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Everything posted by Backflipboy

  1. Try The Northern Lights Lounge at 660 W Baltimore St, Detroit, MI 48202 Dennis Coffey is there live every Tuesday at 8pm Good food, Very friendly people
  2. £14.99 https://www.myplaydirect.com/demon-music/the-chairmen-of-the-board-the-complete-invictus-studio-recordings-1969-1978/details/105696841?feature-name=new-in&feature=108831266
  3. Just in case anyone is missing this one in their collection ....... https://store.universalmusic.com/udiscover/*/*/The-Complete-Motown-Singles-Vol-12A-1972-CD-7-Box-Set/3JT40000000 Now at £30
  4. Where's my tin hat ........ gonna need it soon methinks !
  5. Yes ...... All Universal owned sites ! I'm tempted on this one too ....... https://greatofferstore.com/*/*/The-Complete-Stax-Volt-Soul-Singles-Vol-2-1968-1971/3H8U0000000?utm_campaign=Febuary+ROCK&utm_content=UMGUK9998-390886&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=GreatOfferStore260215
  6. Just had an email about this price reduction, may interest someone ........ https://greatofferstore.com/*/*/The-Stateside-Motown-7s-Vinyl-Box/3LD50000000?utm_campaign=Febuary+ROCK&utm_content=UMGUK9998-390886&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=GreatOfferStore260215
  7. Only The Strong Survive - Ft Wilson Pickett, Isacc Hayes, Sam Moore, Mary Wilson, Jerry Butler, The Chi Lites ...... excellent movie
  8. CD2 - Brenda Holloway "I Don't Want Anybody Perfect" is duff too ..... drops out at 0:41 :-(
  9. Just downloaded my copy from Google Play ..... Two defective tracks tho', Both Marvin Gaye tracks (Now's She's Gone & Autumn In New York), both cut out into silence ..... Google Play are aware and looking into it ....... What is going on at Universal these days, looks like it's just a money making exercise now :-(
  10. Just in case anyone fancied these but didn't get them last time, just been send a sale list from Universal, and this is on it ....... https://greatofferstore.com/*/Boxset-Offers/Various-Artists-The-Motown-7s-Vinyl-Box-Rare-And-Unreleased/3JT304AZ000 £20 + £5.95 P&P ..... £6.95 if you want it via courier
  11. Just had the Blu ray delivered by Amazon ....... Anyone in Hucknall want to pop round and watch it ?
  12. Strange ...... That website gives a DVD/Bluray release date of Jan/April 2015 ....... You know any different Ian .........
  13. Just ordered my copy on Bluray from Amazon, released 20/10/14 @ £11 ...... Bargain ! https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00LSW6Z8K/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  14. There isn't, but just download & install the kindle reader app on your PC and away you go :-)
  15. For *anyone* who has at least a passing interest in all things Motown ....... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00KQGSHNU/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=P4V7SJN4JOBW&coliid=I3H2A1CYSXYGDS Full of interesting titbits and things you didn't know, all at a give away price ! (Kindle Book) Just got my hands on a copy and thought it was worth letting you all know about it. Kev
  16. Many thanks for the info ........ another satisfied customer !
  17. Got my copy in 2012 and signed by the man himself, order from the link and ask him .......
  18. Have a look here ......... https://www.recordstoreday.co.uk/exclusive-products/2014/?p=7 James Fountain / The Montclairs - Northern Soul - The Film : James Fountain / The Montclairs Also Gloria Jones - Tainted Love Someone might be interested !
  19. Edwin Starr - Headline News ..... Always puts a smile on my face and a spring in my step !
  20. Backfield In Motion - Mel & Tim Let's Go Round Again - Average White Band Always lifts my spirits ..........
  21. Just in case anyone is interested ......... https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/stubborn_kind_of_fellow/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=
  22. Go Here ...... https://soulfuldetroit.com/showthread.php?8296-UMG-Select-Sets-Motown-Singles-Vol-12A-and-12B/page3 to see the single supplied with the box set !
  23. Always loved this one ........ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmSOP1x1GbY Falbala - Magic Band (Not Available On A Comp CD Is It ?)
  24. Thanks Jim, but I will be using it to DJ with and I like everything to be legal and above board, don't want to spend £10 on a vinyl copy and then rip it if it's going to be released as a download for 89p (ish !) Tight Bas%&rd me !

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