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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. Never seen one ever It's just a stamp, so technically an issue I had one without the stamp
  2. It's in Manships guide 5th edition page 494 1. Demo 2. Issue - Vinyl 3. 2nd press Styrene No mention of bootleg
  3. Pretty sure it's 74/75 and just before the grey release which has the instrumental and strange using the same number as 1968 release
  4. Someone told me that sadly Williams struggled with being addicted to drugs and his habit forced him into homelessness while he was in Chicago.
  5. Blimey Webcor Records as well
  6. I can't work out if it's Detroit or Chicago, as when Andre Williams released on Avin it was only a couple of months after a Fortune release in Detroit, but Dave Wilkerson is Chicago How annoying
  7. I still do not explain myself properly Dave, sorry, I meant who owned the record label
  8. I would like to see Donna in blue Who owned Avin ?
  9. A&M owned the label so they probably got them from Leland Rogers
  10. Fantastic news indeed, is this way we stayed in before the covid thing as age makes you forget things Rick John so pleased you have them back I wanted to wait until you got them back so I could tell you the (Bob Monkhouse) joke about when he was drunk and left his wife in a taxi but they bought her back !!!!!
  11. France as well http://doowoop1962.free.fr/Popcorn/accueil.htm
  12. This has probably been covered before (link) and what an interesting thread "When it was released on Jazzman Records in 2016, Follow Me to the Popcorn: The Untold History of the Belgium Popcorn Scene was one of the few compilations to shine a light on the underground soul parties that were all the rage in the country during the 1970s. Unlike its U.K. counterpart Northern Soul, little has been written about the Belgium Popcorn scene. But for a growing number of record collectors and DJs, the sounds of “Popcorn” provide an ongoing source of inspiration. So what wasBelgium Popcorn, and why is it only now beginning to get the appreciation it deserves?" https://daily.bandcamp.com/features/belgium-popcorn-guide
  13. I noticed this and wondered how did it get to Nottingham ? If I missed an explanation please direct me Never on a US copy ?
  14. And a photo here he was still playing tunes until 1970 when KSOL stopped it's Soul Show and clearly knew Sly Stone https://bayarearadio.org/audio/ksol/ksol-1450-july-12-1966 https://airchexx.com/archives-sly-stone-on-ksol-san-francisco-1967-828-scoped/ The Sly Stone show is the most amazing amazing 8 minutes EVER , take a listen
  15. There must have been 2 runs ?
  16. R.I.P. Joe Simon! Sad news. Joe was one of the great Southern Soul singers in the 1960's who specialized in deep country soul ballads. He later went to Philly and hooked up with Gamble and Huff and revitalized his career in the 70's with Drowning in the Sea of Love. He returned to the church after retiring from the music biz and became a bishop. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/celebrities/17043038/joe-simon-death-grammy-award-winner/
  17. I looked at Discogs this morning and had another idea. If you are a member or join, then you can add the records that are missing to a "wants" list and see if a seller lists them for sale, assuming they don't return. You can do a similar thing on Evilbay I would guess
  18. This info is amazing and conflicts what I was told a million years ago. Have you a source please (I am not doubting you )
  19. I think this is Stu and if anyone is a member they may be able to get in touch https://www.linkedin.com/in/wiener-stu-b076154
  20. I have realised it's the red and Back white one that has Monarch Matrices and others are Frankford/Wayne
  21. John, give Sheffield Council a ring and ask for a list of cab companies and then email them all in one go. They will have have had to book the pick up so time will help and where from and to
  22. After a 20 year mission I finally managed to track down Curtis Rodgers who has been kind enough to allow me to let us all have the following info "Hello, I'm sorry l haven't responded, been traveling and there's some information that I need to let you have. Our company created Several Record Labels and used them for various Artists we had under contract.. To name a few : Hot Line Music Journal, Grandland, Wood City Natural Soul. We convinced Al Green to sign a contract with our company.. We recorded and produced his first single & his first Album..We signed an International Distribution Contract With Bell Records in New York.They were part of CBS..They handled the international market. Al Green's first single and first Album did extremely well around the World. The People's Cholce was a group I put together in 1966. Lead singer George Lowe , back group singers Johnny Curry and Howard Nelson When Palmer James and I recorded the first Recording by the People's Choice , "Hot Wire" , "Easy to be True", the record caught the attention of a Record Company in Detroit Michigan . They really liked the recording & the Group and made us an offer to handle the groups next follow-up recording , in other words , we signed a record deal with this Company, We would work together on the Groups next recording . The next recording session was done in Detroit Michigan , where the "I'm Savin My Loving" record was recorded. This Company we teamed up with was run or headed by "Irv Beigel"... they actually owned the "Palmer" record label and or "Palmer Records". The People's Choice second record release , "Savin My Lovin" , was on the "Palmer" "Label" which we did not own. Irv Beigel left the Palmer Record Company and teamed up with Larry Uttal who headed Bell Records in New York , which was a division of Columbia Pictures. The first group The People's Cholce broke up six months after the Savin My Lovin , record release. Palmer James and myself found another local group young of singers in Grand Rapids and signed them to a recording contract , we gave them the the name The People's Cholce, and recorded their song "Destruction" on our "Wood City" record label. This is the only song we recorded with this group. They were A younger group of guys and couldn't handle the popularity spotlight. We dropped the Group. We did not record any one else using that name. If you have more questions , will try to help or answer when theirs a spare moment , getting very busy with new projects.. You do have my permission to use what I have written.. Take Care From Curtis Rodgers"

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