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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. 2 of the group were Eugene and Charles (Chas) McIntyre. Produced at Texas Sound Studios by Jeff Smith (Sunglows Connection)
  2. One for Rick Scott (wonder if he ever sold his copy?)
  3. Just have a look at previous invoices Dave, they add it on to the final bill and the send to HMRC. Just remember though that because it's all in $$ then since the Brexit thing your bills are becoming much much less as Discogs charge in $$ and it's now MUCH cheaper to sell on there (other sites are available)
  4. Since 4 years ago Dave the 8% Fees are then billed each month +20% VAT
  5. Can you direct me please to this 12" you mention as it has to be the album version which for some strange reason never surfaced other than on the CD, as far as I was aware, and the other mixes are rubbish, I think Rick will agree
  6. I love this knowledge.....Thanks my brain is getting more full Found him here in the middle
  7. All Blue....Prisoner...Not download but CD only Rick, please don't tell me off
  8. No, Willie was from Greensboro, North Carolina
  9. Thanks I have seen the article Dave Moore did (so well) and it mentions the Chips distribution and it appears Weldon distributed it (presumably in Philly) and I have now seen Motown labels with his stickers on ......interesting, thanks
  10. There is a Tina on auction at moment I am more interested in the sticker (what do we think)
  11. This is the VAT stuff https://support.discogs.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001576374-Discogs-VAT
  12. Andy Dyson said to me once "only sell if you really really need the money" "If you have a collection and want a fair price go for 50% of Manships" This was before the days of Discogs. You can always put them on there for 6 months to see, unless you are "in a rush" and cut out the dealers
  13. Anorak's we may be, but unless it's discussed it we may never know and I love this thread I see a New York connection in these posts, that's for sure, don't you
  14. Theses guys were selling records well before online sales and they offer a special service to "normally" collectors who have dealt with them and will continue to do so (based in reputation, not necessarily "pricing") for years and it's like those folks who will stick to their car dealer/ insurance/ mechanic etc. as they are happy with the product and service provided
  15. There are people who take offence (not me) and you should read the rules
  16. I can understand your frustration. just do me a favour and watch your language, (unless it's in your own front room ....... please) Use the on Line contact form and Tim or one of his elves will get back to you https://www.raresoulvinyl.co.uk/contact/
  17. I came across this "interesting" label and wondered what is/was going on and why, what, where etc.....sorry if it has been covered before (perhaps someone can direct me to any previous threads) Does someone know the history of the label/ labels
  18. Agreed Rick and what was this that happened ?
  19. Can someone tell me if this was ever played on the "Scene" please
  20. Don't forget this one
  21. WOW, do folks not have "google" any more https://www.expansionrecords.com/vault/about/
  22. I don't think this came out on a US release You can pick it up easily on UK TMG 1078 Issue or Demo
  23. You both referred to them as re-issues ? the word "bootleg" springs to mind in 2015
  24. It's Saturday, let's all have a dance

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