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Everything posted by Modernsoulsucks

  1. I have a nice lovers version of that by Sandra and Jah Larry on a Charmers 12" "You're still waiting". Early 80's I think, before it all went bloody digital!! ROD
  2. Pete,I hope that's not a case of modernreggaesucks!! It sounds a lot earlier than '71 from what I remember. Anyway this thread is too upsetting. I can't believe I threw away in 1972 around 200 60's Doctor Bird etc [All Mint!!] that I'd picked up for 2 bob on Stockport market cos I'd gotten into Northern UK and US originals. What a f..king chump!! ROD
  3. I've got a 12" on Success by Leroy Sibbles & Heptones "Give me the right" which uses similar rhythm but without tinkling piano. I'd forget this modern soul stuff,Cunnie and run a soulful reggae night instead. Pete, what about Jackie Edwards "In paradise". Any chance of a download? ROD
  4. WDJ on styrene ZTSC 125854-1A stamped on "If you ever..." run-out groove and ZTSC 125853-1A on "Who am I" side. It'd be the same for red issue. ROD
  5. Not exactly a startling revelation Chalky. This kinda thing was going on back in 70's. You could maybe be a bit more forthcoming and actually tell us what went on rather, than this hypothetical scenario. Charles Washington & the Hypothetical Scenarios Copywright me for c/u purposes. ROD
  6. Mel that Promised Land 45 was on Eric which was usually a re-issue label as Im sure you know and if you didn't you do now,so pay attention!! According to JM it's outta Philly. I always wondered whether it came out on some other label before Eric. Think it got issued on Stateside here but after it was played in the clubs. Bit of a coincidence really cos "Bok to Bach" is outta Philly too but I don't think I've ever seen a USA original of that. Im pretty sure when it was big the jocks all had it on UK MGM. So pretty interesting eh but nowt to lose sleep over. Im trying to collect all soul 45s with a reference to fish and chips but am stuck on Roy Handy so far. I may get Esko Affair "Salt and pepper" to add to it but it's kinda cheating as no mention of vinegar. ROD
  7. I have it in my Watch items now. Thanks for the tip. ROD
  8. Not as far as Im aware. I had it back in early 80's with "Suspicion" etc that I taped from rejects considered for "From the Vaults" LP. Never cut it or played it then cos it sounded kinda old. I did have it cut recently, along with Downbeats "Said you loved me",which again didn't sound quite right back then. ROD
  9. Thanks Nick. PM'd you back. Still looking for Bessie. ROD
  10. Just bumping this as I really need that Bessie Banks for a mate. A nice Soul City copy would do. ROD
  11. Stuart, I read that Hugh Trevor-Roper amongst others which, considering the thread, is rather spooky cos I just looked him up on the internet and he died of cancer!! His "Last Days of Hitler" was OK but if you want the facts I recommend James Herbert "The Spear", and at least with the Herbert book you don't know what's going to happen at the end. ROD
  12. Im afraid I now have to make an attempt to cook Clare's tea, who's due home from work any time now. I'd love to stop and exchange pleasanteries but "Hi Clare, Im just musing on the theme of oral sex with a nice lady I met on the internet so your tea isn't ready" would not go down too well. Which I think was Hitler's problem too although he was fond of a bit of "brawn". ROD
  13. I wasn't Karen no. Just jumped at the chance for a feeble joke at the mention of "faddy eater". I think a lot of the leadership of the SA[brownshirts] were that way inclined but Hitler found it hard to swallow and of course got rid of them during "Night of the Long Knives" [slightly phallic imagery there]. Stuart might know more with that veiled reference to sneaking "a bit of sausage too" In fact this whole reply is just a sad excuse to get a second miserable joke in really. ROD
  14. Karen, Im pretty sure he wasn't interested in cunnilingus. ROD
  15. Simon, what about those desperate individuals I've noticed at certain clubs who huddle in pathetic groups around a 1980's 12". Is there any hope for these people or should we just shun them? ROD
  16. Interesting use of the "Allo Allo" German there ,Stuart. I believe Hitler was a staunch anti-smoker. Unfortunately Stalin wasn't so there goes my chance to make the point that smokers are generally more laid back. IMO of course. "Ernst, zer ist ein Beer Hall down ze strasse in Munich ver ze cigaretten ist nicht verboten und ve muss close it today" "Vell OK, Adolf. Just az long az you know vat you're getting into" ROD
  17. Thank you Stuart for that contribution. Again I wouldn't dispute your facts or figures but as for the effect of "smog" I do wonder if we are told the whole truth about what chemicals we breathe in on an everyday basis. I know the Bhopal pasticide plant accident was an extreme example of leakage into the environment but when you consider what industry is pumping into the atmosphere daily and do we know what the cumulitive effect is. "What you had was a gas that significantly reduced the body's immune system and laid it open to disease," says Shyam Agrawal, the director of the Navodaya oncology centre in Bhopal, who treated the sick and dying 20 years ago as a medical student. "Within India, Bhopal has one of the highest lung cancer rates in men, while women show very high rates of breast and cervical cancer. The cancer rates are significantly higher in gas-affected populations." ROD
  18. No argument about the risks from passive smoking other than what is the risk to you if the smokers were in a seperate well ventilated room, or if the odd pub in each area was allowed to remain smoking. When you walk down the street and pass a smoker and catch some of the smoke is that unacceptable. I guess it would be cos there's still some risk there. I agree you're not going to catch liver disease from a hardened drinker but you may get hit over the head with a brick or mown down by a car by people under the influence. All Im saying is that if we're clamping down on the effects of smoking then why are you minimising the effects of alcohol. Because it's still socially acceptable? Im at a loss to understand why Im being unreasonable if I don't fancy travelling to a venue to stand outside, especially with our weather. I have the choice to go outside or just give it a miss and I choose the latter. ROD
  19. And Sanders 45 is on Pick-A-Hit. NOT Wick ROD
  20. Donna, I would have thought most people on here had direct experience of a friend or relative dying from cancer in some form. My grandad died from lung cancer annd he did smoke. My dad died from bowel cancer and he didn't. My dad also worked in food processing plant as a printer and it was non-smoking back in the 60's. Not a regular pub-goer either so his exposure to passive smoking wouldn't have been excessive. I really have no objection to banning smoking as a health risk and for the general good. What I object to is the smelly/stinky argument which has been used a lot on this thread. That is a personal dislike. I also then fail to see how those who want it banned on health grounds then ignore the costs of alcohol in terms of illness, crime and family breakdown. Not really joined up thinking is it. I don't question the research that has been done into the effects of smoking but I can't help wondering whether there are other factors that come into play. We're living longer so more chance of illness in later life and it does seem that cancer may have come to the fore in the 20th Century as pollution from traffic and industry has risen. I don't really have the time to look into historical background but what were the cancer rates in the 19th Century. Don't ever remember reading one of those "classic" novels and hearing it mentioned.There was consumption but I think that was TB but maybe it was a catch-all term for any kind of wasting disease. Anyway I am agreeing with you to a large extent. I wouldn't dream of smoking where it wasn't allowed or where the majority of people objected, and have spent my time at many a party in the garage with fellow pariahs. To use the "stinky" argument I wouldn't want to go out though where I couldn't smoke as I guess for me it masks the smell of beer or wine on people's breath. Red wine is particularly unpleasant to me as is that stale beer smell in clubs and pubs. ROD
  21. Thanks Pat. Got 45 today. Fine thanks. ROD
  22. No I won't be going out much that's true but it doesn't bother me. If I want to socialise I have plenty of other opportunities and I did understand perfectly that it's a blanket ban. Right now it's legal to smoke and unless it states clearly that it's a No Smoking area I am doing nothing wrong within the Law. Any arrogance is on the part of the non-smoking lobby who seem to think that their wishes and personal dislikes should take precedence over that. I have my priorities. I will be flying to NY in Feb to dj at a mate's wedding so I won't be smoking for a lot of that period. However if I don't want to spend my money going out to northern clubs come July 1st I can't really see how that calls into question my enjoyment of the music. Finally the residue of drink and drugs are street violence, car accidents, crowded A&E's, muggings and burglaries, litter and vomit over our streets. ROD
  23. Donna,Im pretty sure I said I wouldn't bother going and putting you through it. Unfortunately I don't have that choice when I walk down the street and I'm surrounded by car fumes. Of course I'd not be trying to ban cars. You can walk away from drunks. Again unfortunately over the past 54 years I've met my share of drunks that you can't walk away from. Have you had a look at the relationship between drugs and crime. I know it's acceptable on the Northern Scene and a bit of speed or coke never killed anybody!!!! However if I want to be in the same room with irresponsible people who think half hourly trips to the gents and then careering around the room like a whirling dervish is having a good time I'll join a kiddy's playgroup. So while it's still legal I'll smoke on the odd occasions I go out and when it's not I'll stay away. Of course two rooms would be an alternative but then compromise is not on the agenda with this particular bete noir. ROD
  24. Some quite forceful views from the non-smoking lobby and as a smoker I wouldn't feel welcome in a non-smoking environment run for their benefit. We'll still stink and have nobody to talk to when we come back from having a fag outside. I for one will be giving it a miss. I guess then the holier than thou brigade can turn up in their cars[pollution], drink to their heart's content [health risk] and indulge in the artificial stimulant [childish bravado supporting criminality and boy do some of you look stupid under the influence] of their choice. ROD
  25. And don't forget Mark you'd want 2 copies of each demo purely for research/archive purposes and definitely NOT for me to blag one off you. ROD

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