Please let me say sorry if this story has been covered and perhaps someone will direct me to any previous thread
No doubt a lot of us have danced to or owned a copy of "Sad Girl" at some stage and of course Carol made a number of classy recordings
I have noted her passing in 1984 and have tried to find out more about her and her family
They ran Mid-Town records
I spotted some comments on Amazon that were made about her family and it appears something happened including her mother Essie
"Reading the liner notes took me back down memory lane. My family owned a record store next door to a boutique the Anderson's opened in 1979 or '80 on Jefferson Avenue on the east side of Detroit, Essie's Boutique. It was located in a block long stretch of black owned businesses who were all doing well. They were like royalty pulling up every day well dressed in a long gray Lincoln Continental, driven by Carol's brother George, with her mother Essie as the matriarch. Cheryl, Carol's daughter, completed the quartet. I was a preteen and friends with Cheryl, who at that time was a regular on The Scene, a locally produced and televised dance show. A poor man's Soul Train if you will. The family was tight knit and respectful. They were always together. Always. So I found the comment of Cheryl being a "wild child" in the liner notes a little off-putting. I'm not sure where that came from but I knew her, and she was anything but that. She once shared with me that Carol was not her real mother. If that was the case then it would certainly explain why she was never heard from again after Essie's and Carol's unfortunate deaths. In any event, I appreciate that the author put together this incredible CD. Carol may not have hit the big one in the music industry, but she touched many people. Anyone who can say that had a good life."
This "looks" like a sad story (perhaps Ironic too with the title of her most famous record) and I would like, hopefully, for help in finding out what happened please.