Fairwater Cons Club - Cardiff CF5 2BY
Excellent Guest DJs’!
Lovely, Large Wooden Dance Floor.
Across The Board Tunes, Played on Original Vinyl!
Great Venue!
Large FREE Car Park!
10mins to Cardiff City Centre!
All Information is on the Flyer!
Tickets £7.00 + £1.00 P&P. - PayPal as Friends Please.
Pay On The Door - £7.00.
***Saturday November 2nd***
Great DJs Playing Across The Board Tunes!
Great Venue. “Barry Islands answer to the 100 Club”, as stated by one of our previous guest DJs.
It is too late to order tickets!
Pay on the door is available, but limited due to venue capacity!
TICKETS- If you have tickets, please get here early as possible, as we are also allowing pay on the door! (There is A Limited Capacity)
PARKING - There is a '2hr No Return' policy on street parking outside and around the venue, but, from 7pm you’re fine!
Alternatively, there is a car park just a few minutes walk away.
Looking Forward To Seeing You!
***SOLD OUT ***
Great Venue, right by the Seaside and the Fairground!
Premiere Inn, just a gentle 10min walk.
Mount Rooms £45.
Lots of Air B&Bs.
Great DJs', playing Across The Board Tunes, OvO
Ticket only, due to venue capacity, available via PayPal, information on the Flyer.
For Bank Transfer info, please email laurenced@live.co.uK
We're going to be Spoilt Paul ‘Chuckle’ Roberts & Glyn Richards, playing their fine collection of tunes for us to enjoy!
60's, 70's, Oldies, Underplayed, Crossover, Modern, Newies and 60's R&B!
We Have a New Venue!
Venue has a Large Car Park!
We are Looking Forward to Seeing You!
Due to Life, Trevor Nolan is unable to play for us on June 11th. Next time Trevor!
So along with Steven Morris, Trowbridge Matt from West Wilts Soul Club, is going to going to be Spinning his fine collection for us. You won't be disappointed!
Alldayer is Postponed until Saturday APRIL 2nd 2022.
Please contact for ticket refund or can carry over til next year. Poo!!
Email - ae.cullen238@gmail.com