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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. Maybe we would have liked it as kids I am not sure about the title choice either with all that's been happening
  2. Can you link me Karl please as I searched and could not find the other topic
  3. Finally we get a story https://www.villagevoice.com/2010/10/28/exclusive-the-rent-is-too-damn-high-guy-jimmy-mcmillan-tells-us-about-his-musical-career-his-past-as-soul-musician-jimmy-mack/
  4. It was always a 1.5-2K record (and I my opinion a very dubious press as per other releases, I have been doubted before and I may be wrong, but Jack's memory on this is vague, I was told years ago)
  5. True Ted, but the record will only be insured for what they put on the ticket, so that is a bit risky
  6. There are 37 versions of the LP I would check on Discogs
  7. So Gilly and Jilly we know Who are the second lot of fictitious writers ? And licensed from Goldmine ? https://pennimanrecords.com/pages/contact
  8. https://www.firerecords.com/the-mystery-of-the-peanut-duck/
  9. I have one of these in my box and searching on the net it appears that Mark Dobson "Butch" had the acetate (see blog below), I can't be sure, perhaps Butch Music was/is a coincidence If he is the mysterious owner (or was) I wonder if he knows or can be bothered, if he does, to name our lady Wonder who Gilly / Jilly were ? The secret world of Northern Soul ? https://soulstrutter.blogspot.com/2020_03_04_archive.html
  10. Does a UK buyer have to pay 20% import VAT on the hammer price ?
  11. So this is pre-order in April next year ?
  12. 100 % it's a personal thing from a lifetime ago but he does know his stuff
  13. Spot on and they often stated "Not For Sale". That would really mess things up, imagine if they were banned from sale
  14. A well thought comment which I agree with so much.
  15. Made a start me thinks never knew who Preston was Preston Edmond Peters Prince Preston With The Belvederes ? https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=vB4EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA62&lpg=PA62&dq=Prince+Preston+With+The+Belvederes&source=bl&ots=8FzzI9oK4b&sig=ACfU3U0pngsufT7Pwy4nr8d5Vzq4-sYmbA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiHgoHl44D0AhWOi1wKHXZGBe8Q6AF6BAgVEAM#v=onepage&q=Prince Preston With The Belvederes&f=false
  16. The amount of boots I have had...... Little off topic but well worth a look Manship does not pay me for advertising
  17. Nev span it The Palais I seem to recall 1979
  18. Clearly a very important record
  19. We always said it was about a 2.5K max record and the sucker on Manships "should" be supporting charity than wasting money, It's a mad world
  20. At 2 years old you had great taste in music Sadly you are incorrect though, as it is classed as a "crossover" record on the Northern Soul Scene
  21. Italian ....."Tema Del Lupo" a music theme (funk, disco)
  22. Spot on Thread here
  23. No.......scene Belgium's 'Popcorn': the last underground music scene in Europe https://www.theguardian.com/music/musicblog/2014/feb/05/belgium-popcorn-underground-music-scene-europe-northern-soul

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