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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. Previous sale image
  2. Rick is this the first release that has had problems though, with the one side doubled up in error
  3. Found this "Taurus and Leo were Melvin Dukes (Taurus) and Eddie Woods (Leo) from Cleveland Ohio cut their only disc – “Going Out The World Backwards / I Ain’t Playing Baby”, a Bob Hamilton (Ronnie Savoy) track about 3/69 after they were spotted by Ben Crosby in a show at the Peter Pan Lounge in a show with Pat Lewis. Apparently they were a wow live on stage and the record looked like being there way to the top, but unfortunately at the record launch party they were caught "shooting up"in the toilets with the door open!! (according to Don Mancha --who was involved in the promotion of said disc). Taurus and Leo headed back to Cleveland never to be heard of as a duo again. Eddie later recorded as Eddie Woods and one of his tracks was a Northern Soul Biggie. Dukes (Taurus) died after falling over in his drive and as an Emphysema sufferer was unable to get to his respirator, Woods lives in Indian Hills Seniors Appartment complex and lost an arm several years ago in an accident at a canning factory where he worked in Euclid, Ohio."
  4. Amazing !!! in fact BRILLIANT
  5. This one that sold sometime ago https://www.rootsvinylguide.com/ebay_items/true-nashville-matrix-orig-rare-maurice-williams-being-deesu-northen-soul
  6. Thanks and I know about very cells...it's affecting a lot of us on here....but what would the" young guns" do without us trawling these things out
  7. I think there has been a history of people using a compass to scratch these in (like we did at school with tattoos on our arms ) I am worried that this may happen more and more (you don't need technology for it)
  8. Firstly, if this has been covered before, I apologise I found a comment on a blog stating that (by a lady saying she was the daughter) that one of the duo was Mr Melvin Dukes Sr. and her uncle Eddie Does anyone know please and anything of the label (seems only the one release)
  9. Paul at Bristol was not aware of problem and has NO copies (we don't want him pestered)
  10. So what do we think the c/u - Since my baby put me down is ? Can't be The Flamingos, cos that would just be silly I thought cover ups were a thing of the past now surely
  11. I agree and not an expensive record, they are an interesting looking group of guys, do we think ?
  12. He didn't look like Elvis https://www.rockabilly.nl/references/messages/chuck_wiley.htm
  13. Discogs have bootlegs listed and even a Led Zeppelin which says USA, but a lot of them say UK, so perhaps someone knows and is keeping quiet I have no knowledge of there births, but it seems they started in 2012 from the listings https://www.discogs.com/label/834568-Excello-3
  14. No worries Dave, it happens to me as well, I'm guessing like me, it's an age thing
  15. Did they have anything to do with this band https://www.amazon.com/Flyte-1967-1968-Garage-Rock-Reading/dp/B000006OJO
  16. Thanks for that do we know anything more about them or the label itself ?
  17. Dave , honestly, you got that wrong and you assumed I meant The Ethics on Vent, when I did actually said on the same label as The Intentions on "Up Tight"
  18. Thanks , I was listening to The Ethics as well and they are more like a Garage Band ( all these groups with the same names !!!!)
  19. As a knew member to Soul Source, I found this article superb and clearly you are so dedicated on your quests, as I am trying to be. You mentioned above that the Intentions Philips release "was the only foray into the business they achieved" I always wondered if they did in fact have anymore singles and came across this forum, when trying to find out about this release, on the same label as The Ethics. I was wondering if you could shed some light on this please and perhaps the label as I can't seem to fathom it
  20. Superb stuff Ady, you Newark guys should be proud of what you are doing Nothing for me but "This Is Your Life" , get her on front of Simon Cowell, she would blow him away with her voice
  21. Robb I found this article and wondered if you or someone perhaps could contact Sammy ,lovelanemusic@gmail.com, who will possibly know more to help https://www.musicgateway.com/blog/artist-interviews/music-gateway-speaks-with-sammy-kaplan-from-lovelane-music-publishing
  22. 1962 Robb (on Roulette)
  23. I know this topic is 13 years ago, but hopefully we can revisit it and this thread was also about 45 cat now has others listed which may give some clues (you guys are more knowledgeable than me) https://www.45cat.com/label/meo
  24. I was thinking about buying this Can someone take a look as Matrix stamp seems odd ? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MAURICE-WILLIAMS-BEING-WITHOUT-YOU-US-DEESU-EX-EX-NORTHERN-SOUL/173873202778?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649

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