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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. Where have you been living, I just googled Omega Auctions and they are not "small print" "Buying charges Purchases made directly with Omega Auctions are subject to a buyers premium of 28% (23.33%+VAT) for most sales. This includes room bids, telephone bids, absentee bids or any bids placed through Omega Live (bid.omegaauctions.co.uk). For example, if you bid up to £100, you will pay £128 in total. The buyers premium may vary for specialist sales such as 'Live from Utrecht', so please check the auction catalogue for details. Winning bids placed via 3rd party sites such as the-saleroom.com or Invaluable are subject to a buyers premium of 34% (28.33%+VAT). For example, if you bid up to £100, you will pay £134 in total."
  2. They must be on something to buy it (maybe the label name was a reference to it ). The publishing is extraordinary as well
  3. Excuse my ignorance as I left the scene sometime ago and Discogs have a Womar release with The Topics on the B side, It is not necessarily always unusual to have 2 artists on different sides of a 45, but this has the same catalogue number 106 (which also can happen) as Tasti. It was mentioned here as a re-issue (link below) ? possible bootleg ?
  4. Brilliant, just brilliant , you never know Dave, he might write an article on the Horse and Groom, seeing as he has never been there.
  5. This from 2016
  6. It it has these me thinks Matrix / Runout (Side A, Hand Etched): CA 1087 Matrix / Runout (Side B, Hand Etched): CA 1088 It's a Bootleg
  7. My opinion differs from yours as IMO there are lots of garage style records played on the Northern Soul scene that had/have nothing whatsoever, to do with American black music. The most fantastic thing about the northern soul scene is that the music and the people did not discriminate and crossed boundaries music wise and were never a one particular thing
  8. I found this article from Greg Wilson and please note the complete and glaring error in the first paragraph, just proves how some folks just do not understand what they are writing about, or check what they are writing. "Northern Soul was a British term for a style (or group of styles) of American black music" https://electrofunkroots.co.uk/articles/what.html
  9. Indeed but fiction and fact are 2 different things and we usually quote our sources of info
  10. Irrelevant, as Jackie Weaver said "you have no authority here" (some will understand this quote) We hold the scene and the music very close to our hearts and no one from the outside should really comment, without any experience. Anyone can put together an article, but unless they have lived what they write, some of us see the attempt as pathetic. What was that group Johnny Johnson performed with ? A Bandwagon, I believe a Bandwagon (some will understand this too)
  11. It appears Ian is a "jack of all trades and a master of none" https://blog.discogs.com/en/author/ishirley/
  12. It appears that Richard (if that's what he said on his show) "may" have been incorrect on this occasion. Here is some stuff I found and sadly he passed away only a couple of years ago. "Maybe you know him as Arthur Robinson of the Doo Wop groups, The Romancers and The Ad-Libs. Or maybe you know him from the Van McCoy label, VANDO, as Art Robins. If you know him by any of those names, you know he has a powerful, honey voice. Or maybe you are a family member or friend and simply know him affectionately by his nickname, Peter Rabbit. Thearthur Robinson Thearthur Robinson, Arthur Robinson, Art Robins Born in South Norfolk County (which later became Chesapeake), and raised on Liberty Street there, 17 year old, Robinson left the Tidewater area in 1956 to seek better opportunities up North. He landed a job at a Staten Island hospital doing maintenance. One day while sweeping, singing to pass the time faster, he was heard by a young woman whose brother was in a Doo Wop group. Soon, a meeting was set up and next thing he knew, Thearthur Robinson from Virginia, was in a New York singing group called, The Romancers. The Romancers featured tight harmonies and soaring vocals, with several members taking turn singing lead. The group had a series of songs recorded on Palette Records. (These Romancers were an East Coast group not to be confused with a West Coast group of the same name during the same period or another East Coast group which later became known as The Dreamers). Eventually, Robinson found himself with The Ad-Libs, a singing group which had been surviving off a hit record, “The Boy From New York City.” The new Ad-Libs were on AGP Records and consisted of Arthur Robinson, Irene Baker, Hugh Harris, Rose Myers and David Watt. Also joining the lineup was Chris Bartley. The group got involved with a highly talented and prolific writer/producer by the name of Van McCoy. Arthur Robinson was chosen to sing the lead on the remake of a ballad by a former member of The Flamingos, Tommy Hunt, titled, “Human.” " http://www.vmsoul.com/dyk.html https://www.fitchettmannfuneralservices.com/obituary/thearthur-robinson
  13. Oh, could be but I will let others agree with you
  14. Brilliant stuff and now would it be OK to ask who know who he was, now we have sorted out the record ? I can't find anything, but I am not a knowledgeable as others on here.
  15. Can you add a photo of the other side Carol or tell us what it is please ? Do you think or know if the recording on your copy is stereo or mono ?
  16. Indeed and a big criticism, but when I wanted something I just pm'd the seller to check "first"
  17. Steve Plumb is hugely successful on Discogs and I don't know why people haven't got the nounce to ask the sellers if they will sell cheaper, after all what is the worse they can say....... erm No ? I believe John charges 20% for the pleasure (at least he did 8 years ago when I turned his bank manager down)
  18. There was point when Discogs did not have a tick box for styrene so many are still lacking that info. Also there are lots and lots of Discographers who don't even know there is a difference
  19. I thought that Exodus was Gospel related and only used by VeeJay for re-issues of other stuff, but once again I am probably wrong.
  20. Covering up records in this century.......really ??? (some kids will grow up and still be kids) I wonder if it was the one bought on Ebay in 2015
  21. Steve owes you then, like a "finders fee"

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