Someone was on about Fossil Soul,but what is it?
Is it the same old stuff being played,or is it the people dressing in the same style from 30 0r 40 years ago?
you know me and I never want to fall out with anybody.
but like you say take this weekend for example.
As said some fixtures are made last year.
We plan our nighters schedule months ahead,Iam only a punter,and then low and behold there are another one or two nighters added to the same saturday,sometimes just a month before.
Whats up are the people that was doing Soul nights moving into nighter territory and flooding that market aswell, there is only a so many of us to go around.
Ive had my say now,and will say no more.
Any thoughts?
We went to Nelson,dont ask I had my psycho head on when I walked in.
Very good night,it seemed like we was only there for a couple of hours,sign of a good night.
nice to meet some of the ss gang,Tabs said Vicky was looking for me?
it looks like 2,cars,and I will be driving one,Davids has got John&Deb with him at the moment.
So its me and thee and Jon,in our vehicle.
Hopefully I will be fully recovered by then,I will txt you in the week.
8pm pick up, all being well.
Remember standing outside with one or two others about 4am looking across Bretby golf course steaming like a racehorse.
and Sam Moore,p*ssing his self laughing at me when I walked in covered in snow,I looked like a snowman,hey there was a blizzard going on outside.
Happy times.