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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. Mighty Chevelles on B side ?
  2. So the Okeh record would have been recorded at "Bradley Recording Company" ?
  3. Another 2 members of the group then
  4. Brilliant after all these years.....Thanks !!!!
  5. I always wanted to know what happened to Richard Elijah Flowers I tracked down the BMI (says Jr.) and it has a note of what appears to be an address In Jackson, Mississippi ? https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Q0MhAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA2834&lpg=PA2834&dq=richard+elijah+flowers+singer&source=bl&ots=QTtWccWpa4&sig=ACfU3U2RtMexeBdK5myUxh-rLK7OlXWKzQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwit0sLXzMzhAhX3WRUIHTblDeEQ6AEwCnoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=richard elijah flowers singer&f=false https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/2965+Pocahontas+Ave,+Jackson,+MS+39213,+USA/@32.3309677,-90.2055479,16z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x862833152cd64123:0x16a301f6d79883b8!8m2!3d32.33095!4d-90.205687 Could of course be wrong as usual
  6. This group seem to have had only 3 releases and after searching on the web, little results There also is not much on the credits for them, so can someone help please
  7. Nadine Brown recorded in the same studios "Leave Me Alone" after she moved from Florida
  8. If this has been covered already I apologise for not looking hard enough, If not......enjoy For years and years I never knew who Billy was and finally managed to find this superb article from 2013, describing his life and the band the Essex "Easier Said Than Done" https://www.nj.com/mercer/2013/06/east_windsor_resident_former_member_of_rb_group_the_essex_turns_70.html
  9. The challenge must go to Mr Moore then me thinks
  10. Interesting as I also have now found this and photo of "A" Mr Star, but of course we could have different artists getting mixed up
  11. Cheers and I found this, it it's accurate https://composers-classical-music.com/a/ArnoldJohnM-JohnnyStarr.htm This means this would be the same guy ?
  12. I apologise if this has been covered before, but my google searching turned up nothing about Johnny I found three releases and guess there are more
  13. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/cincinnati/obituary.aspx?n=barbara-reece&pid=148661205
  14. Fantastic record and thanks so much for respecting Willie by finding out his story RIP Willie...you made history Sir
  15. 1969 previously unissued until Kent
  16. This came out on the sam label and was issued on this CD, (if this helps at all)
  17. It most probs is a Demo and as there was only one release on this label (as far as we are aware) they just didn't put "Demo", just as other labels didn't sometimes
  18. Thanks so much but there did not seem to be a conclusion
  19. It appears a Mr James Coit Jackson was mentioned in a copyright case way back, wonder if it is him ? https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/FSupp/492/198/2308959/ And this with the Mike Szymanski connection has to be him, surely
  20. This one is way over my head and I apologise if it's been covered before and seemingly unconnected to the other group. The label (info please) appears to be Gospel mainly The BMI credits both sides 17May1969 Melvin Hatchett and Frank Lemons (words and music) and Raymond R. Taylor (Latrice Music Co.) seemingly from New Jersey and that's where I got stuck.
  21. I know this thread is old (like me) and I apologise if this has been covered before. It "appears" to me that Chuck maybe the same guy out of Chuck Bridges and The L.A. Happening There appears to be little about the band and Chuck, apart from the fact they were from San Francisco Can anyone supply info please
  22. There was so much more to them
  23. Now that's sorted can I go a little off thread but stay with the name theme They surely are not connected but little about them
  24. And I noticed the B side has no writers credits
  25. I know this thread is old, but needs correcting as to where they were from, Not Carolina beach music The King Sound Interpreters, which featured Kai Haynes on bass, Curtis Price and Mike Lewis on guitars, and Ivor Sheff on keys. https://wvmusichalloffame.com/musickanawha.html

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