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Stef Jones

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  • Top Soul Sound
    Chryslers, Because I Love You

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  1. Strong playing copy. Please let me know condition/price. Thanks.
  2. Strong playing copy. Please let me know condition/price. Thanks.
  3. Hi Please pm me condition and price. thanks stef
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  4. Hi did you sell your Judy McDonald? thanks
  5. Stef Jones

    Brixton Rare Soul

    Last one of the year and another lineup of superlative guests with borderline personality disorders ranging from mild eccentricity to raving lunacy. The usual crowd of Herberts and Doris’s moving between the balcony and dancefloor via the bar. Always an interesting mix of characters from the London scene and beyond thrown together with a few cinema goers who wander in, drawn by music they’ve not heard before who then dont leave. No two nights are the same. Well that’s not strictly true as entry is always free.
  6. Stef Jones

    Teddington Soul Club

    To celebrate our return to cash on the door (and Christmas), there’s a mince pie for every punter on entry. (No talc necessary - the floor will be covered in crumbs). The usual great line kicks off a bit earlier with Rosie G. Then Gilly who’ll also be signing his books on the night. Get a magnificent read and your own personal Gillyism for just £24.95 on the night. Then dance the pie off to Ivor Jones, Paul Dunn and this months travelling wilberry, Hammie the DJ. Gonna be a belter.
  7. Pls pm condition/price tha ks
  8. Not since William the Conquerer has a frenchman done a number on us, but the last time Bruno Jerez invaded Teddington he blew the roof off the Scout Hut. So, in preparation, we’ve had the builders in to baton down the roof tiles because he’s threatening to give it to us large, with deux sets. Last month, at the behest (insistence) of the Eel Pislanders, we re-commissioned the disco ball. It was a game changer. So this month we’re going to re-commission another Ann Taylor creation - the ‘Boy Scout’ slot. Get along early and you’ll catch young Tom Ryan (nephew of none other than Red Ged Kelly) spilling his box across the Technics. And finally, in a break with tradition, and in a bid to bring some mayhem to proceedings, we’re going to punctuate our guest slots with three double-deck sets. Beginning with, I suspect, some gentle sophistication from the Two Pauls, then some Modern Toss from Charlie and Dave, and finally a load of Stafford from me and Popeye. This promises to be a memorable night, so please secure your tickets early here https://buytickets.at/teddingtonsoulclub
  9. Stef Jones

    Brixton Rare Thursdays

    November guests: Val Palmer, Alan Handscombe, Mark 'Tikka' Tattingham, Jack Gadsden and local boy, Richie Cox. Upstairs at the Ritzy cinema in the heart of Brixton every second Thursday of the month. Its free, there's a bar, wooden dance floor and a big balcony upon which to smoke, chat or just gaze down on glorious Brixton going about its nocturnal business. It's relaxed and politic free, like the music policy - we just invite interesting soul collectors and DJ's to play whatever rare finds they want us to hear. Swing by, we'd love to see you.
  10. Stef Jones

    Teddington Soul Club

  11. Stef Jones

    Teddington Soul Club

    A convivial, monthly gathering of buffoons, blaggards and drunkards. All however, possessing impeccable taste in rare soul music. A well used wooden dance floor, a well stocked bar (well used) and a well good PA. Check us out on Teddington Soul Club Facebook page and we hope you’ll join us one (second) Friday soon.
  12. Stef Jones

    Brixton Rare Soul

    DJs and collectors playing rare and underplayed soul, Upstairs at the Ritzy (Brixton’s historic Cinema). Every second Thursday of the month. Dance floor, balcony, bar, FREE entry, 3 mins walk from Brixton Tube (Victoria line) one stop from Victoria Station. Also live-streamed on Soho Sunday Soul Facebook page. Checkout the page for DJ line ups and updates.
  13. Playing copy wanted. Please pm condition/price. Thanks stef
  14. Playing copy wanted. Please pm condition/price. Thanks stef

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