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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. Might there be Import duties as well when it arrives In the UK or is the VAT on the hammer price all that has to be paid An Antique has to be over 100 years old for the tax people
  2. Ebay sellers are getting big hits with non paying buyers now 20% VAT is being added after hammer price and me thinks they will ignore us more and more
  3. How much are the hands buddy as 50p is a lot to spend and I was hoping to get enough for it so I could invest in Manships guide to support him in his old age retirement fund (his books are well expensive, but clearly useful TBF)
  4. The fact that you said It's not an original means it "could" be a repress / reissue / counterfeit / bootleg or repro, all of which are copies (legal or not) has to be somewhat vague surely There are enough on line sellers using the term reissue and missing out the word bootleg conning the £££'s out of people, so please forgive me for trying to be accurate. I have just spoken to someone who has Manships 5th Edition guide and he has confirmed that it is a bootleg / repro which is the proof (and documented) I needed. Thanks anyway for your help and at least no one else will get ripped off again (let's hope ) It appears I wasted 50p
  5. Thanks but that sentence "sold as bootlegs, reissues or whatever!" really does not help me, it's a bit vague
  6. I have had this copy of the Uptite with the "tailed" U for about a thousand years Etched JC on the dead wax as mentioned above (it may be the same one as mentioned earlier in the thread but image has gone) but not listed as a boot on Discogs just a re-issue ? (Lee Jeffries and a couple of others have copies for sale) and they have been sold on Evilbay before Before I start thinking about selling this and inadvertently ripping some unsuspecting buyer off I would really like to know please ? (oh and not just "it is a boot" but how someone knows it is)
  7. I was sat with my new friend in Blackpool Towers, who knows much more than me (most do) He asked me if I knew about this record and laughed saying ask the site and see if they know ? I had just picked up a copy of Shirley (always loved) and had no idea of this crass record (IMO)(he likes it !!!!) He said the "Mighty Two is a reference to well known people on the scene Steve Underwood and New York is funny too." I am intrigued and if it has been covered before please direct me Here we go
  8. Funnily I mentioned the styrene copy above and there is one on Popsike so it does exist
  9. Omricon - just named as the new variant and there seems to be some level of worry / panic Might this be the next lock down Please don't shoot the messenger
  10. Pastor Bill Stith (Immanuel Baptist Church) during the funeral service for Jenny Iles. Stith is also the chaplain for the Covington Police Dept. Mike will tell me off if I post photo, so please follow link https://facesandplaces.kentonlibrary.org/viewimage.php?i=di94427
  11. I found this, a little more about Bill on buckeye beats website The Corvairs Ft. Thomas, KY, 1961-7 The Corvairs were one of Cincinnati's most popular bands of the early 1960s. The band included two sets of twins, (Bill Stith and Al Stith, and two named Langdon). The Stiths were from Ft. Thomas, KY and the Langdons from Cincinatti. Al was the lead singer and played guitar and Bill played guitar and bass. In June of 1962, just after their first record "Black Diamonds" was recorded, Al was diagnosed with cancer and had his left leg amputated. That didn't stop him, as they recorded two more 45s, one more on Twin (covers of the R&B songs "Talk to Me and "Hard Times") and for Shad O'Shea's Official label. They also recorded a few songs for the obscure Show Time LP. The band personnel at the time of the Show Time LP included Billy Hinds (future member of the Marc IV, East Orange Express, and Pure Prairie League), Bill Reeder (mispelled Reder on the LP, later in the Vibrations), and Ben Bechtloff. In November of 1964, Al succumbed to the cancer that he had fought for more than two years. The band continued with new lead singer named Little Joe Williams, who was barely a teenager when he started. Little Joe had already been peforming with the band and was also part of the Show Time LP roster (along with the Casinos). The band continued, led by Bill and Little Joe, and recorded two more 45s for Twin. The second one, "I'm Gonna Mary You" was picked up by Hickory for national distribution with a different flip side. The two post-Al 45s had the band firmly in the rock/R&B hybrid of the Cincinnati sound, covering R&B songs ("Gee Whiz" by Carla Thomas and "I Need You So" by Tommy McClain). By the time the group disbanded in 1967, Bill had started a new career as a school teacher. He moved to the more economically vibrant area of Miami, Florida. Once established, he bought into the struggling Great World of Sound/Trip Universal operation and used Twin as one of the GWS label names. In 1971 he scored a huge hit with the record "Welfare Cadillac". Around 1973 he left Trip Universal and moved back to Cincinnati. The TU operation had some element of the 'pay to play' process, where an artist puts up a pile of ,money to cover a recording, and TU or a subsidiary would use it's promotion network to get the record on the radio an into stores. Back in Cincy, he took the pay to play model all over the Great Lakes and midwest area, releasing up to if not more than 100 records on the AMG/Pilot Master labels. He supposedly left that business in 1976 to become a minister or some other religious leader, while Carl Edmondson and some others continued AMG until about 1978. Discography Black Diamonds / Slipped Disc (Twin 45-4), June 1962 Talk To Me / Hard Times - Twin no # (Rite 9775/6) 1963 Fisherman's Wharf / Hey Pedro - Official 1002, 1964 Gee Whiz / It's Aw'Rite - Twin 1001, 1965 I Need You So / I'm Gonna Marry You - Twin 19671, 1967 I'm Gonna Marry You / Lonely Boy, Lone;y Girl - Hickory 1459, May 1967
  12. I never knew there was a 1970's Styrene bootleg of Jimmy (one of SS's ?) I stumbled on it on popsike
  13. I have noticed, but not many of the Styrene Monarch bootlegs for sale, I wonder where they all are ?
  14. I knew I had seen it mentioned somewhere and it was Tim Brown last year, but to be fair he didn't say Dave direct https://www.raresoulvinyl.co.uk/saleslist/LIST_780.pdf
  15. Dave Hamilton most likely do we think ?
  16. Actually it was discussed some years back and the contributors were very informative Maybe Kim Stacy was our label owner ?
  17. Did anyone find out who owned the label, (I know some don't care) perhaps I missed it. I spotted the P.O. Box address in Atlanta and it appears to be the same as Elation Records and Esprit Records
  18. I am still trying to track Johnny's Bio down, could this be him ?
  19. Might be useful (if it translates) Great stuff about Margaret and her family https://musicaparaleer-wordpress-com.translate.goog/2008/10/12/margaret-mandolph/?_x_tr_sl=es&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=nui,sc "Life was hard for a family of artists. Like many people at that time, the Mandolphs sought their fortune in California. When they arrived in the mid-1950s, they settled in Lancaster. By then the family had a new member: little Margaret. In sunny California Howard Mandolph continued his career of successes in the shadows, playing among others for Bobby Womack . He also composed various songs, highlighting the adaptation of the British children's song " Hickory Dickory Dock " that he did for Etta James ."
  20. Manship will be auctioning his copies soon, I dare say
  21. We may have a Maurice Senior (RIP 1979) and then Maurice Jackson Junior, as I found this site where Maurice was/is still active I don't like assuming so need help please https://mauricejacksonmusic.com/music This may have been covered before so please send me there
  22. The price of records can go down as well us up like most investments
  23. Look who I found
  24. Karl I have found a connection Jessie Godwin and that might just help clarify more about Mr E. H. Jefferson if someone can fill in some gaps Interesting release this one and seems to be another shooting up in value , now the "dealers" have caught on. Dave Thorley loaded the video in 2013 so he might have some more info ? 1984, I don't think so Again surprised, but not all that because Eddie had a UK release that know one knows about him

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