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good angel

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Everything posted by good angel

  1. Young Girl,it is a great tune,of more innocent times,I dont think he would get away with the lyrics nowadays Kev.
  2. WAR, Edwin Starr. Its quite apt for today with Afghanistan. Kev
  4. Iam stopping alnight, and having a dance and not buggering off after my set. Kev
  5. Samantha,on a weekend Burt,the rest of the week. Kev
  6. Ken, It is after 11pm he as probably gone to bed,bloody nighters Kev
  7. Iam totally with the promoter on this one,why should you just walk in? Anyway you cant stand nighter music,and getting ripped off. Kev
  8. [quote name='BigPaul' date='24 May 2010 - 10:53 PM' timestamp='1274738005' post='1337 No fucking male bonding Hugs thjough. Im an ex-collier.
  9. [quote name='123-motown' date='22 May 2010 - 12:08 AM' timestamp='1274483306' post='1335949' Don't wanna do the Wigan v Mecca thread again , BUT I have a live tape of an unknown DJ at Wigan slagging off the sounds played at the Mecca for a good 5 mins during his spot ,and how the scene in general should ban the current " disco " sounds , I think mid 77 , can you imagine nowadays standing at a venue and a DJ doing this , to be met by a huge applause !!!!!!!, OH YES ONE BIG SOUL FAMILY INDEED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I think a Bobby Taylor group? Kev
  11. I think one or two weekenders have a affect on nighter attendance,but not many, weekenders are mainly for the soul night disco brigade. Kev
  12. If you have one room with a mix of tunes,why have a second room Kev
  13. Simon, Iam glad you've sorted a new venue,mate. Keep in touch,Kev
  14. Its been officially dieing for 32,years then. Kev
  15. Darcyboy, Me and you have very same opinions A lot pub disco's soul nights,are knocking shops,and how many pints you can drink. Its many years since ive been to a soul disco at a pub,it used to make me grind my teeth,and could'nt wait to get home. The driving force is the nighter scene. Lifeline,and the like. Kev
  16. Great venue,but its takes a big chunk of your time out of the weekend getting there and back,then like others have said the cost of travel. And vica versa how many Londoners do you see up north,you only see them now and again. Kev.
  17. I have a Newcastle brown then. Kev
  18. Imberboy(The Snake)Simon, I totally agee with your way of thinking. Are you coming to Lifeline,Then? Kev.
  19. Youtube,has got a clip from T,E,B. from 87 Kev
  20. Been doing abit of digging, Frankie Vance,is Frank Wilson,but like Mr,Roberts,says not the Motown one. Jimmy Graham,was Jimmy Conwell. Kev
  21. Who was Frankie Vance.? And who was Jimmy Graham? Kev
  22. When I saw the Jnr Walkers record,the dealer said its already been sold and it was worth more,because of the mistake, cant remember the price that she told me Kev.

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