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good angel

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Everything posted by good angel

  1. Did, Josey and Pussycats.go out on this lable? Kev.
  2. Alright Spanner,I just didnt wanted to mention you had a lovely dress on Kev
  3. Ganche, Do what I do at none, soul dances make out you have got bad leg, and cant dance. The worst for me was at a 50th birthday party,my Mrs knew the dj,and told him I went to Allnighters,and left it at that,the next thing the dj Twat, put FCUKING FOOTSEE on for Kev , I ran and hid in the Toilets,till it had finished. Kev,
  4. Roccia, Dying at the 100 Club? Are you a undead. Sorry Roccia,I must get glasses for 2007. Happy New Year,Kev.
  5. John Vincent,used to cover one up,as the Soul Agents, and I cant think what it was called Kev.
  6. For me the high'light for me was Keele,on the 16th December just a great Allnighter, with good friends. Regards,Kev.
  7. Hi yer, Try, The In Crowd, By Ritson&Russell. Beecool Books. Its been out for a few years now, but its a good read. Regards,Kev.
  8. This, 35 degrees on Xmas Day, Luvverly Whats this record sound like, is it Rare? And good choice of rare sounds did you rob a bank. Have good Xmas, its 3c Here in Sunny Derbyshire. Regards,Kev.
  9. A true Great Soul artist has gone. R.I.P. MR,JAMES,BROWN. Kev
  10. Ive sent you a P.m. with Cols contact details. Kev.
  11. Please Santa, send me the complete Shrine,catalogue,and Chess/Cadet/Checker/Argo, Thats all I want, Santa PLEASE,PLEASE. I have been a good boy. Kev
  12. Any body,seen a copy of Sam Nesbit, Black Mother Goose,on the British (444) lable ive heard there is at least one copy out there. Regards,Kev.
  13. Gene Toones,was first played by everybodys mate, Ian Lavine Kev.
  14. I sold a Williams&Watson, Too Late.at Samanthas with a picture cover,£2 or £3 only, Its got my name in the run out groove. Regards,Kev.
  15. Cookie, I thought you played R&B. Kind Regards,Kev
  16. Taxi for Mr,Rimmer he as created a monster Regards,Kev.
  17. There was a blues singer,Ronnie Lovejoy I wonder if he was a relation? Kev.
  18. Burton-On-Trent,76,Club. And just outside in gods county of Derbyshire,Bretby. Kev.
  19. Can anyone tell me the price for,Patti Austin, I Wanna Be Loved. On Coral. Kev
  20. The Patti Austin Record,I Wanna Be Loved,on Coral. how many pennies is it? Kev.
  21. Pete, What about a apology for are Barrrrbara Regards, Kev. P.S. Rams 5th, Now Pete
  22. Whats this Pete, I love my Barrrrrbara Dont knock it till you have tried it. The Bobby Kline,record is very good sound It wouldnt do for us all to like the same and follow like sheep Kev.
  23. It just shows you, Nostalgia is not what it was. Regards,Kev.
  24. It just shows you, you cant educate pork

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