DaveNPete I knew this was going to stir some reaction when I posted it ha ha. In my opinion Ric Tic, Soul, Golden World and the rest of the purchased subsidiary labels are all Motown. As for Melody records, enough said the better. There are those that would only include, Tamla, Motown and possibly Gordy, as posted by The Tempest above. Zed1 has a point too, but then you look at monsters like The Night, by Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons, on Mowest, and it trashes the whole thing. Fair enough, on its first release in 1972 it fitted the mould by that definition, but when re-released in 1975 it charted, so no longer fits the bill. Winsford Soul also has a good point also.
BabyBoyAndMyLass Thank you for that ☺