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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. Perfect info I did wonder if some sources had it wrong
  2. I wonder if it was more likely to be Sam who wrote (Suddenly) with/for Brenda Holloway (1964), which was produced by Hal Davis
  3. I have noticed the spelling of Jobette (maybe a printing error ?) and the B side writers ?
  4. It appears that, thanks to all your help (particularly the suggestions at the top of this page), that Magnum is as follows and any clarification would be great Label owner: Roger Davenport & Hunter Hancock, Los Angeles, CA (1964-1968) https://www.electricearl.com/dws/hunter.html https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2004-aug-11-me-hancock11-story.html
  5. I found this article "Elliott Shavers, a Texas-born musician who got his start as an R&B singer after he moved to Los Angeles. He was only active for six years between 1961 and 1967, but in that time he recorded over 30 published songs for smaller labels such as Imbo, Ellen, and Magnum. Several times he garnered near-national attention and got picked up by a bigger label for national releases, which happened with “Scratch That Itch,” which he released on King Records under the name “Elliott Shavers & His Blazers.” Shavers kept a low profile after those 6 years in the industry." https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=https://soul-in-groove.eklablog.com/elliott-chavers-shavers-a90543771&prev=search
  6. Sonny Daye (real name Thomas Hawkins)..... Sly Slick & Wicked (not the group from Cleveland), who passed 2016, I believe ? Some of these AKA names ended up in court !!! https://www.clevescene.com/cleveland/the-great-pretenders/Content?oid=1496687
  7. Indeed and the other single "When Are You Coming Home"
  8. Have found (so far) that James Aaron was lead vocals and Herman Henry played tenor saxophone. Ted Wysinger played guitar (a member of the Uptights Band (Devil's On The Run / Mirrors Don't Ever Lie) and Freddie & The Stone Souls)
  9. I wonder if they were taken from tapes and or vinyl then ? someone knows who put them out
  10. I apologise for revisiting this, but am knew to this site Picked up a copy from a charity shop yesterday (best £1 I have sent in a while) What really interests me is who put it together, as whoever did, knew that side 1 track 2 was covered up and then used that on the cover in 1983 when it was released, even though Keith had, by then, "uncovered" it. I quote "The record (William Powell) was discoverd by Arthur Fenn and covered up as Bobby Jason "All These Things". Soul Sam bought it from Arthur and played it at Wigan in 1979. Sam later traded it with Richard Searling. It's claimed that Keb Darge was playing it at Stafford in 1983. Keith Minshull played it uncovered in 1983 having allegedly paid £150 for it." Any info welcome so I can stop talking about it to my wife who prefers "Will Young" (I know, but she is lovely!!!)
  11. Just found this fantastic thread and wondered about the others on "Patches" label and this is the James Conwell "Patches"
  12. Among his better known works are the New York State song, "I Love New York", the jingle Here Comes the King for Budweiser, the Hershey's chocolate jingle The Great American Chocolate Bar, the Exxon Song Energy for a Strong America (1976), and Wrigley Spearmint Gum / Carry The Big Fresh Flavor (1973). He also composed several music scores for motion pictures during the 1960s, and performed briefly as a Calypso singer, achieving some recognition in Trinidad during that time. Karmen is the recipient of 16 Clio Awards.
  13. I do wonder as on the video the comments on the "Not Like You" are quoting RIP ? and naturally I would not wish to cause any confusion or offence to anyone or members of her family, who has passed and there could easily be 2 ladies with the same name Found this
  14. I came across this amazing video (2016) and wondered if this is the same Barbara that recorded for Gary Brown in 1967 Wonderful performance here and if it is her .......what a tune
  15. Willie Hutch and Hal Davis ?
  16. Could this be Mr Esters and Michael Jackson connection as writer https://wavenewspapers.com/group-wants-local-control-restored-to-compton-college/
  17. Do we know of info about Ollie Jackson please apart from Pepper release I can't find anything
  18. Overlooked and cheap....should be played more
  19. Well the problem if I recall , as you will no doubt know, with the particular LP in question Gene Townsel, is that part of the LP was poorly mixed and ran into the next track without a gap and I can clearly remember Mo playing the Single and Mick holding up the LP to prove they had it Amusing at the time and it wasn't until I bought the LP that I realised. Fortunately, I no longer DJ, so it isn't a problem for me
  20. I must apologise, but I think there is some confusion here which came from somewhere....... the thread was and I quote "Does anybody recommend any 70s Album only tracks" and I have just tried to stick to the thread.
  21. Gene Townsel was on 7"
  22. This has been revisited and confirmed

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