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"Taurus and Leo were Melvin Dukes (Taurus) and Eddie Woods (Leo) from Cleveland Ohio cut their only disc – “Going Out The World Backwards / I Ain’t Playing Baby”, a Bob Hamilton (Ronnie Savoy) track about 3/69 after they were spotted by Ben Crosby in a show at the Peter Pan Lounge in a show with Pat Lewis. Apparently they were a wow live on stage and the record looked like being there way to the top, but unfortunately at the record launch party they were caught "shooting up"in the toilets with the door open!! (according to Don Mancha --who was involved in the promotion of said disc). Taurus and Leo headed back to Cleveland never to be heard of as a duo again. Eddie later recorded as Eddie Woods and one of his tracks was a Northern Soul Biggie. Dukes (Taurus) died after falling over in his drive and as an Emphysema sufferer was unable to get to his respirator, Woods lives in Indian Hills Seniors Appartment complex and lost an arm several years ago in an accident at a canning factory where he worked in Euclid, Ohio."