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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. I suspect stupidity or perhaps they are "twisted"
  2. This looks like the boot
  3. I think if you look more closely he said Bristish only "production"at the top which is 100% true, even the publishing (and I am not a fan of his ramblings on auctions) he confused it down the page
  4. Berry Gordy would have got the tapes when Ed sold up to him ?
  5. Perhaps it was a love hate relationship
  6. I don't have many CD's and did not know it's a boot, but I will now set fire to it
  7. What bootleg CD ? Every boot I have owned was sold to me when I was a nipper and with no knowledge or brains I imagine taking about other stuff on here other than soul will end up with me looking an idiot so I won't comment on my wife's cheap tacky designer inspired handbags. I was apologising in case I made more of them to appear "for sale" by raising this thread, but I will never apologise for the scum that made them or sell them, they should go to the opposite of "Soul Heaven" The more discussion the better but what's needed is enough people to call them out whenever possible and they seem to sadly be in short supply, here's hoping
  8. I have volume 1 Ray was notes writer on this other release which I don't have https://www.oldies.com/product-view/40023G.html
  9. See you have got me started now with this post. Our man Sweet is possibly Floyd Bibbins (credited on the single) I wonder if this is also connected where he "did" the music ? https://catalog.lamama.org/Detail/objects/6727 And these ?
  10. That's interesting as the label has a D. Ridgeway and JM's description says "lee" I wonder if this Gentleman might be one of our men
  11. If I have ended up causing more bootlegs to appear then shame on me as I want you to know I despise them.
  12. Sorry Mike never spotted it , always so busy nowadays
  13. 27 year old Alex Morrison, of Barrow, will be in the national eye when he puts on his dancing shoes as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant. The Pageant will combine street arts, theatre, music, circus, carnival and costume to ‘celebrate Her Majesty’s unwavering duty, love of the natural world and dedication to the Commonwealth.’ He will be one of 15 dancers on the flatbed trailer when the Pageant takes place on Sunday, June 5. https://www.nwemail.co.uk/news/20172354.northern-soul-enthusiast-selected-perform-jubilee-celebrations/?fbclid=IwAR3fP5f5IH_fhRhIdASD-KZnbFYw-c0Pa6R5b_dvcJHxnQ9mD3KUGZBTRTw
  14. Me too and I always loved it, Carolina Soul has been so long on Ebay. If you go to a normal auction and some websites they normally have an estimate so at least it gives a ball park, shame these auction sites don't do the same and then if people do pay over the odds then it is at least clear.
  15. It's a little harsh to say you have "no sympathy for sellers who overpay and have no knowledge or gumption" as that implies that we were always wise when young and wet behind the ears. Our job is not to criticise, but hopefully to educate and add knowledge to the great and young pretenders so they don't get ripped.
  16. I still think people are stuck with Ebay and some have no idea Discogs exists
  17. $306 finish bid Ed, Carolina Soul
  18. Did you tell Dean, he would have a dicky fit I think they are Crazy Baby. By that I mean they make good coasters.
  19. Discogs is now littered with sales history, messing up the history, of sold bootlegs on the Original label submissions. I have had to add 100's of listings to my wants lists just to try and spot the incorrect listings and it is doing my nut in trying to keep my eye on it and I don't get paid !!!
  20. I think Karl sold one of these 60's bootlegs for £200 a few years ago and was saying that carvers can be made "today" for £30 People think that some bootlegs are OK, personally I think they don't even qualify for recycling, but my opinion often does not count and others are entitled to there thinking, of course. I may ask Blackpool Pleasure Beach if they can create a new target shoot with bootlegs disguised as ducks, first prize an original copy
  21. I doubt it was arrogance, he was a professor. He was expressing his opinion about his taste in art and TBF isn't the whole point about art to be joyful about it or criticise it.
  22. Some people "may" list the in error (lack of knowledge, everyone now wants to be a dealer), but I suspect that some dealers may be trying to pull the wool and just listing them to sell them. Good news is that Discogs only accepts Paypal (which may annoy some) and the buyer has up to 180 days to get the purchase overturned and their money back. Ebay ditched Paypal for payments, so I doubt there is any thing a buyer can do Facebook has an alternative (For bootlegs) page to avoid Discogs for selling boots Where there is a bootleg "there is a way" it seems and it is dismal, poor practice and sad, as I have been saying for years.
  23. I really don't need to say anything , this item speaks for itself selling for selling for £273.99 If I had know it was for sale I would have bid £274 to win this slice of bootleg magic https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OLD-NORTHERN-SOUL-REISSUE-PRESSING-THE-SALVADORS-STICK-BY-ME-BABY-NR-EX-/265701728428?nma=true&si=9t9aE5PZxvor%2FoxErtiCp2fu9eo%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&fbclid=IwAR1n4GrYGYQrEGLsL-hJuGOxujvgFw7-09u1jVkkAfeqnFxes9QhumlMsfE The seller from Blackpool as well ? I could have fetched it to save on postage costs

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