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Everything posted by Blackpoolsoul

  1. Didn't Duke convert to Islam and that resulted in a distance from music, due to faith....was I dreaming or did I read that somewhere in my long last past
  2. I was hunting around about the label and found this ? https://www.globaldogproductions.info/b/bonnie.html
  3. Ooh can't wait....that will be in my collection.....you won't sign it though and make it worth less, will you
  4. When Harry met Barney it was a match made in heaven – that’s Hary Balk and Barney “Duke” Browner. The Duke had worked with Harry since the early sixties on other labels inlcuding American Arts where he wrote “Walk On InTo My Heart” for Bobbie Smith. But he really hit his stride at Impact alongside Harry and John Rhys. Eventually the three would make the move to Motown but not before the Duke struck paydirt with his Northern Soul anthem “Crying Over You”
  5. More like £100 for condition £150 for a minty
  6. Interesting this info on google books about the band https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=e1kODQAAQBAJ&pg=PA35&lpg=PA35&dq=the+masters+john+oates+pat+collins&source=bl&ots=usMo4MGQ3C&sig=mTG_EaB109XxfxoTQSQkxWdGfYI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjix566ib3eAhVFKMAKHVk7CG0Q6AEwE3oECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=the masters john oates pat collins&f=false
  7. Do we know anything about the man after searching on the inter web, I can't find anything
  8. This is the release page on Discogs https://www.discogs.com/label/199185-TSR-2
  9. I went to the Berlin club and all the staff left and gave Colin the keys......Great night https://www.mancky.co.uk/?p=5199
  10. You're right we could be here all week !!! last copies this year in nice condition around £350
  11. Black or red writing
  12. Demo or issue ?
  13. Mega stuff.....thanks....hopefully with all this help we will find out
  14. Is Billy the same guy on this please ?
  15. Technically the band was "Luther" not him as an individual
  16. I have always wondered if Helena Ferguson is also Helen Ferguson The clips are below
  17. They have a facebook page so "Surely" they must be legit and obeying the rules https://www.facebook.com/Moton-Records-Inc-183889648411503/
  18. Problem here is no copyright info and it's therefore got to be suspect unless someone can supply confirmation
  19. This article shows them performing in Nassau https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1715&dat=19780114&id=G7pjAAAAIBAJ&sjid=sioMAAAAIBAJ&pg=849,13055572&hl=en
  20. I believe this gentleman was their father https://www.marchfh.com/obituaries/Albert-Greene-3/#!/Obituary
  21. I have found this on line which refers to Pastor Edna https://www.marchfh.com/obituaries/Catherine-Greene/#!/Obituary They are clearly from Baltimore

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