy and £300 plus broken copy should clinch it. I know broken copy seems odd but he's a collector and would want it for "reference"!! He has about 60% of the Paris 45 for reference. Quite excited when I saw it until I took it out of the sleeve. ROD
  20. Stu, if you had an Era copy and some money I'll ask my mate if he would do a deal. I'd say his copy was Ex nick. I think you can't be that choosey with some 45s.Think it would have to be a decent amount of cash to get it offa him though.Or he prefers Detroit 45s if you have anything along those lines. Most are Northern he wants but some are not that popular over here eg Bobbie Downs on Correctone,Young Sirs on Magic City. ROD
  21. Hey Baz, in relation to other R&B/70's topic I cleared the floor with this about 5 years ago in Burnley......... cos it wasn't Charles Sheffied or NF Porter I think. Hence my rather cynical view of the way things are going around here. Altho it is very popular now I guess. ROD
  22. To Newer04 I PM'd you. Thanks. To Stevie Z I had that Melvin Davis on tape off Koppell back in early 80's. Awful. Should be on Ka-Ka!! I have Gambrells DJ thanks already. Needed another for a mate which I now have. Still need the 2 x US Motowns and the good Melvin Davis which you obviously don't have and tried to hide the fact by mentioning the other inferior recording coupled with a flippant dig at my crossword skills. Is it any wonder that you're sat at home instead of headlining the NY soiree and hobnobbing with the international elite. Have to go. Concord is picking me up in 30 minutes. Regards ROD
  23. I now have Gambrells [thanks Paul]. Still need the 2x Motown 45s. I'd like to add:- Melvin Davis "This love was meant to be" on Mala [is it?] DJ copy Mintish please. Ta ROD
  24. Too poppy for me. Sounds like Belle and the Devotions or similar UK pop-soul. Sorry ROD
  25. Most collectors I know, including myself, think their collections are bobbins!! That's why you're always on the look-out for the next 45 to add in there hoping that it will make the difference. It doesn't of course. ROD

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