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Everything posted by Modernsoulsucks

  1. "Well Simon, perhaps few right now would ever want to concede or contemplate this ... but possibly the future and cutting edge of rare soul appreciation may lie overseas, outside the UK ???" We are talking about the UK scene aren't we? So the fact that there's a night on in Melbourne really has no bearing on whether scene here is contracting again. I would like to know though what 45s they play overseas that we don't or haven't at some stage. I was coming home from Winsford the other night at 4am with hardly any traffic on the road and lights out in all the houses and I was thinking to myself that I'd left 200 people dancing away in some small market town in Cheshire. I think that can be considered "underground" still despite odd bit of Media coverage. ROD
  2. Quite agree,Simon. That Dean Anderson!! Most softly-spoken polite headbanger I've ever met. And Guy "Mephistopheles" Hennigan was a Machiveallian manipulator without equal.Forcing me to take the Groovettes and Larry Wright for some imagined favour I'd done him. Thoroughly nasty pieces of work,the pair of them!! ROD
  3. JT, if someone takes the trouble to sign up to Ebay and get Paypal access how on earth is anyone NOT going to see this 45. Fact that it's $2000+ is going to deter most buyers anyway. Having said that a mate of mine on this site wasn't aware that USA Ebay carried more soul 45s than UK Ebay. He runs his own successful company so not a surprise that he was somewhat slow on the uptake. A nice bloke despite being a capitalist oppressor of the working class. I hope I've not given anything away there but hey Im quite happy for other people to have same opportunities as me. ROD
  4. I'd agree with that with the proviso that it's the guides that have inflated the prices in the first place by assuming that all 45s have risen along with certain collectible titles. Unless JM and TB got their valuation off the top of their heads then whatever benchmark they originally used is no longer valid because it's now evident a lot esp. at cheaper end don't sell for that. I don't like the guides but Im sure John and Tim put a lot of work into compiling them so only conclusion to draw is that there is a downturn. ROD
  5. Just had a look at that,Adam. Curious!! ROD
  6. I think you'll find there's a few buyers in the past who haven't checked. ROD
  7. Pete,I meant if you're gonna rip some buyer off then why not Al Williams,Cairos, William Powell etc. ROD
  8. Seller seems to have good feedback and been on Ebay for a good while. Bit of a cheapish 45 to try to scam a buyer? ROD
  9. I know it sounds unlikely but I think I've seen Alvin Cash "Twine time" on XL a couple of times on Ebay. ROD
  10. I think this ad just sums up for me the complete farce that is 45 valuation https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...47&ssPageNa Over £1600 yet seller will take less than 25% of that at set sale. The final bid is roughly 13% of total supposed value. I couldn't have been the only person on here to see this [Pete S.?]. ROD
  11. So Mark you're playing that readily available '77 issue of that rare '67 song then? What did I say? What? What? See you Sat. ROD
  12. Headsy I've no idea. To me nothing cos I collect originals. To the Ebay browsers below £5.99 cos nobody bid. To the buyers looking at John's site below £20 cos it's still there. How you arrive at an actual value from that info I haven't the foggiest. I would say that just because an original of Chalfontes IMO is £30-40 say, it doesn't follow that there's a demand for the re-issue to give it any value other than the 85p or whatever it originally sold for. As for current 45s like Grapevine whilst I accept the argument about limited runs and costs I don't know enough about licencing and pressing up a 45 to know whether £10 is reasonable. I do know that I prefer to spend that money on USA originals and hang on for a cheaper deal when buying that stuff. Are Kent 45s same price as Grapevine? All in all bit of a tendency to over-inflate and maybe us buyers are perhaps not getting as good a deal as we should. ROD
  13. Dave, ta for that. What can one say really. There's no rhyme or reason to any of this valuation lark that I can see. ROD
  14. Sorry. Three copies of re-issue. No bids at all. I reckon your estimation may be a bit out. This is not a go at you but this is second time today when sales price are quoted for re-issues with what to me appears no grounding in reality. I assume it's JM bootleg guide that lists "value". I use that term loosely. ROD
  15. Headsy, you may wanna look at this https://search-completed.ebay.com/search/se...o%3D2&fgtp= ROD
  16. https://cgi.ebay.com/NORTHERN-SOUL-INSPIRAT...1QQcmdZViewItem Well unless demand has increased these past two weeks less than £20 seems to be going rate. I seem to remember back in 70's buyers were disappointed cos it wasn't the version played in the first place. How are my CD dubs coming along Mark? Sat is last time I'll see you to pick them up. ROD
  17. Karen,4 pairs of shoes. Don't tell my wife,she'd be organising a charity all-dayer for you. I've got more than 4!! To be serious for a moment original post did kinda set female collectors apart from male collectors, a division which is pretty meaningless as the crux is the collecting not the gender. Also depends on how you define "collector". Im sure there are lots of ladies out there who have 45s/CDs/LPs at home or joint finance their partners collections and have their say in what gets bought. My wife used to buy in the late 70's but sold them before I met her. Many's the time she'll say "I had that" and I won't speak to her for a week cos I want it now. ROD
  18. Well Tim you were obviously very drunk cos I remember perfectly saying those exact words whilst taking a call on my mobile from my broker about my Microsoft shares, neither of which you said would catch on either!! I do now have George Lemons and may I say it was the worst $1 I ever spent. ROD
  19. Is this a Gerald Ratner moment? I think he got away with it. Luckily most of those guys are educational underachievers and can barely read and write so I don't think they would have noticed. ROD
  20. modernsoulsucks - I'll give it a go, two tits are better than one ?!!!. Serious note, are there "official" cut off years from classic northern to crossover to modern soul (sucks) ? Well at the risk of making a tit of myself, yes it's 2pm Tuesday March 11 1973. Just buy what you like, not what someone else likes or tells you is "proper" Northern or is the "new" Northern, and after a while you will see what style particularly appeals to you. I find that financial limitations restrict me to a favourite genre. ROD ROD
  21. "NYC" I knew you weren't but I am. If my mate catches a cold Im imagining his 45s slotting into my collection. Such a bummer when he shrugs it off and it doesn't develop into double pneumonia. Im with Dave. Once the prices begin to fall there won't be a rebound this time. A few disillusioned heavy-hitters and who knows. Is it starting right now? Maybe signs are there that people are getting pickier esp. with those 45s that are basically collection fillers or at the lower end of the market. George Blackwell is currently £900+ with 3 hours to go [180 more than it went for quite recently] so still plenty of time for the investor to offload. ROD
  22. Well,luckily Stalin [sorry Clare,I must get these keys seen to] doesn't collect records but whenever we do have a disagreement I'd like to think Im fair in deciding the matter either with arm-wrestling or penalty kicks. ROD
  23. "I do agree with John Manship, that the market has now become too far reaching and is too strong in the sense of global collectors and the numbers of people buying. So the linvestment gowth over the longer term is very very good." Bloody hell, sounds like the FT. Im not sure I agree that what were seeing now is a drop so that 45s are becoming bargains. I think a lot were overpriced because their value got dragged up on the coat-tails of in-demand titles. I do accept this global reach argument in that more demand via more access will push some prices up but it's also pretty evident there is no or little demand for 45s that IMO are listed way over the top. Last night on Ebay I got for £20 inc P&P a Mint 45 that this week is listed on various sites at £55,£75, and £80.It was only that cos I was bidding against 2 US buyers There's nowt with the global reach of Ebay so I can see no justification for the high price here in the UK. I know that's only one example but I think from my experience it is an accurate reflection of too many dealers/collectors over-rating what they are selling. Im a bit perturbed that at 54 the nice man in NYC is waiting for me to pop my clogs and if he's reading this Im gonna tell his dad. I do agree with him though that jazz/doo-wop/rockabilly collections will be coming onto the market when those older collectors begin to move on, and the same thing will happen with the soul collections. ROD
  24. My wife says I should disassociate myself from Mischief's post as it makes a mockery of what were my earlier sincere and heartfelt concerns as to the financial disadvantage that female collectors do face. Did I mention the outlay on new curtains and cushion cover accessories. That shade of blue for the Smoke label is so difficult to find. Many times I've had to trawl round the shops for 8 hours with Pol Pot[sorry,that should be Clare - sticky keys] looking for just that right tint only to find that it was in the first shop we went into. Oh, how we laughed!! ROD
  25. I wouldn't bother about making a "tit" of yourself. I've been collecting years and I do it on a regular basis. It is a constant learning process. My tip is to stick to Mintish originals,never ever buy as an investment,and as to specific query re. unpriced 45s I'd just walk away. Invariably when you ask price they're OTT.Oh, and get on Ebay ROD

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