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good angel

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Everything posted by good angel

  1. I dont think even I could tackle BETTYS HOT POT. All the best,Kev
  2. Just being nosey, When was your first nighter,Mine was 1975,Samanthas,We caught the train from Burton station,Me and Brendon Forster,Beddy,Andy Fletcher. I think it was £1.20 to get in. Kind Regards,Kev,Jarvis Ps,Iam at Keele on the 2nd of Sept..
  3. Steve, Iam mainly a Allnighter fan,Ive always siad that Soul Nights Are like kissing your sister,its not the real thing. Regards-Kev.
  4. Dave, In the, All the music guide to Soul.book it says, Soul music was the result of the urbanization and commercialization of R&B in the early 60s. I imagine it was pop R&B. All the best,Kev,Jarvis.
  5. Pete, I think you can get around the tax,If the person sends it to you as a gift. All the best,Kev,Jarvis.
  6. Yes Miss Vixen. I also appear with the old fashioned Y fronts, X Coal board Issue grey that pulled up fit snug under your armpits. All the best,Kev,J.
  7. Yes 3 b4 8,or Ill be,SLOWLY MOLDING. Kev,J.
  8. Buster,There is a Weatherspoons,not far from the car park just across the road,from the Civic centre, CHEAP BEER.MMMMMM All the best,Kev J. PS.I Hope Im there in time to get a drink.And I take 3 shirts to Nighters.
  9. There was no stickers on my copy All the best Kev
  10. I got mine for 10p in a junk shop,on a Canyon demo,about 1976 All the best,Kev.
  11. In Dolly Land is warm all the time,and can you see the mountains. Kev
  12. Tell me who had bigger hits,than Are DOLLY Kev
  13. Mr,Frankie Valli,is 69,today Kev
  14. How about ,She she blew a good thing, and Im up alnight? God Bless,Kev
  15. Ave look at www.chargrilled.co.uk. Il ike the bird flu one. Kev
  16. Is it true Betty was not wearing any knickers that night on stage? I was far to young to be there. All best, Kev.
  17. Fantastic,That will make a good Frizby :fool: Sorry. Kev.
  18. Just think what we have sold,I went to Sams with a hand full of mint Okey, singles,Too late,&Sandi Sheldon,The most I got was £2.50p and that was for,Too Late,with a picture cover. Kev. £
  19. Lets just think what we have sold years ago,I remeber going to Sams,with hand full of Okey singles, I think the most was £2 for To late,mint copy with a picture cover Kev.
  20. Dont get the the french Ep copy.The sound is low. Kev.

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