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Everything posted by Modernsoulsucks

  1. A mate of mine has just turned a copy up in USA. Knowing him it will be Mint. What's going rate for this nowadays and if anyone's interested they could PM me with an offer and I can put him or her in touch with seller who takes Paypal. Thanks ROD
  2. Re the Willie Hutch issue. I have a copy and when I got it back in the 80's I sold another copy to Paul Johnson from Bolton for £40. So that's 2. If anyone noticed my efforts to download Tamiko Jones were fruitless,although I did manage to scan it into "Photo and Imaging gallery" ,whatever that is. Mark,next time I come up maybe you can show me what to do. Didn't post info on Willie Hutch yesterday cos I went to my stepson's passing out parade at RAF Halton. Station commander was changing at the same time so we got to see a fly past by a spitfire not far above our heads. As I sat in the reviewing stands and heard the roar of the plane coming out of the sun I couldn't help thinking that if it turned out to be a Messerschmitt we were all fcuked!! ROD
  3. Trying to get picture of Tamiko Jones now. ROD
  4. Miff,what's on other side of "Higher and Higher" DJ. There was an old thread about this too and whether "Im the one to do it" came out on other side of any promo variation. ROD
  5. Well Roger, there goes my theory that maybe there was a small run where GW didn't put out dj copies. I have a YDJ of Cooperettes. I think it's pretty common. ROD
  6. Well that's #'s 25 and 27. Is there a demo of 26 "Eenie meenie..." Debonaires I wonder. Roger, with a rough calculation in my head I've worked out you have 15,000 45s but only 12 different songs cos you've got them on every conceivable variation!!! You were doing really well and then you put up that "Shing-a-ling" on regular. Every collector knows that the yellow demos are much better looking. I have Artistics "Hope we have" on yellow demo which took me ages to find as in my experience most of the "Im gonna miss you" demos have Barbara Acklin on other side. Tony P. has sent me instructions how to upload pictures onto site. Unfortunately he omitted the bit about getting pics onto computer in the first place. Im awaiting further instructions. Fence has partly blown down. Can anyone give me an inkling of what a "hammer" is, although the term "nails" does ring a bell. I think I took that "new man" stuff too seriously and need now to get out of touch with my feminine side so I can talk "cylinder head gaskets" with the best of them. Right now the scatter cushions need plumping so Im off. ROD
  7. Re Adorables. I was just going to ask that. Think I've only seen yellow copies. Mine is yellow with "demonstration copy" sticker so Im thinking NOT or really rare. ROD
  8. Tony, I've got the yellow issue of Tamiko Jones but unless someone tells me how to upload it on here Im afraid Im fcuked. It would have to be very simple instructions understandable by a moron or a Southerner!! ROD
  9. I bought the unissued Bobby Reed on UK Shrine. Are they not legit then. I thought Brownie had got a deal with Eddie Singleton. ROD
  10. Hi Miff, I looked at Gemm and found one Mintish copy for $20 but I'd have to register and for this 45 didn't seem worth it. Gotta be loads over here. I must get onto Gemm at some stage but I spend enough time on Ebay. The link was not "Romeo and Juliet" but thanks anyway. Hi Roccia, if you enjoyed that story and really need to make me a gift then put a couple of lira in some Children's charity. ROD
  11. I won a Donnie Wells WDJ for around £12 and funnily enough the other Tony Smith won the Moments on Deep. Neither of us got our 45s cos the seller said he was selling them for someone else and we'd not paid enough for them so he couldn't get them offa the guy to send to us. I got a Paypal refund. I didn't take it any further though I was miffed I heard later from my mate in US that the seller and the guy with the actual records had come to blows over it at a record convention!! Im surprised at this Tony Smith though. Definitely NOT on. Are you sure it's him. ROD
  12. No you won't. If I don't pick one up I'll be in touch but that was very kind of you to offer. ROD
  13. I think "Pyramid" woulda worked just fine cos its got that blend of 60's/70's that appeals to both sets of fans like those early James Fountain type Mecca 45s. Only IMO of course. What wouldn't work is a lot of those R&B type things. Betty O'brien [so camp!!] and that 45 on Seneca by the girl that I can't bring to mind to name but two ROD
  14. Roccia, that is English humour but Im not very good at it!! He was at Anzio and he did get shot in the leg. He ended the war as a guard for Italian POWs and told me he had some kinda scam going on with them selling blackmarket tyres. He was very pleased with himself at the Italian he picked up whilst he was there but most of it seemed to be along the lines of "Where are the women" "Where is the wine" On the odd occasion when I've been with him and we bumped into any Italian in the UK he'd love to use his phrases he'd picked up. It must have been very odd for them to be engaged in conversation by my dad cos Im sure they must have realised by then that the Germans had been defeated!! He really liked Italy and the people and went back a couple of times to visit the war graves and probably to make sure that there were no "bambinos" knocking about who looked like him!! ROD
  15. There goes that job interview, Jamie!! ROD
  16. Actually I was thinking more along the lines that that you wouldn't want any irate lowrider boyfriends coming around and making you their bitch for the day!!!! ROD
  17. Simon, great track that but Creations "Ooh Baby" on Globe is the same song and a bit faster and better IMO. Well worth buying as it's still a cheapie that has been forgotten about. ROD
  18. I once met a bunch of those "lowrider" guys the night before a record convention in L.A. back in 1980. I'd gone down there with Mark Edmund, a 45 dealer who specialised in soul, and he'd arranged for them to come round to the motel room and play some 45s he was selling. Knock on the door and I opened it to find 5 or 6 Latino guys who looked like they'd just broken out of Alcatraz!! I'd never seen so many tattoos in one place in my life. My first impression was pretty accurate cos after a few beers I found out that most of them had been in prison or were waiting to go to prison. Up until then I'd not known much about their scene and they knew nothing about Northern but soul music does break down the barriers. I got taken for a ride round the block in some souped-up 1940's car. The idea is to cruise very slowly, alter the suspension at every available opportunity, and shout things at passers-by in Spanish. I probably looked like I'd been kidnapped!! They were just as enthusiastic about soul as we were. That may go some way to explaining the ladies on the CD covers but I certainly would think twice before passing any comment on their availibility or otherwise. ROD
  19. My East Coast WDJ vinyl has all your markings but it does say "Plug Side" on "Bell bottom..." side. On the Left under 65c-9291. ROD
  20. Pete,you keep hijacking my thread!! Firstly the Reflections is "singalongly" but that's the type of guy I am. Happy-go-lucky, first up at the Karoake, and with a warm word of encouragement for anyone I meet. Just ask anyone with the misfortune to know me. Secondly the Bessie Banks is for a friend and not my personal cuppa tea but to suggest that the Moody Blues is better just shows how musical appreciation deteriorates the nearer you get to London. Roccia Im hoping the GW 45 is gonna be cheap [£5-10] but I really want a Mint unplayed almost copy. Postage from Italy is really gonna add on to the price so I'd prefer to get a copy from over here. Besides I have a downer on Italy. Last time my dad was over there he got shot in the leg. It was 1944 though. Thank you anyway. ROD
  21. I missed the Tiger copy and already arranged to get a SC copy but thanks anyway. ROD
  22. There you go. I think that's what's in the unopened box that my wife bought me for Xmas. Some kinda turntable you plug into the computer. I have no idea what to do with it and did ask on another thread if there was anybody near Clitheroe in Lancashire who had the time and patience to pop round and show a moron what exactly to do with it. So far no takers so Im thinking of draping a tablecloth over it and using it as a low bedside cabinet. ROD
  23. It would have been if I'd got the wife to do it. ROD
  24. I once changed a light bulb. Sense of accomplishment lasted weeks. ROD
  25. Went for around £200 last night on Ebay. Not sure if it got spun at Mecca. Wasn't she one of Levine's artists at the time along with Pennington etc. Or was that Doris Woods. Who did that "Im in Wonderland" or something similar. ROD

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