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good angel

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Everything posted by good angel

  1. Who made them good copys(boots)of the Yum Yums,in the 70s? I sold mine for a bob or two,as a boot. Kev.
  2. I had a yellow vinyl copy,I bet that must have been a boot,any info on that. Kev.
  3. Paul, The 100 club,is not that big A Great Club Kev.
  4. It came out on,Charly CD,UP ALL NIGHT,Vol 1.cpcd 8216. Mark Bicknell,told me years ago Ady played it at the 100 club,off a acetate. Kev.
  5. Come to think of it,my aunt who more like a sister was 8 years older than me, used to play soul records to me, this would be mid 60s.that would become later known as Northern soul. Kev.
  6. Pete, was it a Bluey Kev
  7. Hazy shade of winter By Simon and Garfunkel. Good tune Kev
  8. Tone ,Two years teaching them how to talk,then the rest of your life telling them to shut up Kev
  9. Getting your feet warm,when they have been cold, Mmmmmmmm. Kev
  10. More like are, loo Kev
  11. Dr Who,ARE YOU Mr,Rimmer. Watch out for them Daleks. All the best,Kev.
  12. And John,going in some rough places to find them,Ive been in with some dodgy people to find them in the states. Kev
  13. CHING,CHING £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ happy New Year,John. Kind Regards,Kev
  14. He is on Ken Bruce's show on Radio 2,with his top 10 this coming week. Kev.
  15. What was your first record,that you was told it was Northern soul,mine was Billy Butler,Right Track.At a youth club,The older lads said they heard it before in the clubs. Regards,Kev.
  16. A up Mark, I remember telling some one on here,how much I paid for a record I think 10p from a junk shop years ago,they got snotty with me. You know how it is with a record,you just have feeling its going be a good'en. Kind Regards,Kev.
  17. Mark, was when you was a youg lad,Queuing up for broken biscuits with your mam, after the war Kind Regards,Kev. :wicked
  18. Thanks,Derek KEV
  19. Can any of you nice folk out there give me info on, The Way You Treat Your Woman.By Big Mac. Kev.
  20. No, she was a Nurse. Nurse's never bite their,nails :secret: Kev.
  21. Stuart,there must be a law against it. Watch it mate, the R.S.P.C.A. will be after you
  22. Thanks,Tone for the info. Happy New Year. Kev.
  24. Remember your only here for a short weekend,make the most of it. A VERY,VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR, TO ONE AND ALL. Kev.
  25. It waas a Hanna Barberra cartoon band Patrice Holloway, was in the band and Cheryl Ladd

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