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Everything posted by Modernsoulsucks
Well Mark it's 2 copies of the record I bid on and Spanner won plus two copies of the record I didn't bid on and Spanner won. I know it's Fiday and something smells fishy. ROD
Tony,did you get my PM. Did it make any sense. ROD
What would be interesting is if Spanner wins these two items again. I hope guy isn't on this forum or anyone here knows him cos he may just be daft enough to pull the same trick twice. ROD
https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=4870876505 https://cgi.ebay.com/THE-MAD-LADS-I-WANT-SO...1QQcmdZViewItem There is also this to consider m'lud ROD
By the way if you wanna talk about the ins and outs of sniping go and start your own thread. I wanted some advice about how to tackle this as I don't like to be made a fool of by some moron who didn't even have the intelligence to alter the 45 description slightly. ROD
Netspeaky, no wonder we have rampaging hordes of criminals roaming the streets!! Exactly the same down to the small mark where sticker taken off. Gimme a break!! ROD
Well this Snipe sounds wonderful but if you've set your snipe for $61.79 at 3 seconds before the auction ends and my max bid is $101.76, how does that help. ROD
Tony I just use my watch. It's not complicated and free. ROD
Pete, "you end up winning it you claim all the listing fees back as a non paying bidder has stiffed you" I've only just mastered the art of the goose quill pen!! The winning bidder in this case left feedback thanking seller for 45. ROD
Yeah Mark I do know that there are loads of tossers knocking about. But it's proving it. However the description down to "Small mark" is exactly the same. I've seen Columbo. Surely this is proof positive. ROD
Pete,don't understand ref to SNIPE. I got overbid and "winner" left feedback for the 45 but it's blatantly obvious that the same 45 is up for sale again. ROD
https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=4870888244 Hello All, have a look at this. I bid on this 45 and got overbid. The "winner" even left feedback. Now have a look at this current auction. https://cgi.ebay.com/BARBARA-LEWIS-MAKE-ME-...1QQcmdZViewItem What do you think? Should I take it further.Maybe I should ask the seller to send it me for free. Must think we're all as thick as they are!! Is it Stuart who's the shark,sorry lawyer!! Where do I stand. Have I been involved in some kinda fraud. ROD
Did I mention the time I was marooned in the Sargasso Sea in my cabin cruiser. Luckily I was able to hoist canvass but phew!! if it wasn't for sail.... ROD
Wait up there,Simon, Im not inferring anything about auction processes. Im just wondering why there's these wild fluctuations in prices despite Price Guides etc. Dave's explanation is plausible. Is it more money than sense syndrome? ROD
Eddie Billups on Helpp fetched £375 on John Manship's auction and just finished on Ebay at £174 [Mint minus]. How come? Cheapskates on Ebay? Im sure this has happened with other titles too. Are buyers too lazy to look around? Can the Ebay winning bidder now turn around and make a nice £201 profit. I don't really understand. Anyone enlighten me beyond it's worth what somebody pays cos I don't think that explains what's going on. ROD
I found a lot of these single sided 45s in a radio station in Columbus,Ga. I kept the Frances Nero and remember BH "Just look what..." amongst others that I sold. I can only assume they were for radio station use only to ensure plug side got played. ROD
I once arranged to go on a trip from Raleigh,NC to Washington DC with John Swain, a record dealer active in the 70's/80's but now sadly dead. I'd spent a couple of days in his shop and got to know him slightly and he seemed a very likeable guy. He was outta town for a few days but we had arranged to meet at 5pm in this downtown park under the statue of a confederate soldier not far from my motel. Why I didn't say no, pick me up at my motel or meet me in some bar, I have no idea. So I get there early and am taking in the sites and reading the inscription on the statue and generally anticipating all the 45s Im gonna find with him as my guide. Next thing it's 6pm. I'd better phone. Looking for my mobile I realised it was 1979 and headed off for a phonebooth. I have his home number. What I didn't know was that he was in the middle of a messy split with his wife and she answered the phone. I spent the next 30 minutes listening to what a no-good SOB he was and intimate details that I was frankly surprised to be a party to on the basis of such a casual acquaintance with her. I tried to be diplomatic but of course had to agree that all men were bastards whilst trying to play down my own membership of the same club. It's getting on for 7pm and Im worried I may have missed him so I say goodbye to his wife and we at least agreed that he was bloody unreliable if nothing else. Back to the park and there's just me and Johnny Reb for company. Im whistling "Dixie" and damning the Yankees by this time as I'd spent so much time in his company. Still there's those 45s to look forward to. Twilight is falling and I look up and there's no one about except for the big policeman coming towards me with his nightstick out. I then spend 10 minutes explaining why I don't have a drivers licence or identification on me. What Im doing in this dangerous park at that time of night and that there are other cities besides London in England. Just then out of the gloom appears John, full of beans and with some cock'n'bull excuse for being late. Off we go and it's nearly 10pm and I expected to already be in Washington by then. John is full of stories about hunting 45s as we drive out of Raleigh and he never shuts up. Then instead of taking the interstate he tells me we're going the backroads. We're never gonna get to Washington!! Well I can get a nap in the back of the car but he's talking away ten to the dozen and I have to be polite and listen. Whenever we find a gas station or diner still open we stop and it's coffee and off to the bathroom for John. I mean I went to Wigan. I shouda guessed that the heavy cold he appeared to be developing extremely quickly was nothing of a sort. I thought he was full of beans but he was full of coke!! Well, it wasn't prevalent here in the late 70's so I didn't twig until it was really obvious. We'd taken the backroads cos he didn't wanna chance the highway patrol. So roughly 8 hours later we got in Washington itself but it was an entertaining journey if being trapped in a car with a paranoid cokehead is your idea of a pleasant night out. All we had to do then was find our motel which he'd pre-booked. I'd never been to Washington and where we were driving Im glad I hadn't. It looked like Dresden. Burnt out buildings and waste ground. Then I noticed the White House through the window so I figured we must be close now. However still some driving to do as John carried on with his tales although I'd heard some a few times by then. I then noticed the White House. Either there were two White Houses or maybe we were on the other side of it. I didn't know. When I noticed the White House for the third time I thought I'd mention it to John. If I could get a word in edgeways. To cut a long story short I think we passed the White House about 6 or 7 times before arriving at the motel. I then spent another 2or 3 hours drinking coffee and praying he'd run out of stories to tell me. I did get some OK 45s and LPs but next time he told me he'd found a place full of rare 60's soul 45s I said I was washing my hair!!! ROD
Second time I went to Bob Mays in Detroit and we'd got friendly he invites me on a fishing trip the next day with him and a mate. Anyone who knows Bob will say that he liked a drink. Used to have crates of schnapps in his shop and he'd start drinking from getting up to going to bed. I turned up at 11am and he's paralytic. Mate picks us up and off we go with Bob the Hillbilly rolling around drinking in the back seat. Suddenly there's this awful stench and we all start to retch. Seems that catfish like rancid chicken livers and Bob has not secured the lid on the bait box. Jump out the car for synchronised vomiting then Bob's mate cleans the mess out the back seat. Back in the car and off to the lake. Im sat there waiting for a bite whilst Bob reels around the edge of the lake trying to cast in. Then an almighty splash and we're fishing Bob outta the lake. I caught one and we had it for breakfast the next day. I think Bob killed it by breathing on it. ROD
It wasn't Ron Guy who pulled the gun on us. We were explaining why he owed us the money when he started screaming and this guy runs up from the flat below with a shotgun. Luckily Mick was an ex-para so he knew exactly what to do. He got behind me!! Don't remember the cockroaches but then Im glad Dave didn't tell me cos I'd have been battering the door down then. I remember one time in the Carolinas looking through 45s outside on these kinda market stalls in this woman's back yard and having bug-killer spray in one hand whilst trying to look at the 45s. There were loads of big black hornets buzzing about and all these nests in the roofs of the stalls. Being British, Dunkirk spirit, stiff upper lip etc Im afraid I ran round the garden like a big girl. Those hornets were huge. ROD
I was with Dave Raistrick when we got locked in a shed in Richmond full of 45s in early 80's. Owner said he'd be back for us. It's getting very dark and no sign of owner so Dave decides to smash the door down. Think he'd been watching too many cop shows cos he only managed to knock a couple of panels out. He's trying to squeeze his body through when the owner turns up and we had some quick explaining to do. Owner probably thought we were trying to do a runner. Another time me and Mick Atherton had a shotgun pulled on us when we went round to a guy's, Ron Guy if anyone remembers him, to get some money or 45s he owed us. Luckily Im still here and I still have those brown trousers!! ROD
Sorry Sean and Gavin. I once asked Bob Cosby what you were like as DJs and he said nothing to choose between you and that you weren't as good as him. Since then I've regarded you both as interchangeable. I like Bob, don't you? ROD
How long has she been dead. Any movement at all?
So Gavin and Chalky we appear to be more in agreement than first appeared. Maybe the real problem is some of the music playing in Northern rooms masquerading as modern soul. As Gavin said, dance music but not soul. Im not going to say anything else about the importance of continuing to play underplayed and new 60's cos BazM has done it for me. I know his committment to all kinds of modern soul over the years and it's good to see him writing in the defence of us luddites and blinkered reactionaries. To Soul Intention. Those tracks you mentioned have about as much effect on me as Levine's Exciters etc did back in the 70's. There's just something missing. Finally this little tiff is all Stuart Cosgrove's doing but he has promised to make amends. Using his considerable clout at Channel 4 he has arranged for all of us to sleep with our choice of the female stars of "Desperate Housewives". Obviously not all at once cos that would be a bit freaky. So I reckon we all owe Stuart a big debt of gratitude and should get in touch right away to arrange running order etc I've already baggsed Eva Longoria [Gabby]. ROD
Hey Sean I think your take on things is rather selective. Those early Mecca tracks you listed were I agree pretty well universally accepted at the time but you conveniently omitted to mention the later Mecca disco phase when Ian and Colin were playing tracks like Salsoul Orchestra which were big in the NY clubs. It was that change in music policy which led to a split in the audience not those earlier tracks. I can well remember waiting till the last half hour for Colin to play 60's like Don Gardner. I really object to the idea that the 60's newies crowd were negative and retrograde. That Stafford thing was a reaction to the 60's newies being squeezed between 60's oldies [the real beer towel crowd] and modern. Are you really saying that Rob Marriot,Jim Wensiora, Guy, Keb,Tim Ashibende, Butch, myself and Dave W. were a bunch of know-nothings out of touch with the direction the scene was going and having no appreciation of soul music in general. Should Dave and I have not bothered playing Monique, Phoenetics, Young Brothers, Limelights, Combinations, Del-Tours,Topics, the unreleased Motown etc cos people were happy dancing to Richard's album tracks. Was that a retrograde step and they weren't worth listening to cos they're crap 60's. Yeah we didn't play many from the 70's but then other DJs were doing that and I do remember playing Blue Steam cos it was a bit less polished and just fitted in with what we were trying to do. Finally if I understand Chalky's comment he feels that the revival has led to modern soul not being accepted nowadays when both Baz and I have stated that we've attended venues where it's exactly the reverse and it's 60's,unless oldies, that's suffering. So allow us a little corner to listen to what we like and keep that strand of the scene alive.To use the examples earlier in the thread I don't see that Drizabone and DJ Genesis are any kind of future. ROD
Miss-Popcorn, that's very good of you and it does look the business. Thanks a lot, really appreciate you taking the time to let me know. Now I've just gotta win it!! ROD