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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. It's on Ebay, well it was it is now in the completed bit / removed from sale me thinks I wonder who SJ records is
  2. Does Sam flip a coin as to who sells his throw aways (I thought he was John's best buddy ?)
  3. So sorry Kev, he was some man, a trailblazer of the highest order
  4. Sad news indeed an another legend lost.
  5. This was originally listed 12 years ago and Discogs did not have a styrene option Karl, so its no ones fault, glad you added it
  6. One here £25 down the page Andy https://www.soulmountain45.co.uk/page/16/
  7. My wife spotted that the date on this one has a sticker. Question is, printer error or change of date ? She wants to know if we get a $25 cash prize for spotting it
  8. Here is a couple more
  9. If found this video and it seems that I can't find anything about who this men/boys were. If it has been covered before please direct me
  10. I am sorry I am late to the party and only just found the thread (which perhaps needs reviving) I found a possible connection, which took me straight down another cul-de-sac, but felt the Kresla "thing' was important, if not annoyingly another unresolved record. (as yet) I have to say this below side is on of the best Folky tunes I have EVER heard
  11. Indeed but he still thought Elvis was alive in the interview he did, which is why I said "strange" http://www.classicbands.com/MajorBillSmithInterview.html
  12. Rita Lee......... Major Bill used the number (90) twice (he was very strange)
  13. Real name is Everett Laignell Belcher for writer, so artist, writer and label all connected
  14. You asked and I found one What was the free record !!!!
  15. Which actually was the A side Dave, just a matrix query ?
  16. What an interview this is
  17. This one (no picture of Eddie Foster though !!!!) and it states the year.
  18. I have just seen on FB (and a reliable source) that Lew has passed Oh my this is so sad May he be in Heaven forever not just the afternoon
  19. Some of this I did not know until you inspired me to google a bit more, thanks Kurtis Scott formerly Kurt Harris, born Curtis Futch jr., Elonia, Ga. Landed in New York City about 1952 being in show business for many years Ex boxer and group singer recorded with the capitols about 1958 singing bass on the classic recording of Angel Of Love and has appeared in films with Van Johnson Jean Hackman Robert Cup and many others.
  20. I utterly agree with the point about "I thought that was well known" I knew, but I bet there are lots who do not
  21. And here is the acetate on Youtube
  22. It's here as well (5026) http://www.globaldogproductions.info/s/sure-shot.html
  23. The mercury issue is a bit tough as well ..... Isn't it ? Here is a rubbish theory. did Blue Rock withdraw cos the title was wrong ?

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