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Graham Jarvis

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Everything posted by Graham Jarvis

  1. Is it really? On Ebay there are a number of both different numbers, I also have quite a number of other Motown 45's with differing numbers. When I'm Gone was a big seller, is it really rare? I picked up several copies for both, albeit a long time ago.
  2. If of any help, both US Stk copies of the two different numbers are exactly the same and time 2.05, the US Demo copy is listed at 2.10, but I'm sure it is the same at 2.05, anyway all sound same to me? but maybe I'm deaf!
  3. Wanted: Compilation - US Harvey Records · The Singles Collection · 1961-1963 Format:CD Label:Isis Cat#:ISIS 237 Year:2007
  4. Here the stk copy also on Styrene, sorry forgot to send this
  5. "Old Love (Lets Try It Again)" by the Four Tops was never issued on Album or 45, until 2004 on CD when "Motown Sings Motown Treasures" Vol 2 was issued. If you ever want to review any or all Motown US Albums (on every label), you won't find anything better ever! even including everything by Motown as distributors (CTI etc) : https://www.bsnpubs.com/motown/motown/motown.html The CD issues on Ebay Vol 2 is the hardest to find. "Motown Sings Motown Treasures CD Vol 1+2"
  6. Only issued on 45 in the UK, In the US they issued a very few promo copies Live for Marvin 5.30 mins long. It's on youtube if of any interest:
  7. In the late 1996 t’s. The CD’s that came out by Tim Brown & Martin Kopell, they made reference to the Millionaire who won on the lottery (without any names) and issued the two CD’s. If you have “Millionaires Only” Vol1 inside the sleeve they reference the lottery. (part his"Nick Name" & the other his "Surname")
  8. After a copy of Sidney Barnes Biography
  9. Jack was key to Motown's growth as one of the senior members of staff, it's ironic that there is little information or any details from Motown concerning Jack Gibson, as he joined berry and Motown from 1961 to 1966. Jack was supposedly selling off bootleg Motown Albums in 1966 when Bery sacked him, there is another issue that Berry would have had with Jack. If you have had the opportunity to work out the Miss Motown 45 from the 3 tracks you will also understand the reasons as to why Jack Gibson became a ghost. Big thanks for the pics it supports further everything we now know.
  10. Ray's bio is well worth the read ( presume you have a copy) especially chapter 10, the team had been working throughout 63, and yes they had published songs. However it's the issue of a record that matters, other than one record that was issued in 63 namely: The Chiffons "A Love So Fine" it only happened with the support of the Tokens who wanted the record out as the Chiffons were on a "roll". However in 1964 "Motown NY" issued eleven 45's some of the greatest soul music of all time (i'm biased but it still is) . As good as the 45's were they didn't bring in much cash, Berry wouldn't cough up anymore funds & Ray had to find more money to survive. Desperate for cash, 5000 bootleg pressings turned up, the rest we know. I do believe irrespective of the bootleg records, that the records they had and issued during the early part of 1964 would not have financially secured Motown NY. If there are any of the 12 records sound files that you don't have let me know. I can mail you directly. Thanks.
  11. Eddie would welcome anything if its incorrrect.
  12. Ady thank you for the feedback, appreciate it.
  13. The Miss Motown 45 was pressed (2 copies) arranged by Jack Gibson on a Motown disc and label the record has the Monarch plant Delta numbers in the run-out groove. Like acetates or demo's many records were never issued. The Miss Motown 45 is a very personal gift between two people and not for general sale. It's a very special thing, and there is a story that can be figured out from the 3 tracks as outlined.
  14. It's all correct, Ray became "Miss Motown in 1963, flew out in 63, she got her apartment in 63 , she secured an office in 63. Which I'm well aware of. This is not a piece to dispute 1963. The article is not concerning a detailed piece of work to establish the dates, times, addresses and so on for Ray between leaving Detroit and landing in NY. This is about the Miss Motown 45, and who Miss Motown was, as in 2015 nobody knew. On the 45 record the year 1964 is very clear, Jack Gibson is also named, he knew Ray well, both in Detroit and his regular trips to N.Y. he would have been involved. Was everything really up and running in 1963? it's easy to get an apartment and an office. Ray was back and forward to Detroit, no records were published in 1963 and things were getting really difficult. It's well worth reading Chapter 10 from Ray's bio (below). That's where the 1964 came from. I should have left in the 1963 to 64 passage this would have clarified things, as the Motown year end review was December. (I had to shorten the article). I can change the Ray & Berry section to 63 as it makes things clearer? Thanks for your input, great find on the Billboard article. There is also from Soul source a whole piece on the NY Motown Office and Miss Motown Motown in The Brill Building - Keith Hughes & Andy Rix the first Motown office outside Detroit was in the Brill Building New York
  15. Thanks Robb Yes she flew out to NY in 1963 ( no real date) to set up the office and everything else, it went on into 1964 (not a lot of detail and/or any dates) before the Mary Wells "My Guy" 45 bootlegs. Barney Ales with a few others was then sent over to close down the offices in 1964 (no formal dates that we know) after Berry sent for the FBI, it would have been sometime late summer? . There are few if any dates for any or all of this. Its difficult to make any suggestions of what happened when? We will never know, I do find it fascinating. If you find anything please let me know.
  16. I don't know if or not you have seen a copy of Bartlettes "Motown Master 1959-1989 Off The Record" (99 percent complete) issues and not for sale demo 45's etc (basically everything). Bartlette set about getting everything 12" masters etc. I have a good friend in Detroit and he worked in a 2nd hand record store also in Detroit . He knows Bartlette & from memory Bartlett sold his collection to Berry in the early 2000's, a couple of others used to pick up other Motown 45's from the record store for Berry. Berry owns it and that's it, he dosen't need to do anything with it . Not aware he still receives any missing copies. No doubt he will have someone to look after things.
  17. Morning. You got me thinking concerning was it Berry Gordy that won the "Ebay Miss Motown" ? everything I mentioned is correct as regards Berry's collection, however yesterday I went through all record sales. I also visited "Popsike" as I remember the Ebay Miss Motown record being sold in 2015. My copy I got in 2017. The 2015 ebay copy albeit near mint the label has a ring mark, my copy has no ring marks and is in mint condition. Having then found the Miss Motown record on Popsike the original 2015 sale was there and right below was another Miss Motown sale from 2019. The prices on both are detailed. Then having a look at the 2nd sale copy, it was the 2015 Ebay copy with the black label ringmark. We can finally confirm Berry was not the ebay buyer for that first copy. Thanks for asking the question and it resolves that one. We may never know who the original buyer was.
  18. Thanks & appreciate the ask. The Ebay Miss Motown 45 is "Supposed" (definition: generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so). The reason I think so is that someone was bidding on the 45 with no limit, I accept lots have enough funds to do same but Berry would clearly understand whom Miss Motown was. Everyone else hadn't a clue as to who Miss Motown was ? me included, as I bid on it. Berry however also has the complete Motown 45 collection that he acquired some years ago from Reginald J. Bartlette and he has a number of others that also pick up other 45's that are missing as they turn up. That Miss Motown 45 is not just a Motown record it is a one off special, and neither Berry would have been aware of it until it came to life in 2017. It is an assumption on my part based on the work we did to establish who is "Miss Motown" in that it fits together as what we found as detailed in the article, in demonstrating from 1961-64 the growth of the Motown company and who was involved. In Berry's Bio 1994 "To Be Loved: The Music, The Magic, The Memories Of Motown" he mentions Jack Gibson joining Motown (pages 133 & 134 & pages 244-245) however very brief references. Jack Gibson was with Berry from 1961 to 1966 and he was a key to the growth of Motown but little mention of him, despite everyone at Motown, artists and all knew Jack Gibson very well. We may never know, it's likely but it's a quandary! If you haven't already you must watch and listen carefully to the "Geraldo Youtube" show, particularly Raynoma, it was from that show to be able to go back through Ray's biography and there was Miss Motown.
  19. “Miss Motown” Raynoma Gordy & Jack Gibson By Graham Jarvis "Miss Motown" The "Miss Motown" record (is one of two 45's) that completely surprised, excited and confused any and all "Motown" collectors or "Motown" interest, when one of the two 45's suddenly appeared on "Ebay" in 2015. The 45 record on a Motown Label was a gift to an unknown "Miss Motown" in 1964. This summary is how we finally resolved the "Miss Motown" mystery, following numerous searches, records, listings, archives, Motown DFTMC, and record master's listings etc. During the 1960's it was not unique for any of the key Motown staff to arrange pressing 45's on Motown labels as a one off, or any special events, albeit rare, difficult to find and usually small numbers. Ray & Berry Raynoma (Ray) Liles Gordy - following her marriage breakup in 1963 and the final divorce agreement instigated by Berry Gordy, Ray was then to leave Motown and Detroit. Despite their divorce, they both would still continue to work together, albeit limited with Ray being sent to New York by Berry with a new role for her to set up the "NYC Motown Office" completely away from Detroit in 1963. Bringing things back to the 21st century there was a real challenge concerning the "Miss Motown 45" that just turned up in 2015. It was a complete mystery as to what the record was about and whom it was for? After much searching, amazingly we simply discovered that the "Raynoma (Ray) Liles Gordy Singleton" biography, which was issued in 1990, titled "Berry Me & Motown" provided us with the answer. It was from her own biography that we finally identified and confirmed who the record belonged to and who it was intended for. When it was time for Miss Ray to leave "Detroit" and in the process of moving to NYC in 1963, she then also mentioned that she would now become "Miss Motown". It is then noted from her book that she detailed her new "business name" clearly detailed on: "Page 139 - Chapter 9 - New York -1963 (extract below) namely: "a quick­ change operation in the sky and came out as "Miss Motown". It is worth noting that despite this new name many Motown artists and staff still continued to use her original name as "Miss Ray". The above record links Jack Gibson (Jack the Rapper) to the “Miss Motown 45” which was a personal gift in 1964. This is clearly detailed on the Motown 45 record. We can now also define “Miss Motown” as being Raynoma Gordy (as was): from her book being “Chapter 9. New York” (exert detailed above). Jack Gibson “Jack The Rapper” Originally and not knowing much about Jack Gibson especially his role with Motown, was quite a surprise concerning his critical involvement with the company having worked for Berry Gordy for five years 1961-1966. Details as to the Jack Gibson’s biography “Mellow Yellow” is relevant and also clearly references his role for the period in working for Berry Gordy & Motown from 1961 through to 1966 (Berry Gordy fired Jack Gibson in 1966, allegedly being involved with Motown album bootlegs). Prior to Jack Gibson “Jack the Rapper” moving to Detroit in 1961 he was one of the top DJ’s in the U.S. throughout the late 1950’s and the early 1960’s before he went to work for Berry Gordy and Motown. Jack was originally based on WCIN Radio out of Cincinnati in Ohio. Berry took the opportunity in 1961 for Jack to come to work for Motown. This is detailed in Jack’s biography (namely: Chapter 12 Page 111). He openly agreed to work for Berry from 1961, he continued to commute from his home in Cleveland Ohio due to his family and children as the distance was not too far. The journey being 168 miles from Cleveland to Detroit taking 2hrs 45 mins by car, however he regularly flew to Detroit rather than drive instead. Jack also mentions (Page 122) his birthday being the same date as Stevie Wonder & Mary Wells. He also mentions that all three of them have the same birthday being the 13th of May. Thereafter and for each year it was a huge Motown birthday party for everyone to celebrate! Not only was Jack a good friend of Ray, but also Martha Reeves & The Vandellas, Mary Wells, Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder and others. He regularly went to New York & other cities to visit all of the record & radio stations including the local disc jockeys in promoting records and artists and taking with him some of the current Motown artists. He also had a close relationship with Ray as she was not only a Motown senior partner (originally) but on her leaving Detroit he also supported her in her 1964 move to New York. “MISS MOTOWN” Record The good thing about the Miss Motown 45 in that there is no real purpose anyone would or could press this record other than in 1964, as it being likely that it is Raynoma's voice that had been used for “Jingles” on Jack Gibsons radio shows which was then also used for this specific “Miss Motown” record. Only Jack Gibson would have the recordings that he then used on this 45 or on his regular radio show. Jack had access to a number of pressing plants that he would use, he then utilised his recordings of the voice on tape(s) or acetate as per the record gift as detailed on the 45. None of any recordings of either Jack Gibson or Raynoma Gordy from 1963/64 exist, this included anything for those with access to any relevant data concerning Jack Gibson and any Jingles. Any potential existing or unissued sound files that were also from the early sixties and / or any voice recordings, again were not available either. As regards the Miss Motown 45 from 1964 up to the year 2015 no one knew anything about "Miss Motown" or the Motown 45 record (complete with the 6t’s “Delta Release Number” in the runout groove). When the first copy turned up in 2015 most Motown “junkies” or collectors were surprised, excited, curious or dismissive, and/or an attempt in bidding on this record listed on Ebay. Quite a number watched the bidding and many also actually decided to bid on this rarity, however many missed the copy as it sold for over $300. The follow up discussions on the back of this specific 45. appearing in 2015 was just guess work, many also trashed the record as nobody had any ideas concerning “Miss Motown” or “Jack Gibson” with it being a complete mystery. It is supposed that Berry Gordy secured the Ebay Miss Motown 45 in 2015. Only two copies exist, the second copy turned up at the same time and was sold to a UK dealer. On finally establishing who Jack Gibson & Miss Motown were, we then looked to establish the sound files and the voice on the record. We already had Raynoma’s voice, as “Little Iva” (Pseudonym) and also with the two girl groups she sang with, around 1959, (Cute-Teens on Aladdin being one). More importantly in more recent years we have open access to two “Youtube Motown Shows” being: "Joan Collins & Geraldo” “The Joan Rivers Show” Both having “Raynoma Liles Gordy Singleton” as a guest, giving us for the first time the chance to hear her voice in full conversation(s). Summary There is then a story as to the purpose of the rare Miss Motown record as a special gift as clearly detailed on the Motown 45: “Very Personal and Very Special Thanks” Without “Raynoma (Ray) Liles Gordy Singleton” there would have been no Motown. She was key to everything that happened with both Berry & Motown in its infant years. Jack Gibson was also with Motown in the early years and worked in Detroit from 1961 to 1966, both Jack & Raynoma were also very good friends. The “45 Record” says it all, but it is your own view of the “Special Record” and the main purpose of the record when given to Raynoma by Jack Gibson. This is a key part of Motown’s history as “Miss Motown” was a joint owner of Motown along with Berry Gordy until their divorce. When Ray moved to New York the output from the N.Y. Motown office was some of the greatest none Motown Label Soul 45’s providing some of the most sort after “Northern Soul” records out of the N.Y. office and later from L.A. This Miss Motown 45 is a key part of the Motown history that Raynoma had kept to herself for all those years until she passed away. It was only then that the two known copies surfaced, it took several years of searching before being able to establish this rare and specific “Motown Special” that left behind a very personal gift between two of the senior staff, (Berry aside) that were both involved in helping build Motown. Record Title “JUST FOR YOU” & A Very Special Thanks The Record Tracks 1) About the Weather What time is it? What’s the weather going to be like today? Well, what’s the temperature right now? What’s the high for today? What’s the low? Be sure to bundle up because it’s cold outside? Carry your umbrellas cause it's raining? It's such a dreary day? So hot today? It’s so cold today? It’s so sunny & warm outside? Drive carefully? Cause the roads are bad? Be Extra careful going home? Traffics awful heavy? Have you got any new records? Play one just for Me? 2) About The Records & The DJ Play Me Something groovy? Play me something mellow? Oh that sure sounds good? Can I hear a little more for that one? Gee but you play some swinging records? Who’s on next? How’s my favourite guy today? You are looking very good? So Sharp? What you Say? Will I see you tomorrow? Please come back & see Me? Same time same place? 3) Greetings & nonsense Bye now? Hi sugar, sugar? Bye, bye, sugar, sugar? Final Summary Raynoma Mayberry Liles Gordy Singleton sadly passed away 11 November 2016. We can only presume that Raynoma had disposed of the records just before she passed away in 2016. It is then likely that any records and other things would have been disposed of or given away. It was in 2015 that the two records were then sold, the records might have had no interest or value to anyone else at that time. Jack Gibson passed away 30 January 2000. Nothing from Jack Gibson following his death was anything to do with Motown concerning any effects or documents that are known. There is also an irony to both of their biographies in that neither mentioned each other. However, Jack passed away in the year 2000. He never got to see his biography as it was not until 2015 that Walker Smith published Jack’s book “Mellow Yellow”. He knew Jack Gibson well and from 1997 through to Jacks death in 2000, Jack wrote his own story via Walker Smith before he died. Concerning the two biographies and any references including the copyright is the ownership of the two individuals concerned and / or their families. This also includes any and all photographs being the courtesy of the rightful owners. Graham Jarvis. Oct 2022.
  20. The "Miss Motown" record (is one of two 45's) that completely surprised, excited and confused any and all "Motown" collectors or "Motown" interest, when one of the two 45's suddenly appeared on "Ebay" in 2015. Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  21. I have so many 45's with DR markers , one Demo by the Downbeats.
  22. No 3 of the list

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