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good angel

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Everything posted by good angel

  1. Its time some DJs realised its dance music,that they should play be it 60s or newies,some DJs play records that are good soul sounds but not dancers,this is when they land on their arses. Kev
  2. I have been to soul nites with very upfront values to find (and hate to say this) a bunch of boring chin scratchers.. I think the saying is there is nowt as fickle as folk...
  3. I can think of one soul night around here,your as just as well putting a N/S,cd on in the pub,all the punters want do is get p#ssed and use the place as a knocking shop. Kev
  4. Yes you are right Billy,about the smoking thing,but for us none smokers its better we dont stink of smoke in the morning,and Iam not coughing up in a morning after a allnighter as well. On Over kill, I can only speak about allnigters,If there is a big nighter like say Stoke, that affects the other nighters attendance either side of the date of Stoke ive noticed. Kev
  5. Billy, Its on soulclub. Kev Remember its,The Satisfactions.
  6. Phil, Your totally right,go with your conviction and remember every record was a cheap throw away at one time,how many sounds have been found in junk shops or warehouses not wanted,till they get played a few times,then take off. Kev
  7. Just watch your back
  8. Mr,Levine,Had the Clyde Mcphatter,track transferred to a 45,if I remember right. And Bobby Hutton was LP,only. Kev
  9. Victoria, is beautiful,on the ferry out there, some times you can get to see Whales. Cant remember a record shop near the stadium,best thing to do is look in the yellow pages when you get there. Kev
  10. I totally agree Chalky,the man blows you away with his records,whats his best sound he's found? Kev
  12. Mark, The Primers,what a record a proper N/ dancer. Kev
  13. Yes,It was a Yum Yums, lookalike boot that I sold for £150, 5 years ago. Kev
  14. I got £150 for a look a like boot,about 5years ago. Kev
  15. Cunnie, I had forgot about that,Mr,Levine mate. Kev
  16. What about a Northern Soul X Factor, plus a celeb dance competition.to be filmed at a weekender, If they can make money out of it they will do it.It could happen Kev
  17. Was it Five and a penny did a version of, You dont know where your interest lies,on Polydor records. And yes way back, my Dana Valery was on the boot, Pussycat it looked nice label,the innocents of youth Kev
  18. Numbers make atmosphere,I can only speak on allnighters,that all I attend,can you imagine having a 100 in the Kings Hall? It makes my heart sink when I walk in to a place with a poor turn out,them few people cant keep the dance floor full allnight by then you lose that atmosphere whats is so special about are scene. And remember its dance music to dance to,not to sit about rubbing your chins. Kev
  19. I had 1973-1980, Blues & Soul,then when I moved 7 years ago,they all went in to the recycling bin. Kev
  20. Thats a big wallet Dave, or is it your beer money Kev
  21. Didnt Kenny,have his car broken into a few years ago,but they left his records? Kev
  22. I had a couple of records disappear out my box years ago,on stage while my box was open so keep your eyes on it at all times,I hope the b#stards fingers dropped off. Kev
  23. I had one marked up, Crystal Ballroom, any Ideas. Kev
  24. Jo, One thing ive found out if you go commado,it keeps flys off your lolly Kev
  25. The bog standard record is £15 now,but why? some of these records in the 70s, was 30p and one or two for 10p. Kev.

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