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Everything posted by Modernsoulsucks

  1. "Doing the hoovering", you wimp!! Real men are doing the laundry!! ROD
  2. I, of course, have no negative views on female collectors. It's never crossed my mind. Married as I am to an extremely independent and successful harridan[sorry, meant to say "woman"]I am well on the way to being reconstructed as a household drudge[sorry, that should read "new man"]. In fact I can entirely sympathise with female collectors. Whilst for instance were I to buy Fascinators and George Blackwell it would cost me a lot less than my female counterpart because I would not need the matching shoes and handbag in yellow and blue. ROD
  3. Greg, I have a contact # who can give you a contact # for Siz if none of Greatstone lads have it. Alan, I don't disagree with your recollections of 45s played at Pendulem but I think the DJs there had no trouble in tracking down 45s to play. Long before Richard got behind the decks I heard and bought there "No right to cry" SACK and Joseph Moore MAR-V-LUS. You could hear everything that was big at the Torch and MORE!! Like Pendulem I think Barry Tasker should get more credit than he does. In fact he gets none really and he was definitely the major influence in my early NS days. ROD
  4. Drew, was that what was once the Tabernacle [think it was called that]. Used to be allnighters there in late 60's. I do remember Martyn Ellis at Torch but not so much the Pendulem. Maybe there as a punter and perhaps a guest spot. Richard was deffo a regular attender up until he got behind the decks and Va Va's started whilst he was dj-ing at Pendulem. I have spoken to Zan a few times over past couple of years and he denies being a "scary looking ginger-haired Scottish guy" and his wife attested to him being a big pussycat at heart. I, of course, thought better of putting the counter argument. What was that guy who ran a few things with Siz. Martin ? Always going round asking "What's the buzz". ROD
  5. Jaco,I prefer to think of myself as fighting a valiant rearguard action against all odds. ROD
  6. I was just going to say that if Karen went and made us all a nice cuppa tea, then us lads could have a chat amongst ourselves and hopefully come up with some ideas. ROD
  7. Er,Greg I wasn't kidding about things being a blur so I wouldn't take anything I say as gospel without confirmation first. I do remember the old lady Chris referred to, a well known sight around Manchester,relieving herself wherever the fancy took her. She wasn't into Northern though. I thought Rowntrees sound was on Corporation St between M&S and Victoria train station/Ralph's Records. I think Zan used to hang about outside. Zan is still around. As far as I remember Pendulem started at the Victoria Hotel in Hardman St. I went there after a Chairmen of the Board concert sometime before '71. It moved to MSG club probably on corner of Millgate which is near Cathedral and behind Corporation St. Definitely Barry Tasker and Dave White who started it but I think Dave dropped out, someone else came in maybe, but then Richard Searling got his break there. Barry is still around and well worth getting in touch with. Gaetaneo's was underneath an ice-cream and cafe Italian thingy. Back Piccadilly. Myself, Dave Witless and I think Dave McCadden played and had guests. Who, I've no idea. Maybe Tim Finch who is on this site and sold George Lemons there for £1 cos it was crap and no one would ever pay anything more for it. I did tell him one day it would be worth £1500 but he will of course deny that. I didn't buy it off him cos I wanted a kebab later. I did check my Manchester A-T [some of the pages are missing] which is why although vague I do remember where some of the clubs were. If I can be of any more help I'd be amazed. Slight correction to earlier Soulful Hound post. It is SIZ not fis. Steve Sales I think real name. He's knocking about and is it Andy who runs Middleton. He's had recent business dealings with him. Andy,£24 in!! Do you think Im made of money!! ROD PS Go to Greatstone next time it's on. Rubbish dancefloor, djs not as good as those now residing in Clitheroe but a lot of guys there who were around in the 70's and have stuck with it.
  8. Chalky, I think there's another release by them. Recollect me and Alex Jones finding another but it wasn't particularly NS sounding so we got rid of it over there, maybe to Lew. Not 100% sure but Im pretty certain it was them. ROD
  9. Ah Newer, that's cleared it up. It's not Frank but F. Rank or Freda Rank to give her full name, a well-known virtuoso on the organ. She had a lot of money in the bank. Was married to a Manc. He got run over by a tank Her heart sank But she could be relied upon to give you a ...cheery smile. ROD
  10. Tony, are you referring to me? I don't remember that which kinda bears out my first post. The Pendulem. The Carlsberg of all NS clubs. Barry Tasker and Dave White.So far ahead of it's time, Barry wore silvery suits and took his holidays on the moon!! Sadly,sadly missed. ROD
  11. Malc has raised an important point there. Most blokes wouldn't be in the same room with another bloke playing on his organ Could it be a woman who is playing the organ, and is it the singer's organ or her own. Is the organ the larger variety that you find in England or the smaller Scottish model. Is the song a standard gospel re-working or perhaps from the oral tradition that was popular in '69. I must stop watching Graham Norton. ROD
  12. Oh yeah!! If it was an ill-informed pseudonym I'd be calling myself "IMSORRYYOU'VEGOTMALARIA". Im afraid it's all a blur from the day I stepped inside the Moon in Duckinfield. Does that count as Manchester? ROD
  13. Really nice vocal. Here's latest sale on Soul Source of this 45 /index.p...3&hl=Topics ROD
  14. Hey Mark, there were quite a few NS fans seen at the rockabilly/R&B nights around Manchester in the 80's. Carl Perkins "Put your cat clothes on" or Boyd Bennet "My boy flat-top" etc were almost as electric played loud in a club as Northern. Proud to be White-trash ROD
  15. "Man is born free but is everywhere in chains." You're married too, Stuart ? ROD
  16. Mark, if John gets his 45s from USA he pays no VAT on the 45s but he still has to pay VAT to taxman. I fell into that trap when I was dealing full-time. He can't claim anything back on the records. So if he bought at $1000 and sold at £2000 cos he's registered he'd pay £350 VAT which puts up the cost of the initial purchase by 50%!! Think Im right in that, aren't I John. ROD
  17. It's particularly obvious that some UK dealers/ collectors/sellers operate as if Ebay does not exist. They have the JM and TB guides and seem to stick to those when pricing, taking usually the rate for a mint copy and then even adding on at times. They completely fail to take into account record condition or the fact that the same records appear regularly on Ebay [they may have even got their 45s from Ebay themselves] at half the price or in a lot of instances without attracting any bids, despite the US seller mentioning that it's so much in the guide. I think a general perusal of what's on sale at any allnighter would bear that observation out. If you're trying to sell 45s at £30 and above IMO you're selling to collectors and you've not done your homework if you think we just shell out cos it's there. We're on Ebay,we get various lists, there's this site, so we compare prices and majority of us will wait until we think it's worth the money. Of course the price guides have been a disaster in that the source of supply has wised up but then a lot of US dealers have been abreast of developments over here well before JM and TB guides. However it has spread to a lot more people over there and last time I was in USA I did get the impression that these guys think ALL 60's soul 45s are worth a fortune. Too late to put the genii back in the jar but maybe the new editions of these guides will reflect what some of us see as a too high valuation on a lot of 45s. They say anecdotal evidence is not proof but for instance Eddie Bishop reg issue is £300 in both guides [or maybe was on John's site] but can't sell it for £150. No wonder,it's crap!! Im sure many people on here have similar experiences. I do take John's point though about global reach. Bit of a difference between his site and my handful down at the local Northern do!! There is however a slight upside to all this in that you can sell pretty poor records and make a profit by selling cheaper than guides or established sites. I recently sold a couple for £15 and £40 which were £75 and £100 elsewhere respectively. Maybe the problem with the guides is that they cannot reflect the fluid nature of what collectors are prepared to pay. For every 45 that John or Tim IMO over-rates there's another they've under-rated if you take the Ebay auctions as your guide. ROD
  18. That's gotta be Dave McCadden. Think he wrote that cos Frank's column was more or less a rehash of the ads found elsewhere in B&S. I've seen Frank in the past 12 months at a do around Burnley. My wife recognised him right away and said that he'd hit on her when she was younger. Although it was several years and lbs ago I find it slightly disconcerting that Frank and I share the same taste in women. ROD
  19. Well Brian I kinda objected to Paul's complaint that Russ's style turned people off. I didn't listen but wasn't he doing a Wheel special so there's gotta be some historical perspective, which I agree with Paul should maybe stop short of droning on about pre-decimalisation. However,I ain't heard many shouts going out to the Chingford Massif either on Mr. Bicknell's show. Apologies if that bit of youth culture is now passe. Whilst Im posting he then comes up with the dreaded sub-Three Dog Night Porter 45 as a suitable bridge to the current scene. Now,unless I've got this completely wrong that record is more to do with the nostalgia type venues even though I've only heard it in past 6 years or so. It's like "Party time man" and the other beach music clones that are easy on the ear and feet. It may be that a way forward is for Xfm to run their own club night aimed at the younger element and maybe there will be some crossover onto the existing scene as there was with Mod revival in the 80's. But who entertains and even educates these punters. Soul Sam,Butch, Andy Dyson and with all due respect to these guys, are you not back to Paul's complaint that it's seen as grandad music. ROD
  20. I didn't call Paul a "tosser"[those were his words] I think you'll find ,Brian. I called him a "muppet". In hindsight I started it and I apologise. However my questions to him still stand. How will targeting largely the Manchester student population attract new blood to the scene, and why does RW get in the way of the music. I used to listen to Mike Raven on the radio. I don't remember him being the voice of youth at the time and his musical leanings were definitely not towards soul but the blues. I didn't stop listening because he'd still play something I'd like and want to buy. RW seems to be an easy target on this site. Someone else on this thread said he and his mates thought Wigan was "laughable" when they went and yet it was pretty much a continuation of the Torch and a lot of the people there like me came down after the Mecca. You heard a lot of the same 45s and the record bar was definitely a good place to buy and trade. That's not to say that a couple of years later we were listening to pop and Sousson instumentals but there were still good records played. I don't see that it's my responsibility to get new blood on the scene. If the idea that playing NF Porter to a small demographic in Manchester is the way for us to flourish then I have to disagree. I went to Quinvy's night in Burnley. No NF Porter heard there all night. So to put that 45 forward as representative of the current scene whilst denigrating RW is missing the whole ethos of Northern by a mile. The only way for NS to flourish is for it not to become stale or stagnant by playing different 45s. I think I've turned up enough popular 45s to say that I've done my bit. With internet radio,BBC local and national radio and the odd TV exposure there are plenty of avenues to hear Northern, much more than in my day, and those with a predisposition towards it will find it. You can't package it as the latest thing cos it's not. My jaundiced view of the younger element owes a lot to the knobheads at the Black Lion in Skipton who attended each time I did and spilt beer all over the dance floor and took the mick out of the dancers. Maybe Paul's potential converts will be completely different. ROD
  21. And you mate can practice your dj skills with your copy of Nolan Porter and then go up to bed and dream of your little utopia where there are no dads or Uncle Terry's in NS clubs but just "cool" guys from15-34 spilling beer all over the floor and shouting their mouths off and you'll be a big wheel behind the decks. ROD
  22. Before we start tossing "tosser" around perhaps you could explain to me how playing one of the worst tracks I've ever heard to a bunch of non-soul fans in one small part of the country is going to attract a discerning crowd, move the scene forward, backwards or bloody sideways. You mate sound like a jumped-up know-nothing. You ain't fit to lick Russ's boots and God knows he pressed up enough of them. ROD
  23. Just what we f**king need. A load of shandied up knobhead students asking for Nolan Porter. I can't wait!! ROD
  24. Oh man, you blew it big time,Paul B. Nolan Porter is your choice is it. Go back to listening to the Beatles. What a muppet!! ROD
  25. Can't really see what objection there could be to Russ presenting a show on this small station aimed at Manchester trendy types. Richard has been doing a Northern show for years and he's not really been active since the early days of Stafford apart from his modern soul promotions. Don't really remember walking into Wigan back in September 1973 and thinking that Russ Winstanley was worse than any of the other DJs. As for young blood I ain't noticed that much apart from a few moddy types in R&B rooms dancing to stuff we would, and still do, laugh at. Guys, get it into your heads. It ain't Northern Soul. If I'd have played a 45 I didn't know that sounded like that it wouldn't have got past the first couple of bars. If Paul B thinks he can do better let him give it a go but unless he's got some kick-ass collection of 45s we've never heard then I'd prefer Russ's nostalgia trip cos at least he was playing some of those 45s for the first time at Wigan. ROD

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