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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. We are still waiting for Gilly's book and I know that Keith Rylatt is just finishing his latest book, I only spoke to him the other day and he said it was the toughest one he has done !!!
  2. Here's a thought, I had the same problem years ago and asked what language and then google translated everything, got all the info I needed as he respected my efforts There's a Texas number plate in the video and a trumpet on the wall and a photo of a band from Houston....could it be ? (this is a bit like Keith Lemon "who live's in a house like this"
  3. That is so funny, it's not even a cover up
  4. I got Keiths number from Soulmine (nice guy) yesterday and phoned his wife and she took my number for him to return my call. He has just phoned me (what a really nice man) and the info in his book was gained from another collector who suggested it was Jesse Thomas, but sadly there is no proof, just guess work
  5. Kev Roberts may know having organised his tour here in 2013
  6. If someone can contact John (info above) then he will know
  7. EMI bought the stuff, I wonder where it is, some dark and dank cellar somewhere ? https://www.englandunderground.com/city/hammersmith-london/listing/the-offices-of-record-label-emi/
  8. I am guessing the black/red is more obscure as sales are 8 orange and 2 black/red here "excuse the Bowie stuff" https://www.popsike.com/php/quicksearch.php?searchtext=+Toy+Soldier&x=17&y=14
  9. This is the other promo plain white and a black issue with different type face
  10. They were part of Sue records and often were plain orange or orange and black and a white demo
  11. Andy Hamiton explains the 6/7 theory here https://www.allmusic.com/artist/soul-brothers-six-mn0000755527/biography John, as far as I aware is still around, in Rochester and even visited Grand Funk, on stage, last year (They are one of his favourite bands) There has to be a way of contacting him guys to get the story from him direct https://www.wvmusichalloffame.com/hof_ellison.html
  12. I think you have solved it !!! The Band was also known as John Ellison & Soul Brothers Six https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ellison John could be Johnny me thinks
  13. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/lester-osband-obituary?pid=137226892
  14. Correct guys https://thatsallritemama.blogspot.com/2012/11/the-epics-on-lifetime.html
  15. I looked at the label and it appears as though it is one of those labels (again) that sort of didn't mind what type of band and type of music was attached to it, as it is so varied, from doo-wop, through to garage rock, latin and gospel
  16. Jimmy recording as Johnny.....interesting theory
  17. Thanks for all the prices and I don't wish to offend but this was meant to be about group and their story not how much the plastic is worth
  18. Colin spin
  19. I have found this link for other recordings.....our one is missing of course (you have to type in Lifetime in the search box :)) https://www.45rpmrecords.com/search/label.php
  20. I immediately apologise if this has been covered before This release is fetching mega bucks and I discovered it on You Tube and love it.......Question......who is Johnny and Which Brothers of Soul please ?
  21. The Richmond Organisation TRO still seems to be going and they might have archives to help their email is copyright@songways.com https://www.discogs.com/label/490171-Tro-Inc
  22. Major Bill Smith has always been know to be a controversial character, when mentioned on the site and some of his releases seem to have been born to confuse This video I found is the only known recording of him and is in somewhat bizarre circumstances ..... I didn't know whether to laugh or not.....awks
  23. Can you post the article please, please

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