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Everything posted by Soulfusion

  1. @Chalky Has Dean's show been "suspended" during this lockdown? Assume it is difficult getting guests to do the show under existing limitations.
  2. Thanks for sharing Mark
  3. Sounds like another winner Sean; order already placed.
  4. Would have definitely considered some of those names had we been given the option of a second pick/nomination. Enjoyed listening to the full selection. Not heard the live version of Little Milton's Grits Ain't Groceries previously. Great track.
  5. My Devonns LP finally arrived today; must have been quarantined!
  6. This is a good head nodder Rick; thanks for bringing it to my attention. Have been able to secure a copy from Simply Soul as well.
  7. During this lockdown time I am going through my old copies of B&S and have noticed that I am missing the chart pages for issue no. 21 (I think they were printed on a separate "pull-out" page during this period). I would be grateful if anyone could let me have a PDF scan or similar. Cheers
  8. Still Bill, Just As I Am and the previously mentioned Live at Carnegie Hill remain great albums. A very under-rated artist who wrote many classic songs that have truly stood the test of time. RIP Bill
  9. Yep picked up a copy then dived in for some of the back catalogue of Hit and Run 45s. Arrived today
  10. Jerry Butler is my nomination....
  11. Has anyone else who ordered this from Bandcamp received it yet? According to the delivery estimate it has been shipped and should have arrived by 26 March but I've not had mine yet. It is coming from Italy though.....
  12. I really enjoy listening to Sound of Soul but the music on this particular episode is outstanding.
  13. Sad news indeed RIP Sir https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=manu+dibango&view=detail&mid=CA95306013AC21A3233FCA95306013AC21A3233F&FORM=VIRE
  14. You pay VAT on the commission not the 2nd hand goods Steve
  15. Hammer price was £15,000. Buyer pays the auction house the hammer price plus fees, thought to be 24% plus VAT if buyer was in the room. Auction House receives the fees. Seller receives the hammer price less commission. Standard sellers commission at Omega is 17.5% plus VAT plus a £3 lot fee although sellers commission can be negotiated for high value articles. Consequently the worst case scenario is that the seller paid Omega £3,153 for the privilege. Like bookies, the real winner here is the auction house.
  16. Sold for £15,000 plus min. 25.5% commission
  17. I did record the hammer price for about 95% plus of the Soul lots; JM bought significantly and Butch was happy having secured about a dozen of the acetates. Several of us were able to secure plenty of lots despite the heavy hitters whilst a couple of people in the room seemed surprised that "classic" items continue to attract large sums. In truth it was an enjoyable social day out.
  18. Had noticed this sale was happening before the announcements on here and since the Auction House is only 40 miles from home I thought I'd take the day off and try my luck. Nice to meet Butch, Tony Ellis and John Manship amongst others at the Sale. The top lots were outside my budget but did pick up a couple of Veep promos (Cindy Scott & Larry and The Larks) for £65 plus commission (20.4%) amongst other job lots. Top selling items were: Soul Thing/Miss Woman - Tommy Dent (Cobblestone promo) £2,900 + commission Time Will Pass You By/Heartbreaker - Tobi Legend (Mala promo) £1,000 +comm. Up And Over - Jay Traynor (ABC 1st pressing) £950 + comm. You Bring Out The Love In Me Baby - Unknown (UK KPM demo acetate) £950 + comm. I Travel Alone/Big Wheel - Lou Ragland (Amy promo) £900 + comm. Trick Me Treat Me - Yellow Brick Road (aka Cobblestone) (Mercury 1st pressing) £750 + comm. Please Keep Away From Me - Elbie Parker (Veep 1st pressing) £650 + comm. The World I Knew - Paul Wagner (Cobblestone promo) £650 + comm. You Got Me Where You Want Me/Tomorrow Without Love - Larry Santos (Evolution 1st pressing) £650 + comm. Too Darn Soulful/You Don't Love Me Anymore - Morris Chestnut (Amy promo) £550 + comm. Time Marches On - Lainie Hill (New Voice promo) £500 + comm.
  19. Think there was about nine left. Certainly liking what I've heard so far.....
  20. Just pre-ordered the Devonns LP from Bandcamp complete with 2 limited edition 7"
  21. Collected mine from local PO depot this morning. They tried to deliver Wednesday and left a card, unfortunately I was in a rush that night and misread the card for another parcel delivered on Wednesday and put it in my paper waste. Remembered last night that I had been expecting this release and went to check the waste. Thank heavens for recycling, card would have been messy had it been thrown out back in the day with general waste! Looking forward to spinning both sides later at the end of a challenging week! Fully appreciate the work it takes to get these great records released Sean.
  22. Sounds like another winner Alex.
  23. The continued quality of the Diggin' Deep series is amazing. DD010 already on order
  24. Exactly, a lot of rare stuff is now readily available legally in other formats especially CD and is the best route to go if you cannot afford to buy the original 45

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