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Everything posted by Motownsoulman

  1. Well that's true enough.
  2. As a very keen and lifelong freshwater angler, I found this highly amusing.
  3. No disrespect, but you start off saying one thing and then another, but that's by the by cuz i've done the same thing myself. My argument is this, and you set a good example of just what my problem is. Just because 50 people are willing to pay 200 sovs for something, doesn't mean that's that particular items value. There could be another 50 people that think it's only worth 2 sovs. So what does that do for estimating the true value of it?. Does that mean it's worth the average price of the item, ie 101 sovs?. No, it's true value is what you can get for it, Now I know you guys and gals that buy and sell are far more familiar with prices than I am, and I know to some of you, rarity, originality and condition play a huge part in what you buy and sell for. Let's take that Frank Wilson 7 inch that Kenny sold a while back. John Manship back in 2009 when it was sold said it could make $100,000. So that would make it that records value by all accounts, however, it fetched about a third of that in the end. Incidentally, I own a copy of TMG 1170 somewhere, which is the same song, with the same flip, and I paid under 5 sovs for it. Who got the better deal?.
  4. I can't argue the post above of Chalky's because technically he's correct in many ways, but then I could say that those folks that have bought records from him, in the past two or three weeks simply agree that the price paid, is a fair price for that particular item. I don't disagree in anyway, that previous prices paid for any given record on any given day, are a good guideline to what that record should be priced at now, but it still boils down to what I said originally, that a record, or anything else you care to name, is only worth what someone is prepared to pay for it. Personally, I don't sell anything. I buy items purely because I want them for myself. I have some records that have cost from a few old penny's to a couple of sovs, and you could offer me any figure you like, but I still wouldn't sell you them, whether they turn out to be worth next to nothing, or a mint. To me, my music is my memories, and no price can be put on that.
  5. Cheers. Thanks for that info.
  6. Just as a matter of interest, and because it's appropriate to this post being in a separate thread now, would someone be so kind as to tell me how "misplaced" posts can be moved to a separate thread, or indeed forum?.
  7. You're welcome Sir.
  8. It's the supply and demand thing isn't it. It's quite bonkers of course though. I read a thread on here, on this very forum I think, with a Marvin Gaye/Tammi Terrell 7 inch up for sale on some site for 200+ Sovs with offers at the time touching 70 sovs. It's lunacy. A friend of mine has 5 copies of that song, all originals, all purchased in the last 5 years or so, and she never paid more than a few sovs for any of them. It's madness, but if people are prepared to pay those prices, then good luck to them.
  9. Yes there is. All i've ever done, work wise, for 37 years was being a member of HMs Armed Forces, and when in doubt, I shoot first and ask questions later. It's a mentality that is harder to get out of ones swede than you can ever imagine, however, I do try. Now, I goofed up, and was quite correctly picked up on that by a few members. On reviewing what I posted, I agree with the ticking off I got, both in my post to the originator of this thread, bilkoba, and in changing the subject, by posting something of no relevance at all. I hope you understand that when I am wrong, and especially when I am picked up on it, and proven to be in the wrong, it wouldn't be me to not apologise. Thanks in advance.
  10. It applies to everything in its truest meaning doesn't it?. It's only greed or demand that bangs up the price of everything. Your last sentence is quite correct.
  11. I posted this on another thread and was quite correctly ticked off about doing so by some other members, to whom have my apologies, and not knowing how to move a post from one thread to another, i'll post it here. Amid the obvious controversy in other posts on OVO nights, Bootlegs and all the apparent snobbery surrounding soul music, I felt compelled to post this. The thing that really gets my goat is all these people saying such and such a record is worth this, or that. COBBLERS. A record, be it 7 inch, 10 inch or 12 inch, and for that matter, 8 track, cassettes and cd's are only worth what someone is prepared to pay for them, and nothing more.
  12. Yup. Was posted in a hurry and should have been a separate topic. My apologies.
  13. Ha ha. Not a problem whatsoever.
  14. Agreed. 100% correct, in both the common sense use of the word, and the legal sense of the word.
  15. The chap who posted the original post condoned the use of bootlegs. I don't condone any illicit songs in any form. Legit stuff, ie not originals, but authorised issues, mp3s etc, copied from ones own hard copies though, I do say is fine. The post was written in a hurry and I apologise for any misunderstanding.
  16. My bad then and I stand corrected, and I apologise. Having read back my post does give the wrong impression, and then contradicts at the last paragraph.
  17. Of course you are correct. Looking back, I should have posted it elsewhere. My apologies.
  18. Just on another note, the thing that really gets my goat is all these people saying such and such a record is worth this, or that. COBBLERS. A record, be it 7 inch, 10 inch or 12 inch, and for that matter, 8 track, cassettes and cd's are only worth what someone is prepared to pay for them, and nothing more.
  19. And full props to you. Like I said, EACH TO THEIR OWN, but respect others views too.
  20. If you read the last paragraph correctly instead of just flashing through it, because you disagree, you'll see the word LEGIT in there. I bet there isn't many, if anyone else on here that can 100% honestly say that they own a hard copy of EVERY SINGLE SONG they have as an mp3 or have copied to a homemade compilation for their own use only.
  21. Without going into detail, I've been to a few vinyl only nights, the one springing to mind just now being Ilkeston and one or two of the jocks were playing utter crap (my own opinion) and in I think 3 hours, the dance floor was full twice, The Vibrations and Duke Browner if I remember correctly. Also if you read my post correctly, you'll see I don't have a problem with OVO nights, other than if advertised as so, they should be just that. In answer to your other question regarding confusion, the answer is no. Just cuz a tune is on vinyl, doesn't mean it's rare in anyway whatsoever.
  22. I've been on the soul music scene since the 6ts and have been listening to the music that led to the advent of soul since birth, so I would say I do know my stuff where this post is concerned. Secondly and finally, I can see things from both sides of the fence. Something that obviously many others can't, or simply won't accept.
  23. Personally speaking, if a night is advertised as Original Vinyl Only, then fair dues, it should be just that. However, I think snobbery has crept back into things again. At the end of the day, it's the music, and not the format that makes for a good night out. You can bring out all the OVO stuff you like, but if no one gets up on the floor, you've not only wasted your time, but the time of everyone that's paid to be there. I've been to a lot of nights where next to nothing fitted into the OVO bracket. Some of the best nights of all that I have attended played next to no vinyl at all, including one in one or two that have been allowed to run way over the time limits. Now you can slate me for this view all you like, but the simple fact of the matter is that it's the songs you play that make a good night out. That said, if you advertise it as being of one particular format, then you should be prepared to keep your word. Just a few words on other things that cropped up in another post. (1) Handbags. It's been going on for a long long time, and certainly for as long as an old codger like me can remember. (2) Drinks. If it wasn't for the sad w*nkers that originally brought drugs onto the scene way back in the day, maybe this problem wouldn't even be an issue. I fully sympathise with those, especially younger ladies, that won't leave their drinks unattended, even if that means dancing with them. (3) Tolerance of others that don't share your view. What happened to the "Each To Their Own" mentality?. A night out isn't purely about you, or you and your little clique, it's about everyone. There's no need to get monk on, or throw a wobbly. A kind word in their shell like is almost always all that's required to defuse the situation, as was also mention in that other post. I totally and wholeheartedly agree with the initiator of this thread, bilkoba Oh and one other thing, and I think I have said this in another post before now. I don't, and won't condone the use of bootlegs (and I do mean bootlegs, not legit pressings, re-issues or copies), and copies of cds or mp3s etc etc that you don't physically own a hard copy of. All that does is rob the copyright owner of revenue.
  24. Well if HMV does dissappear from the high street, and the general consensus seems to be that they will, then I can only hope that any remaining independent shops I visit, are better than that one in Scott Street in Perth, cuz it's the most god awful one I've ever been in. I went in there a couple of months or so ago, and it is dreadful. I spent almost an hour trawling through what they had, and in that time, not one other customer came in. If you've ever had the misfortune to visit that shop, you'll understand why.

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