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Big Macy

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Everything posted by Big Macy

  1. MARKE JACKSON - ILL NEVER FORGET YOU Vg++ £70..Another great oldie very nice to own. Listen https://youtu.be/y02KfJtm2JY
  2. HERB WARD - HONEST TO GOODNESS Mint £275... the Catacombs monster stomper in stunning condition.. Full gloss clean intact labels, essential for your set. Listen https://youtu.be/00M5xJAYwfw
  3. KINGS GO FORTH- ONE DAY / YOURE THE ONE MINT - . £100. Crossover magic with the flip side getting huge plays. Lovely vinyl clean intact labels..... Don't miss !!! Listen https://youtu.be/30Vak9QChjQ
  4. Rishton Soul Club . Rishton Conservative Club Cliff St - BB1 4EF , 2 till 8 £4 Door After another afternoon of quality soul music here are the details for June 18tth Guest Djs GED PARKER (Top quality spinner get in early) TONY PARKER ( Dont miss allways a superb set ) GLYN HANFORD (Hopevine Burscough) TEZ HOWARTH ( Clitheroe Soul Club) STUART MCINTYRE .( Spitfire Soul Club) £4 Door Tax Ample parking ....cheapest drinks for miles.
  5. THE MALIBUS- GEE BABY. Vg+ Demo £160 Absolute dance floor bomb..... Listen https://youtu.be/csuT5VjKep4
  6. JIVE FIVE - IF I HAD A CHANCE TO LOVE YOU. Vg++ £60.... lovely gloss clean label demo listen..https://youtu.be/ypaSdjHn2YQ UNITED FOUR - SHES PUTTING YOU ON ..Vg+ £60 ..... Some label ware but vinyl is lovely ever poplar . Listen... https://youtu.be/AzI7Kn1j1EA
  7. REDUCED!!! THE TONETTES - I GOTTA KNOW Vg+++ £130 Texas girl dancer superb Listen https://youtu.be/t_5Zis0kpaQ
  8. The Gems - I'll Be There... Mint £70 Full gloss clean labels lovely...
  9. JIMMY B - IF IT WASNT FOR LOVE . EX £65 Full on stomper, dance floor winner perfect for today's fast pace scene in stunning condition. Listen https://youtu.be/xYes4ooozns
  10. UNITED FOUR - SHES PUTTING YOU ON MINT £70 ... Full gloss clean labels.. Philly magic monster double sider.. Listen https://youtu.be/YAWCugPPyKg
  11. Four in very nice condition.... THE SAPPHIRES - GOTTA HAVE YOUR LOVE . MINT DEMO - £90. All-time northern soul classic a must for your box. Label and Vinyl lovely. Listen https://youtu.be/eViotR9P_h0 BUNNY SIGLER - GIRL DONT MAKE ME WAIT VG +++ . £75 .Absolute dance floor bomb with that iconic intro.. classic no two. Listen https://youtu.be/xfdy24k_PqE ETTA JAMES - MELLOW FELLOW. VG+++ £70 Light the fuse and stand back boooom. Listen .. https://youtu.be/SD7bV64cAZI BOB BRADY- EVERY BODYS GOING TO A LOVIN MINT £25. Big dance floor stomper Listen https://youtu.be/O3DJCyigtC8 Post £4 Please pm .
  12. Rishton Soul Club . Rishton Conservative Club Cliff St - BB1 4EF , 2 till 8 £4 After the huge success of our last event here are the details for May 21st Guest Djs IAN" PEP "PEREIRA ( Wigan Casino) PAUL SHIRLEY (Southport Railway Club ) GRAHAM WATKINSON (Hopvine Burscough ) GLYN HANFORD Hopevine Burscough) TEZ HOWARTH ( Clitheroe Soul Club) STUART MCINTYRE .( Spitfire Soul Club) £4 Door Tax ample parking cheapest drinks for miles.
  13. May's sales box open. TRUETONES - HE'S GOT NERVE . £75 EX. SOLD SOLD Rare local label before Josie .. superb listen https://youtu.be/3_AyRGrANqI THE TONETTES - I GOTTA KNOW £150 EX Outstanding tune from the Texas girls.. listen https://youtu.be/t_5Zis0kpaQ DORIS TROY - FACE UP TO THE TRUTH. Mint £135. Simply amazing double sider Demo listen . https://youtu.be/CMUfzqveyyQ JIMMY B- IF IT WASNT FOR LOVE Vg+++ £70 Full on master stomper. Listen. https://youtu.be/ubwjgbl3mP0 WENDY VERNE - BAR B Q .. Mint £50 Twisted Wheel monster dancer . Listen https://youtu.be/AhWHawJYD0k Post £4 please pm. SOLD SOLD
  14. May's sales box open... CAROL WALLER - STOP AND GET A HOLD OF MYSELF. VG+++ £200 Very sought after 70s Wigan monster Demo. Listen SOLD SOLD SOLD https://youtu.be/6SUeL0pDwCg DORIS TROY - FACE UP TO THE TRUTH. Mint £135. Simply amazing double sider Demo listen . https://youtu.be/CMUfzqveyyQ JIMMY B- IF IT WASNT FOR LOVE Vg+++ £70 Full on master stomper. Listen. https://youtu.be/ubwjgbl3mP0 WENDY VERNE - BAR B Q .. Mint £50 Twisted Wheel monster dancer . Listen SOLD SOLD https://youtu.be/AhWHawJYD0k Post £4 please pm.
  15. Great to have you along Jordan... see you both Sunday . Best Stuart
  16. ,Bobby Guitar Wood - Mighty Nice To Know, I'm Gonna love You - Age of Bronze, At least Vg+ Macey
  17. VID-20230406-WA0000.mp4 VID-20230406-WA0000.mp4 SPYDER TURNER- I'VE GOT TO GET MYSELF TOGETHER.- Listen actual record below. Vg++ LAST REDUCTION ..£950 includes post .... *********** TRADES WELCOME ********** OR STAGED PAYMENTS
  18. Now £975 SPYDER TURNER - IVE GOT TO GET MYSELF TOGETHER... £1000 NOW £975 .... make an offer you've nothing to loose !!!! post all in Massive current tune. Vinyl Vg ++ labels clean and intact plays superb listen to actual record. VID-20230406-WA0000.mp4
  19. Happy easter everyone.. SPYDER TURNER - IVE GOT TO GET MYSELF TOGETHER... £1000 Includes top post . Massive current tune. Vinyl Vg ++ labels clean and intact plays superb listen to actual record. VID-20230406-WA0000.mp4
  20. Rishton Soul Club . Rishton Conservative Club Cliff St - BB1 4EF , 2 till 8 £4 After the huge success of our last event here are the details for April 30th Guest Djs Two of Lowtons finest JORDAN WILSON & CHARLIE SMITH + GLYN HANFORD & TEZ HOWARTH DAVE & DIANE SANDERSON STUART MCINTYRE . £4 Door Tax ample parking cheapest drinks for miles.
  21. Thank you everyone it was a mistake I appreciate your kind words .
  22. Nice copy wanted please.... BERNARD WILLIAMS- FOCUSED ON YOU Thanks
  23. This is a free event ...

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