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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. Interesting one this, as arranger was Wally Roker and writers are Virginia Bland (Monk Higgins Wife) and Don Juan Mancha who were also credited on Tyrone Davis I'm Running A Losing Race (same label) and Bobby Jean Bland I'm Satisfied Just Loving You (same label) Sack was originally a Chicago label and then moved to LA The Yardbird Production credit could help by I am lost on that Dave Moore or Robb K would be a good ask
  2. I found these amazing links on the net about George Perkins his labels and bands including Fir-Ya An incredible man with loads of gospel and soul integrity, I hope you agree https://homeofthegroove.blogspot.com/2005/10/george-perkins-real-deal.html https://blog.ponderosastomp.com/2013/05/rip-george-perkins-1942-2013-soul-giant-behind-cryin-in-the-streets-remembered-by-jeff-hannusch/
  3. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=wgoEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA44&lpg=PA44&dq=eddie+regan+google+books+columbia+san+francisco&source=bl&ots=fNbZKfrRKr&sig=UN9xUgPukxhXoCPcUDLWR9Whj9U&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiU8_OZjePfAhUBKewKHQARAEgQ6AEwBnoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=eddie regan google books columbia san francisco&f=false
  4. So it was just an "Alias" then ?
  5. I found Howard's story https://www.kcur.org/post/fresh-air-remembers-soul-singer-howard-tate#stream/0
  6. I know this thread is ancient, but does anyone have any idea who Eddie Regan is/was Bill Ramal and Morty Wilson were clearly responsible for this release as they were 5 record numbers apart with another unknown artist Eddie bishop with a cover of Tony Hatch's "Call Me" I came across these articles (Copy and paste Links please)and thought I was clutching at straws thinking this Eddie Regan could possibly be the same person file:///Users/imac/Desktop/Billboard%20-%20Google%20Books.webarchive file:///Users/imac/Desktop/Billboard%20-%20Google%20Books%201.webarchive
  7. The Huntingdon West Virginia Parliaments (Litlle Archie) that won the court case making George change "his" Parliaments group name
  8. So do you think this is connected with the Group name issue and the court case (which the other group won I believe) and George just called this release The Fellows to save any problems occurring legally, or am I of the mark here (do any dates tally)
  9. I think Chalky is trying to say it's George and The Parliaments using a different name....unless I read it wrong ?
  10. I think George was lead on this, but any ideas on the complete line up please
  11. With all this tech Mark, soon we will have mini USB's inserted in our wrists and just wave are arms round in the air and then anyone can DJ
  12. It appears these were both made for a particular DJ to celebrate his birthdays, at the time and as yet we have no idea as to whether they were licensed, I am pretty sure with the knowledge on this site someone will know if they were or weren't
  13. So just to confirm the ones with artwork are not bootlegs then like everyone said ?
  14. And of course he was Lead Vocals on the Laurie "Megatones" release
  15. So my question is was Robby the lead singer of the Superlatives "I Still Love You" on Uptite and a different group to the Detroit Superlatives It doesn't seem to have been talked about on here ?
  16. With a picture sleeve about £40 without about £20
  17. I have just discovered this on You Tube and wondered if it's been played anywhere and anyone knows of its history
  18. Is it me, or do I hear a similar riff to Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On"
  19. Have been doing a little research and the connection with MAM and found these the interesting thing is that MAM also released Gilbert with the same Cat number. Also the Miko (Jack Ashfords daughter) connection is interesting too
  20. Would love to know who the credits were on this side no one seems to have asked
  21. Wow have been wondering about him for 30 years and his career Can we have a short Bio about George and his history please as that would be great and any photos would be superb
  22. This one does vary but a minter goes for around £300 +

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