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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. If found this thread and spotted that he had 2 releases but not much said (please direct me if I have missed it.) What was really funny (well I thought it was) is when I did some searching it came up with Dock Willis and Willie Randolph New York American football in 1976. (photo attached) I also thought Doc Peabody (just to throw that in the hat) but the voices are different ? Cleveland is about 650 miles from Charlotte As per usual, my daft theories will be wrong, but the detectives on here will perhaps help and if it can be discovered who he / them / is / was then that would be "sensational" and we can rest easy (well I can)
  2. Ready.... steady.... pay him
  3. Just brilliant as usual I established that David was in the group when I got the clipping below and found this other clipping which mentions Ron and his trio playing in the Mousetrap club with The Town Criers headlining and the club being based in Poplar Plaza Shopping Centre, Poplar Level Road, Louisville, KY, US 40213, 2 miles south of the Waterson Expressway on Jan 10th 1970. You beat me to the rest of the research and I can give up now and move on to the next challenge, thanks m8
  4. I have always thought that sometimes the British soul collectors seem to forget that the Japanese collectors exist and TBF they could be much better than we and the European or US are and got in to the Radio Stations in Asia, raided records from them after the Vietnam war, much to their delight and it must have been relative easy pickings. Wish I had thought of it. It would be fascinating for Tim / Manship and others to give a clue as to what % of their customers right now are from which parts of the world as all we seem to hear is price this and price that, so it leaves people like me guessing.
  5. 100% bang on as usual Rob The 4 bars were hired to back up Vic (although the recording was done in D.C.). They don't seem to be on the flip, "That's My Girl."
  6. Reported sadly on FB It just gets worse with the passing of these stars of the present day and our youth, my heart goes out to his family , friends and those who new him
  7. Good point and how the lead sounds a little like Marvin Simms(Get Off My Back) ? I think these are the 2 recordings
  8. You missed my post 12 hours ago
  9. Tiny Barge, owner of the first release then. Arthur Leon Barge, Jr.. Now this man has pedigree.
  10. A bit more for you The El Corols Band & Show was a group of Junior High School students from DC that performed through the 1950s & 1960s Out of that group came, saxophonist, Carter Jefferson, R&B Guitarist, Greg Gaskins, Trumpeters Donald Tillery & Sir Joe Quarterman and Star Performer, Jimi Smooth, and Jazz Vocalist, Lavenia Nesmith The Tiny release was first and once again Rouser a few years later
  11. That's another thing off my bucket list Dave, teaching you something you didn't know, I'll get my prize please.
  12. That Lorraine (RIP) knew nothing of these releases and Jack seems to have little memory of them and if I have got that wrong then I apologise
  13. Brilliant and Rouser was first used Feb 18th 1970 and Patented March 13th 1970. I can't recall seeing the other labels ? Patents have him as Thomas Earl Rouse
  14. Did you or have you any info on the mysterious Mr Rouse Andy
  15. Here he is on a show
  16. How sad that in these terrible times that Timmy who famously sang "Why Can't We Live Together" has passed
  17. A big label indeed with some artists that little or nothing has been said about
  18. Frankie owned 49% of Pecle Publishing and Productions in 1975 https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=XSQEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PT3&lpg=PT3&dq=Pecle+Publishing+and+Productions+philadelphia&source=bl&ots=Z4QA73velX&sig=ACfU3U2U2f6pGywR_8R5J8fdFL8AQJ082w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjO-JfC6br2AhUGa8AKHaDWBHkQ6AF6BAgdEAM#v=onepage&q=Pecle Publishing and Productions philadelphia&f=false
  19. And Ady told me that Jack's memory was not so good when I asked about it all, bit murky and muddy waters and J.R. Bailey LP was on MAM in 1974 so I have no idea why John is ignoring the connection
  20. I guess this was Sal https://florida.intercreditreport.com/company/naples-conservatory-of-music-inc-s22059
  21. Do you know who they all were and any other recordings ? (Happy New Year BTW it's been a while)
  22. And this was here too which includes the MAM reference that John has dismissed, it must be all Melton "Pork Pies" then

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