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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. In 2018 over 31000 numbered limited editions new titles were introduced to the world (and that's just listed on Discogs), so it does appear that it happens more than I knew. I am guessing that when the original idea of "Limited Editions" was first introduced it was a marketing thing as there are some silly examples of "Limited Editions" around the world. I know my wife gets all dizzy when she spots a "Limited Edition" handbag (that costs a fortune) and my blood pressure increases. You have made a really good point though about potential errors in manufacturing, so it will be interesting to see someone can suggest a way round the problem to stop these concerns about proof.
  2. I have messaged him Mike
  3. To be honest no, he's based in Edinburgh and he hasn't been active since 2018 and I guess he is just busy busy I will send him the link though right now
  4. My brain has nearly fried with the kids being off school, have some sympathy please Just a thought.... if Euan's watching this thread and watching his bank balance increasing with all this free advertising !!! When record's are "limited" why can't companies do the "Number/sticker" thing to stop these worries about the "truth", surely it can't be that expensive. I just picked up a Beatles White album at the weekend for 99p(Car boot sale) but at least it was numbered (208,046) so I know it was sort of limited
  5. Great history of them here (assuming it's complete and correct) https://doo-wop.blogg.org/ideals-3-c26503252
  6. 396 (2 copies) Soul Brother will know https://soulbrother.com/feature/focus-on-athens-of-the-north/
  7. I am interested to know if the ARP is "Archer Record Pressing" or "American Record Pressing" as both are/were in Detroit but not connected and I am more Familiar with the Archer stamp It may have been discussed before so I do apologise if I missed it
  8. I completely agree, as usual, I thought it was Mike that said we couldn't name and shame on other threads, I wish Fiona Bruce would move on from pictures on "Fake or Fortune" and do records (be a great watch me thinks)
  9. It would be great if Soul Source had a "Bootleg/Repro/Counterfeit" forum so we everyone could list and image (with differences) as many as we can to avoid this happening (that's why Manship produced his guide) but I doubt it will happen for "Legal Reasons"
  10. Don't kid yourself, this site is great enough for some discussions, but for "Legal Reasons" we can't discuss particular sellers on other sites who are doing this and no one reports them and they get away with it and IMHO (and others) will always do so and a lot of youngsters are buying records (just like I did when I was a kid) and not having a clue what they are buying. The law will only tend to chase the sellers with big operations as to them it's not worth it.
  11. Condition report please ?
  12. He states that these are 1970's who booted them ? was it Mr Soussan ?
  13. I hope this hasn't been covered already, and I do apologise if it has. I was hunting around for info on Maurice and came across this wonderful link and thought it worth sharing for those interested in Motown. https://www.metrotimes.com/detroit/his-way-always/Content?oid=2179213
  14. This one is going to be difficult Studio was run by Art Talmadge in New York There was an Interview with Trade Martin here but I am not a facebook member https://www.facebook.com/pg/tradetalksradio/posts/
  15. Superb stuff, perhaps John can get his camera out to show us the "Best" matrix details on his copy and then this thread can finish. Well apart from this image of Simon's bootleg (my copy is being used as wedge under some furniture In my shed, I wonder why)
  16. This is the ARP stamp
  17. Came out on this too
  18. The Prisonaires
  19. I know I was the person who suggested it, would you be kind enough though (like me) why you think it is, as we have others doubting it or questioning it
  20. This is great stuff indeed but is clearly after the other records dated 1975 and maybe you have just found out where he was from (which is brilliant), did the band from Louisiana feature our man from Atlanta
  21. I have listened to the B-side of "Got to find a Way" have you (and compared to the vocal on Brunswick) ? well done Mike for spotting https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=lSkEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA36&lpg=PA36&dq=lee+majid+cajun+heart+warner&source=bl&ots=7Q79w9eRdV&sig=ACfU3U2TYkZADrQZccdQPJupwJR2PlbcFQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWgsKrqvjjAhUpUxUIHWH8BaIQ6AEwD3oECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=lee majid cajun heart warner&f=false
  22. I hope you don't mind but I have just sussed out who I think Cajun Hart is after nearly 50 years of Soulies not knowing (bottom of the page)
  23. Neil Rushton did this one through his Inferno label in the UK
  24. Alan Senior rings a bell recently for something?
  25. Promo or issue ?

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