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Everything posted by Soulboy60

  1. Well I don't think there's any need for me to scan my copy of this record. I would say it's definitely a boot of te demo with the fake 'H'. It's not colour it should be ( it's a shade of cream) and it's not flexible (unless you want to snap it) like it should be. But it plays fine for a ,.. Thanks to everyone for their help.
  2. No Chalky, don't have a scan, I'll try and get one on here in the next couple of day. I'm pretty sure though that mines the 70ts boot with the fake 'H' stamp. Can't remember where I got it from but I've had it a long long long time and it's never occurred to me to check it.
  3. So I've been looking for a thread on James bounty 'Prove yourself a lady' demo, but can I find the one I want? NO So I'll just ask you lot out there. How do you tell an original demo from the boot demo? I have one, looks right I think, has an 'H' stamped in. But I'm not sure. Is there a definitive answer to this question as so far what I have managed to read here is a little bit vague. 3 presses? flexi vinyl? off white? slightly creamy white? scratched matrix? What is it exactly? I know someone here knows the answer.
  4. Samplat, that's great, thank you. I'll go and check the disc again see if I can see the other markings.
  5. Trev, it'll be great if you can tell me what's in it when you access your copy. I just find it a little strange that there's nothing else going on but the stamp.
  6. Can anyone tell me what's supposed to be in the dead wax of this record? I'm looking to buy one from a friend, all it's got is the Nashvile Matrix stamp in it, is that it, no other markings? Can someone help!? Ta!
  7. There's one on ebay right now for £800.
  8. Well, every day is a school day as they say. Thanks everyone for all this great info, I had no idea of the history behind this record but now I do thanks to you all. Sounds like I should have bought one years ago when they were cheap.
  9. Can anyone tell me about 'The Magnetics-I have a girl, is it vinyl, is it styrene, is the matrix stamped is it etched, how do you tell an original from the very convincing boot? I've never seen an original or in fact the boot so have no idea.
  10. Hi Ramsgate NS. where is the venue you've opened in Ramsgate?
  11. This was such a brilliant event! I urge anybody into Northern living in the South/South East (or anywhere in fact) to check this club out.
  12. NAD 3130, awesome amp, has everything you need.
  13. Oh yeah, real soul,..
  14. I agree, Never revive it! Absolutely awful.
  15. I think it got to 38 in the R&B chart if I remember rightly. Great tune, not Northern or club worthy in my opinion. Ella has a fantastic voice but it's all a bit to noisy, to much guitar.
  16. You get my vote on all 3 of these,.. Utter Shite
  17. Ahhhh,. you're breaking my heartbeat up now.
  18. Eddie Foster!,... Well,. I never knew. Or does it????
  19. Great to know someone's spinning 'World Column', it is a superb tune. Remember first hearing it at Cleethorpes Talk of the North, completely blew me away. Dancing to it need's some energy, it's a true stomper. When it comes to 'Lee Roye' I actually have a copy albeit a re-issue however I never play it.
  20. Another couple I'd love to reactivate. The Trip - Dave Mitchel and the Screamers, and 'So Is The Sun - World Column'. Two banging 100mph dancers, though I'd probably slip a disc trying to dance to these now.
  21. I'll give you one,.. 'Tears - Lee Roye'. Controversial I know, I just find this tune weak and soulless. Burn it.
  22. Chocolate syrup,... OH YEAH! John Miles??? Well I wouldn't burn it but I wouldn't care if I never heard it again.
  23. I say have as many go's as you like,... roll up, roll up, to the great forgettables extravaganza!
  24. Billy Arnell and the Sparkles????? Sounds like a musical interlude on the likes of the Des O'Conner show.

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