I don't know you either,Mike, but I think you should be extremely proud and congragulated for what you've achieved with Soul Source. I would say that the site is indispensable and for me it's the 2006 equivalent of Dave Godin's old column but far more informative and influential.
I've no idea of the workings of the internal computing engine but if your withdrawal meant that we would lose this site, then it would be akin to the Casino,Mecca,Stafford,100 Club etc all shutting their doors on the same day.
I've corresponded with some really nice genuine people and some modern fans on here and would really like to continue doing so.
Im sure your efforts on our behalf are very time consuming and maybe you could be doing something else such as a spot of DIY, taking the wife shopping or the kids to see the Arctic Monkeys!!
I hope you reconsider.