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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. Vinyl in red, blue, green, yellow and clear
  2. To the best of my knowledge Leroy Dandridge . Leroy was in The Dontells. The Weems is Willie Weems
  3. https://www.soulfulkindamusic.net/nabay.htm
  4. Photos would be great
  5. Dave I know this is from ages ago and I have only just joined Soul Source I have found this on the web and wondered if this may be Dena Barnes https://www.evansbrownesfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Gardenia-Barnes-131531/#!/Obituary
  6. Did you mean ARTHUR ROLLINS JR. around £50
  7. Interesting Dave will clarify me thinks
  8. Credit where credit's due..... Is info on these 2 around or in his book ?
  9. The depths of my small brain seems to recall a connection with Eddie Holman, but I am so old now
  10. Technics for me everyday.......mind you the ones I would really like and even my wife loves means that we will need to sell our house and live in a shoe box
  11. “Bengals #1” is the one and only release by studio project Players (produced by Midnight Star). This song is an anthem to the famous Football team, the Cincinnati Bengals
  12. Ring Paypal 0800 358 7911
  13. I am a little confused is this a different copy you are selling on Discogs ? https://www.discogs.com/sell/release/1294640?ev=rb
  14. I had same problem with an "outfit" my wife purchased from Australia and we put in a PayPal claim and they found it !!! (when we got it it didn't fit)
  15. Sorry I thought I would add the link (which you press on) to read the article
  16. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=9ycEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA8&lpg=PA8&dq=christine+cooper+cameo+parkway&source=bl&ots=vDFSjcNuWK&sig=OuN6g0EqlsjB0aEP3gMKFWNpjTU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhw8bur4_eAhUNecAKHRUeDGc4ChDoATAJegQIBhAB#v=onepage&q=christine cooper cameo parkway&f=false
  17. One sold 2017 on eBay £100 and there are 2 for sale on Discogs (Not sold though) for a lot more
  18. Although the name suggests otherwise, this was not a group. By contrast it was named for Teri Nelson, a young female vocalist from Harlem, New York, who was managed by Steve Camhi. During the late 1960s, the Super K Production company offered the then eighteen year old soloist a one year contract. After recording a few singles, Nelson's studio sessions were compiled into an album, which the Kama Sutra label released in 1968—purportedly without her knowledge—and promoted it as a group effort (comparatively, the artists pictured alongside Nelson on the album's cover are backing vocalists from the recording sessions). Nelson withdrew from her arrangement thereafter.
  19. Robb, I saw that Thomas Kemp was mentioned as lead vocalist with the Oncore Four-Gents. It's strange that there is not a lot of info on Thomas who as you know was quite heavily involved with Motown, Spinners, Isley's etc. Do you have any stuff please on him
  20. It would be great to know a little about him and his connection with Eddie Silvers
  21. Not , sadly that I am aware of. If you want (in my opinion) his greatest tune......buy this
  22. Second press is this one

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