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Soulfusion last won the day on March 8 2020

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  • Top Soul Sound
    Across 110th Street

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  • A brief intro...
    A 60's child; got into music at school and been into funk and soul ever since I heard Earth Wind & Fire for the first time in '79. DJ'd for a while during and after school - nothing special, just 18ths, 21sts weddings etc but mainly played the 80's dance tunes of the day. Collected black music of all genres on vinyl and CD ever since.   

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  1. I'm in and looking to improve on mid table position last time around. However gone without Haaland or Salah. Inspired or idiotic? Time will tell
  2. Early Christmas present to myself. Bought the two singles issued by Soul Junction and looking forward to receiving the album.
  3. That is my sort of soul music. Two hours of pure bliss!
  4. Not doing so well this weekend...but still have three players to score tomorrow
  5. @SmudgerJust to let you know I've managed to join the league as Fusion Force. Let the games commence..... Good luck to all!!
  6. Same here and I echo the above comments
  7. Can't see it available to order on the Soul Direction site yet...
  8. Another great selection of unreleased tracks from established acts. One can only assume that the current owners of the Motown/Chess back catalogue are too complacent to get these tracks out themselves. Well done Alex I'm sure this LP will sell out and thanks for giving us a chance to hear them.
  9. Great topic Mike At the beginning of Lockdown in 2020 I returned to running for some mental wellbeing and started the Couch to 5K programme once again. This is a great way of gradually breaking people into running and by October 2021 (when I contracted Covid) was running 6-7K every other day. Have attempted to restart the running a few times since but found I struggled becoming easily fatigued and lacking mental belief. Fast forward to May this year and with the summer approaching and my weight ballooning to above 15 stone and clothes struggling to fit I took the plunge to have another go at C25K. This morning I completed my Week 5 Run 2 session so I am half-way through and have lost 7lb in weight so no need to purchase a new wardrobe of clothes! Ideally I would like to lose 33lb in total and get back to my football playing days weight!
  10. What is your take on Spurs swooping for your manager? Things didn't go so well for the last treble winning manager from Celtic to join the Premier League (or, in the long term, the English football club that signed them). Spurs to be relegated in two seasons time anyone?
  11. I hope your team lifts the trophy. After 38 years of support you deserve it.
  12. Spoke to a mate about this show at the weekend. He is a British domiciled Irishman from Belfast who served in the British Army who put his papers in about six months before the first Iraq war. Was "rewarded" with a tour of Northern Ireland to finish his service. He said the show brought back vivid memories due to its accuracy; moving him to tears because of those memories.
  13. The Netflix Luther film is a real disappointment compared with the series', which I thought were fabulous. You really have to suspend your belief as the story disappears into a James Bond/Bourne territory. A real shame, especially as the series creator Neil Cross is involved Has anyone seen The Night Manager on Netflix? Is it worth watching?
  14. Apparently Marvel return to form with the third Guardians movie. Probably helps the continuity that the same writer/director used throughout. Some of the recent Marvel movies become too formulaic with overuse of CGI effects. Thor God of Love & Thunder was just pants, childish drivel. The earlier movies were better for concentrating on building the characters. The fact they were superheroes was incidental.
  15. Certainly seems that Southampton are going down and looking increasingly dicey for Everton and Leicester. Interesting last roll of the dice for Leeds. Never known so many Premier League clubs rack up three managers in a single season by the way. Can Forest pull off a miracle? Pleased that the Forest board have stuck with Cooper. Chelsea fortunate that Potter did such a good job with a bloated and unbalanced squad early season!

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