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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. I have just come across this LP by Max Handley (originally from Blackpool) and when I looked on the credits.....there she was .... harmony vocals on 2 of the tracks from 1974 and a folk rock LP It's around the same time as she recorded her LP Stretchin' Out at Chalk Farm Studios in London Born as Doris Elaine Higginsen, in The Bronx, Doris Troy was working as an usherette at the Apollo where she was discovered by James Brown. She took her stage name from Helen of Troy. Troy worked with Solomon Burke, The Drifters, Cissy Houston, and Dionne Warwick, before she co-wrote and recorded Just One Look, which hit #10 in the US Billboard Hot 100 in 1963. As her solo career peaked, she sang back-up for The Rolling Stones, Humble Pie, Kevin Ayers, Edgar Broughton, Pink Floyd (on their album The Dark Side of the Moon), George Harrison, Johnny Hallyday, Vivian Stanshall, Dusty Springfield, Nick Drake, Junior Campbell and Carly Simon. She was also signed by The Beatles to their Apple Records label in 1969. Did she perform around this time in the UK or was she just here for these projects ?
  2. That's true, but if anything goes wrong you can't claim the full amount, that's what customs is for (it's called avoiding tax )
  3. Only Signed for with UK Royal Mail @ £10.90 I wouldn't use standard airmail as it only covers £20
  4. Value of record ?
  5. Can remember DJ'ing this from the album with penned Sam Dees tracks all over it from 1983
  6. Actually, It's Taiwan they made lots of bootleg LP's like these, This one was 1968, April I think.
  7. Sorry Mick I didn't explain very well. The "dinked" centre is right up to the "Turbo" logo as opposed to Richard's copy, that, if it was pushed out would not be as big a "dink"
  8. Thanks, we knew about this one, and I agree back to purpose of thread "Dinking" Interesting that the image here has a larger dinked centre, than the non-dinked image of Richard's
  9. That's the one Jonathan Woodliffe was after a 12" Demo and I have mentioned before in a previous thread somewhere that we don't think it exists
  10. That's cool, but I am still confused.... a little I guess most pressing plants would simply make them "as" dinked as standard, but in the case of the record being discussed here they made them "all ?" with middles and then went to the trouble of dinking them or punters just did it when they purchased them ? (apart from Richard's copy) Interesting stuff I had a Philly 33 1/3 O'Jays US with a centre but never seen a turbo one until now
  11. I will look in to it, it may be the same rule that already has applied to Australia for the last year
  12. I assume it's the same as the other well know auction site, as for expensive on Discogs, I have seen more expensive records on Soul Source to be fair https://tamebay.com/2019/06/ebay-collect-online-sales-tax.html
  13. So this begs the question of how some US records "were" pressed. Did they press them all like this and then had a machine to punch them out and if so.......why ?
  14. This is a fantastic link of his music and connections, RIP Mr Bartholomew https://www.songhall.org/profile/Dave_Bartholomew
  15. I always valued it at at around £30 and of course there is a Silver label and Black label as well as a Promo https://crystalmotion.blogspot.com
  16. Thanks Dean I believe (not 100% sure) that the "Charles" label and "Genuine Records Inc." were possibly connected to Unity, is this true please ?
  17. Sorry if this has been covered before, but I wondered if we know anything about the singer, other than has sound Stage 7 release, I can't find much on Jeffrey, unless I missed something somewhere.
  18. Some very interesting comments in Variety report https://variety.com/2019/music/news/universal-music-fire-zero-impact-on-company-value-1203249173/
  19. This is why https://www.popsike.com/php/quicksearch.php?searchtext=chocolate+buttermilk+band+head+games
  20. I would like to apologise if this has been covered before and if it has, please direct me to the thread. I have always had a fascination "Major Bill Smith" and the "Le Cam" label and think I may have found Christian who appears to have moved to Finland in 1991 from Texas. https://www.deplicque.net/about/personal-history Can I have some confirmation please and do we have anymore info on "Berry Street Station / Six Feet Under"
  21. Sorry I am not explaining myself properly today, I meant the Fania label
  22. You the person to ask Is it likely that there were cuts with reserve numbers that never made it to press as with other labels ?
  23. I know that but, as discussed so many times before that includes 20% VAT and is stone mint and based on what John has sold them for He is a dealer with overheads to pay and millionaire customers who don't bother with Auction sites etc. that is why on Popsike (Ebay) they are around £300 ish
  24. £300 ish for Minter
  25. I wonder if that's the same lady here https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/jayne_edwards

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